The Thunderbirds Lexicon
by Kristin D.

["Thunderbirds" and the related characters and indicia are the property of Carlton International; all rights reserved. This work is the property of Kristin D. and may not be reprinted or published elsewhere without her written permission.]


Aeronautical Research Station: Research base for the AL-4. Carela & Jenkins stage a fake rescue to break in the base's underground vault in order to steal the plans for the AL-4 craft. (IMP).

Agent Tiger 4: BSS Agent Southern's code name. (30M).

AL-4: Prototype aircraft capable of accelerated light-speed. It's top secret plans are stored in an underground vault at the Aeronautical Research Station. (IMP).

Albert: An attendant on the Paris to Anderbad express train which Penelope & Sir. Jeremy are aboard. He is clubbed and thrown from the train by Dr. Godber who takes his place. (PPn).

Allington Bridge: A suspension bridge in England, which was first thought to be damaged by a severe storm. The bridge collapses under the massive weight of the Martian Space Probe. (DD).

Allpets Co.: Manufacturer of a line of pet that use the aquatic fungus OD60 as a primary ingredient in many of its products. (DOD).

Alsterene: A highly combustible liquid fuel. When placed in close proximity with OD60, it creates a dense fog which also acts as high impedence communications interference, followed by a violent explosive reaction. Ocean Pioneers I & II were carrying liquid alsterene as its cargo. (DOD).

Ambro River: Located in the Southern Gulf region, Orchard & McGill have a laboratory in this area where they have developed the growth compound Theramine. (AA).

Anderbad: A city located in the Swiss Alps. Professor Borrender was headed from Paris to Anderbad when he disappeared. Penelope & Sir Jeremy travel there to initiate a search for him. (PPn).

Anderbad Express: A monotrain originating from Paris. Penelope & Sir Jeremy book passage on the nighttime express only to fall into Dr. Godber's trap. Penelope also narrowly escapes being bound and placed into the path of the next express. (PPn).

Anderbad Tunnel: A 35-40 mile long tunnel deep in the Alps just outside of Anderbad. It's position deep within the Alpine Belt makes it impervious to outside communications from within the tunnel. Midway through it is a control center which monitors and controls all train traffic going in & out. Dr.Godber & Roache is holding Professor Borrender hostage and also Penelope & Sir Jeremy as well. (PPn).

Asher, Colonel: Mission commander aboard the Sun Probe Rocket mission. (SPb).

Ashton, Captain: Chief pilot and overseer of the new Skythrust aircraft. While in Paris, at the request of Lady Penelope, he agrees to host Francois Lemaire's fashion show aboard Skythrust for security reasons. (AMH).

Atomic Irrigation Station: Atomic powered stations which desalinates sea water for irrigation use. The Hood accidently destroyed the first station located in Australia which nearly caused the evacuation of Melbourne. A second station located in the Sahara is also sabotaged by the Hood in order to use the Mighty Atom to capture footage of Thunderbirds 1 & 2. (MA).

Atomus Engines: Primary propulsion of the Fireflash SST aircraft. 6 Atomus engines power Fireflash.

Auto Bomb Explosive Unit: Motion sensitive explosive placed in the landing gear of the Fireflash by the Hood to prevent it from landing. (TTS).

Automatic Counter: A device used by Penelope to count the sheep on her ranch at Bonga Bonga. Obviously, it needed to be calibrated. (AI).

Automatic X-Ray Camera: A turret mounted camera located in the control tower at London Airport. Used to photograph the interior of passing aircraft, it helped to locate the Hood's bomb inside Fireflash. (TTS).


Banino: A bartender and bouncer in the lounge at Paradise Peaks, also one of Olsen's henchmen. Olsen orders him to dispose of Penelope & Tin Tin when the two spy at Olsen's chalet. But Parker intercedes on the girls' behalf. (CHm).

Base Camp Salaar: Base headquarters for Lindsey & Wilson during their mission to find the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides.(UNV).

Beads: The beads worn by Penelope in her portrait at Tracy Villa. The beads flash when she sends an emergency coded message. They are pink of course.

Benson, Colonel: Project director of the Sun Probe space missions based out of Cape Kennedy. (SPb), (PPn).

Bingo: Game organized by Parker to keep the guests occupied during the crisis at Monte Bianco. It's not just's Lord Parker's Bingo! (LPO).

Blackmar: Industrialist invited by Orchard & McGill to demonstrate the growth compound Theramine. (AA).

Blakely, Professor: Eccentric archeologist who joins Brains & Tin Tin at Lake Anasta to search for sunken treasure. (DI).

Bletcher: Movie producer of Martian Invasion. The Hood disguised as Mr. Stutt promises Bletcher a payoff for his silence while the hood films Thunderbirds 1 & 2. (MI).

Bondson: An agent of the British Security Service, He contacts International Rescue to help him recover stolen top-secret nuclear plans. He is reminded my Lady Penelope that it is against IR policy to engage in police or espionage matters.(MI5).

Bonga Bonga: Australian sheep ranch owned by the Creighton-Ward family. Penelope invites Jeff Tracy there for a vacation. (AI).

Boostar Mortar: A tractor mounted mortar cannon. This vehicle is used to launch a capsule containing escape harnesses for Jim & Stan to escape from the soon to collapse Tele-Relay station tower. (EI).

Borrender, Professor: Scientist, who teamed up with Sir Jeremy Hodge to develop a new hybrid fuel derived from seawater. After an international conference in Paris, he disappears on route to Anderbad. Sir Jeremy & Penelope travel to Anderbad to search for him. (PPn).

BR-2: Flashy, bright red race car which contains a new engine developed by Brains, driven by Alan Tracy to win the auto race at Parola Sands. Gomez & Gillespie steal the BR-2 in order to discover the secret of the fast car, but they run off a cliff while trying to outrun Thunderbird 1. (MYD).

Braman: Robot developed by Brains, which is being programmed to among other things, to beat Brains at chess. After being loaded on Thunderbird 2 by mistake, Braman is instrumental in calculating the transmitter frequency needed to save Thunderbird 3 from a collision course with the sun. (SPb).

Bracelets: Wristwatch size high explosive device which requires a special key to unlock. Tom Prescott, (against his will) Dempsey, Kenyon & BSS Agent Southern had to wear these devices in an attempt to sabotage the British Plutonium Facility. (30M).

British Security Service: Prime security & intelligence force for all of England. It's operations and protocols are similar to the CIA & the US Secret Service.

British Telecommunications Ltd.: Owner and operator of the Tele-Relay station tower destroyed after Red Arrow 2 crashes into it. (EI).

Bron, General: Enemy commander, who commisions the services of The Hood to sabotage the Red Arrow fighter projects. (EI).

Brophy: Partnered with Chandler to rig a roulette wheel at the Grande Hotel. (DA).

Bruno: Faccini's clairvoyant assistant at the Hotel Monte Bianco. He is apprehensive about the new solar generating station, he predicts a disaster will happen, it did happen! The generator dish in its position on the side of a cliff after being damaged following a severe storm threatens to concentrate the sun's rays on the town. (LPO).

Burroughs, Lieutenant: Co-pilot aboard the new aircraft Skythrust. (AMH).


Cafe' Atalante: Popular Paris restaurant & bar frequented by Lady Penelope & her associates. It is known to serve such a pretty Pernod.

Camera Control Console: Used by Director Goldheimer in the shooting of Martian Invasion. He can control and monitor six remote control cameras on one console, each camera can also work independently. A disguised Hood uses a hilltop-mounted camera to film Thunderbird 1. Scott & Goldheimer review footage from all the cameras from the control console. The film used in the cameras is non-magnetic, which prevents Thunderbird 1 from electromagnetically wiping it clean. (MI).

Camp: Flight officer aboard the the Sun Probe rocket mission. (SPb).

Candelabra: Penelope has an IR transmitter/receiver cleverly disguised as a dining room candelabra.

Cape Kennedy: Main headquarters for the Sun Probe project. (SPb), (PPn).

Carela: Partnered with Jenkins in the theft of the plans for the AL-4 plans. (IMP).

Carnaby, Cass: Bandleader of the Cass Carnaby Five, who has a chart topping hit "Dangerous Game". Unknown to him, this song was being used by Manager/Arranger Olsen to sabotage RTL-2 flights while the band performs at Paradise Peaks. Cleared of any wrongdoing, Carnaby went on to perform at Monte Bianco & other venues.

Carter, Joe, Blanche, & Tom: Family who were trapped in an underground corridor at Thompson Tower when a fire engulfed the complex. The Carters were rescued by Scott & Virgil by using the Mole and Oxyhydite. (CF).

Casey, Colonel Tim: Project coordinator of the Red Arrow fighter tests. He was briefly removed from the project after Red Arrow 1 crashed. He was later reinstated when it was discovered that the Hood was behind the Red Arrow sabotage. (EI).

Cham-Cham: An ingenious computer device which deciphers ultrasonic harmonic notes & microtones in music, which can be translated into various phonetic languages. Olsen uses this device to sabotage RTL-2 flights. (CHm).

Champagne: Penelope uses a bottle of it to christen Ocean Pioneer II, she didn't think it had much of a bang. Little did she know, Parker replaced the champagne with sparkling Vichy water until Penelope found him drunk in FAB 1. (DOD).

Chandler: Operator with Brophy of a rigged roulette table to bilk the Duchess of Royston out of her money at the Grande Hotel Casino. (DA).

Charity Springs Mine: A disused tin mine located in Northern Territory Australia near Densley Tracking Station. The Hood launches a grenade into one of the mine's tunnels to trap Bob & Tony inside while he attempts to steal satellite data from Dr. Williams. The boys are rescued just before the tunnel caves in. (CW).

Cheng: Employee at Gray & Houseman Construction Co. (ER).

Christmas Rocket: Rocket carrying Christmas presents in its payload (and two bank robbers). Launched from the roof of Harmans Department Store bound for Coralville Children's Hospital. (GTM).

Clayton, Dave: Assistant operator at Allington Bridge who's finally convinced that Brains is trying to help them recover the crew of the submerged Martian Probe capsule. (DD).

Cliff House: Constructed in a cliff wall on Tracy Island. It houses guest accomadations and the Landing Control Room. Hidden below, and cleverly behind a retractable rock wall is Thunderbird 2's hangar.

Collins: An accomplice with Madeline & Ross who are attempting to steal Francois Lemaire's creation Penelon. (AMH).

Cook, Ned: Newscaster/Reporter of World TV & NTBS He tries to film footage of Thunderbird 1 forcing Scott to electro-magnetically erace the film. He subsequently becomes trapped along with a cameraman during the collapse of the Empire State Building. They are rescued by Gordon in Thunderbird 4. Cook has a lot to thank International Rescue for. (TNYC).

Coralville Children's Hospital: Destination for the Christmas Rocket & who is raising funds for a new solar therapy wing. The staff's capture of Straker & Scobie and the reward that came with put them that much closer to their goal. (GTM).

Crablogger: A gigantic robotic lumber & wood processing vehicle. Developed by Jim Lucas of Robotics International, it consists of two sections, the front section saws and debarks timbers, the second section processes wood pulp which is then packed into barrels. The Crablogger goes off course when the crew is stricken with severe food poisoning. It creates a swath of destruction through the village of San Martino and stops just short of the soon to be completed San Martino Dam before it crashes. (POD).

Creighton-Ward, Lady Penelope: London Agent of International Rescue. Blonde, blue eyed Penelope is the daughter of Sir Hugh & Amelia Creighton-Ward. She was educated at Hightower & Rowden before attending finishing school in Switzerland. Inheriting her father's spirit, determination and insatiable appetite for action and intrigue, she rejected aristocratic life after finishing her education by joining the British Security Service as an operative. It was there where she met Jeff Tracy and immediately accepted his invitation to join International Rescue. Working from Creighton-Ward Mansion with her assistant Aloysius Parker she appears to be just as much a member of the British aristocracy. But with her icy cool demeanor & nerves of steel, Penelope has proven to be a very valuable member of the IR organization.

Creighton-Ward Mansion: Located at Foxleyheath near Kent in southern England. It is built on the site of a Norman castle.

Culp: Boatman on the Ambro River. He tries to steal the compound Theramine, he accidently pours a portion of it down the drain and into the river. He is later attacked by one of the giant alligators. (AA).

Cyclonic Batteries:Storage units for electricity at the Monte Bianco solar power station. They are used to provide nighttime power for the city. (LPO).


Dandridge, Wilbur III: CEO of Gazelle Automations Inc. A friend of Jeff Tracy, Dandridge has an obsession with gazelles. Jeff shows Dandridge a reproduction of Picasso's Portrait Of A Gazelle, impressed by it, and determined to make it the centerpiece of his company, Mr. Dandridge flies to England to try to buy the portrait. After some dickering, the Duchess of Royston agrees to rent the painting to him. (DA).

Dangerous Game: Chart topping hit of the Cass Carnaby Five. Unbeknownst to the group, Manager/Arranger Olsen was using this song to sabotage RTL 2 transport flights with the use of the Cham-Cham. (CHm).

Dempsey: Member of the Erdman Gang who participates in the attempted sabotage of the British Plutonium Facility. (30M).

Densley Tracking Station: A weather/satellite tracking station in Northern Teritory Australia. Operated by Dr. Eugene Williams, the station was for a brief time was under siege by the Hood in his quest to steal top-secret information. (CW).

Diedre: A model at Francois Lemaire's Paris fashion studio. (AMH).

Domo (Restraining Unit): Tracked vehicle with long arm-like grabs, used to support weaken structures which are in danger of collapsing in the rescue area.

Drilling & Crushing Excavator: Tractor type vehicle designed to remove large amounts of earth and rocks from a rescue site. Earth and rocks are crushed and ejected from the rear of the vehicle.

Dycetylene: Fire suppressant gas, when used in conjunction with a dycetylene cage extinguishes the flames. This cage can also be lowered into an elevator shaft to fight the fire.


EJ-2: Helijet type aircraft. Carela & Jenkins' fake IR craft is an EJ-2 type craft. (IMP). This craft was also used by the leader of the Erdman Gang to pick up Dempsey & Kenyon, before being disabled by FAB 1's machine gun. (30M).

Elliott: Technical Engineer aboard Space Observatory 3, he becomes stranded in space after his thruster pack misfires following repairs outside the observatory. He is saved by Thunderbird 3 just as his air supply is about to expire. (IMP).

Empire State Building: Historic building erected circa 1930. It topples & collapses while being moved to a new location. Cause was determined to be unstable ground underneath it due to the formation of underground rivers. (TNYC).

Erdman Gang: Criminal syndicate operating out of the British Isles. Responsible for the Hudson Building in Spoke City & for the near sabotage of the British Plutonium Facility. (30M).

Explosive Gas: Manufactured by the Zombites in a refinery deep below the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides. Derived from an unknown mineral, it is used to fuel their jet fighters and provide power for the Zombite base. Slightly pink in color, the use of gas masks is required to handle this gas as inhalation of the fumes can be highly lethal. (UNV).


FAB 1: Vehicle driven driven by both Parker & Penelope. A striking pink Rolls Royce by all outward appearances, but it's a six-wheeled juggernaut. Its features include, a bullet-proof exterior, a top speed of 200 MPH, advanced audio/video transmitter/receivers, radiator-mounted & front twin sniper-sighted machine guns, rear-mounted harpoons, smoke screen generator with oil-slick capability. And for travel over water, a Vortex-Aquajet hydrofoil. All in all, FAB 1 is a vehicle to be reckoned with!

FAB 2: Penelope's private yacht, like FAB 1, it is equipped with gadgets provided by International Rescue. Parker gambled it away on a casino visit. It is unknown if Parker won it back or Penelope bought it back. (MI5).

FAB 3: Racehorse owned & ridden by Penelope, a fixture at Ascott Stables. It has won numerous derby races.

Faccini: Hotel Manager at the Hotel Monte Bianco with his assistant Bruno. Faccini hosts a gala party to celebrate electricity coming to Monte Bianco. (LPO).

Files, Mrs.: Maid/Servant at Ambro River plantation. She was also a servant under Lopez, the previous occupant. (AA).

Firefly: IR's primary firefighting vehicle, it can travel to the center of a blaze and snuff out a fire at its source. This can be done by means of nitro-glycerine charges fired from a front-mounted cannon. High-pressure water & low-pressure foam can be sprayed on a fire from a rear-mounted turret.

Fireflash SST: a 600 passenger atomic powered aircraft. Owned and operated by Terrainean Air & based out of London Airport. Powered by 6 Atomus engines, it can travel up to six times the speed of sound with a cruising height of 250,000 feet. The cockpit is located above the main fuselage and between the two banks of engines. To protect crew & passengers from radiation exposure, the radiation shielding must be maintained on a regular basis. Though sometimes a target of sabotage, Fireflash is the air travel of choice for many.

Flight D-103: Simulated footage of a fiery aircraft accident, such accident were the reason for Mr. Hackenbacker's breakthrough for safer air travel. (AMH).

Flying High: Song requested by Tin Tin & played by Rick O' Shea, dedicated to the Tracy Brothers. (RCT).

Frank: Captain Hansen's co-pilot aboard Fireflash. He has his eye on Tin Tin.

Franklin: Crewman on the Crablogger, stricken with food poisoning, he did not accompany McColl & Peterson on the fateful machine's wild ride. (POD).

Fred, Light Fingered: Known as one of the best burglars & safecrackers, he his one of Parker's associates. He & Parker shared a cell at Parkmoor Scrubs Prison. Fred's dream was to knock over the Bank of England before going straight. He digs a tunnel and escapes by hiding in a trash can. Much to his dissapointment, he breaks into an already-empty vault! (VOD).

Fulmer Finance Building: Located across the street from the toppled Empire State Building, it collapses during the rescue of Ned Cook and his cameraman. (TYNC).


Gazelle Automations Inc.: New York based automation company run by Wilbur Dandridge III, Jeff Tracy pays him a visit to show him the Portrait of A Gazelle. According to Dandridge, the portrait will become the centerpiece of his company. (DA).

Glencarry Castle: A damp, drafty castle located in Scotland. It is where Dempsey, Kenyon, and Southern (under deep cover) await instructions for the sabotage of the British Plutonium Storage facility. (30M).

Godber, Dr.: Scientist with questionable intentions & morals. He and Roache kidnap Professor Borrender en route to Anderbad and subsquently capture Penelope & Sir Jeremy in the Anderbad Tunnel in order to find out the formula for the hybrid fuel. (PPn).

Goddard: Pilot of Red Arrow 2, then under the direction of Commander Norman. He flies Tim Casey to Tracy Island prior to to the Red Arrow 2 test flight. During the test flight, the jet veers off course due to the Hood's sabotage, Brains' homing diversion detector detected the presense of the soon to be found homing device. Goddard ejects just before the plane crashes into the base of the Tele-Relay tower. (EI).

Goldheimer: Director of Martian Invasion, produced by Mr's Stutt & Bletcher. he was unaware that a disguised Hood was filming Thunderbirds' 1 & 2. (MI).

Gomez, Victor: Rival racecar driver of Alan Tracy. He & Johnny Gillespie strand Alan & Grandma in order to steal the BR-2 and drive away. Unfortunately Gillespie & Gomez drive off the side of a cliff while being pursued by Thunderbird 1. (MYD).

Grafton, Warren: Leader of a group who profits via unlawful activities. In his search for investors for his Pacific& Atlantic Monorail venture, he visits Creighton-Ward Mansion to deliver Penelope a sales pitch (and to case the place). Penelope is alerted of his intentions by Parker via a fake telegram. The substandard conditions of his rail system proved to be his & the group's undoing. (BOD).

Grande' Hotel: French Riviera hotel where the Duchess of Royston was vacationing, also housing the casino where Brophy & Chandler was operating a rigged roulette table. The Duchess, unfortunately was playing at that table, causing her to go into debt. (DA).

Gray, Bob: Senior partner of Gray & Houseman Construction Co. He talks Eddie Houseman into an extension for the Asian Highway project. (ER).

Gray & Houseman Construction Co.: Road construction firm owned by Bob Gray & Eddie Houseman. Contracted to construct the Asian Highway. Despite a few complications, they complete the project just under the deadline. (ER).


Hackenbacker, Hiram K. (Brains): Scientist & Engineer for International Rescue. Brown haired, with blue eyes and horn-rim glasses. Orphaned at age 12 when a tornado destroyed his Michigan home, he was adopted by a Cambridge University professor who recognized the boy's genius and who encouraged his incredible learning abilities which included a formal education at Cambridge & MIT. During Jeff Tracy's search for a brilliant scientist who could help him accomplish his plans for International Rescue, he discovered Hackenbacker delivering a lecture in a Paris cultural hall. Brains, in recognizing Mr. Tracy as an industrialistic entrepreneur aiming to save mankind and make the world a better place immediately accepted Mr. Tracy's invitation without hesitation. As the designer and inventor of IR's dazzling array of machines. Brains is an extremely valuable member of IR, being a perfectionist, he is oftentimes tinkering and modifying his creations. His off-duty time includes studying advanced mathematics & sciences and designing his robot, "Braman".

Hale: Technician aboard Space Observatory 3, He reports to General Lambert at Satellite HQ that the observatory will be out of service for four hours. During this time Thunderbird 3 launches off undetected. (IMP).

Hansen, Captain: Venerable chief pilot of the Fireflash SST. He has seen more than his share of interesting flights, he even thinks Tin Tin is kind of cute!

Harman: Owner of Harman's Department Store, involved in the Christmas Rocket project & the the fundraising effort for Coralville Childrens Hospital's solartherapy wing. (GTM).

Harris, Colonel: Communications officer aboard the Sun Probe Rocket mission. (SPb).

Hassan, Ali: Owner & operator of Ali's Luxury Taxi (a very old car of questionable reliability), he delivers Professor Blakely rendezvous point at Lake Anasta to meet Brains & Tin Tin. (DI).

High Speed Elevator Cars: Trio of large vehicles with a flat platform-type roof. Consisting of one master car & two radio-controlled subsidiaries, it is used to land large aircraft whose landing gear has failed by either malfunction or sabotage. These cars were used to assist the landing of Fireflash after the Hood placed a bomb in the landing gear. (TTS).

Hodge, Sir Jeremy: Scientist, who with the partnership of Professor Borrender, developed a new hybrid fuel for the Sun Probe project. Hodge was also very instrumental in procuring and obtaining permits & materials for many of the components for the Thunderbirds craft and other equipment. Which in turn, makes him a very trusted confidant of International Rescue.

Holden, Professor: Creator of the Mighty Atom, a radio-controlled robotic mouse, which contains a miniature camera. (MA).

Homing Device: Planted at the base of the Tele-Relay tower by the Hood, the device was responsible for Red Arrow 2 veering off-course and crashing into the tower. (EI).

Homing Diversion Detector: Equipment, which can detect the diversions & the presence of a homing device. Brains designs a detector for Goddard to use during the Red Arrow 2 test. (EI).

Honey Crunch Crispies: Breakfast cereal advertised on KLA. The station was given a year's supply in exchange for advertisement on Rick (bang) O'Shea's show. Needless to say, Lohman & O'Shea is tired of having it for breakfast every morning! (RCT).

Hood, The: Arch-enemy of International Rescue and feared as the world's foremost villain. So named because of his many disguises, he is the half-brother of Kyrano, manservant for the Tracys. The Hood posseses a supernatural power over Kyrano. Larger in stature than his half-brother, the Hood's primary objective is the acquisition of great wealth with justice and ethics notwithstanding. His main target is IR, the plans of the organization's assortment of machines & vehicles would make him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Operating from a Malaysian plantation, which he swindled from Kyrano, the Hood has sucessfully eluded capture from the World's security forces for many years. Cunning and ruthless, he uses mystical powers to a monstrous level of efficiency, allowing nothing to stand in the way of his evil objectives.

Hooper, Frank: Supervisor on the Seascape drilling rig. He and Dick O'Shea become trapped in a diving sphere while chicking on damaged support columns on the doomed rig. Thunderbird 4 comes to their rescue. (AI).

Houseman, Eddie: Junior partner of Gray & Houseman Construction Co.. Also a long-time friend of the Tracys and of Tin Tin, When seismic disturbances threaten the Asian Highway project, he sets out in a explosives truck full of neutomic charges hoping to offset damage. He succeeds, but while inside the truck which still has a case of charges on board is perilously balanced on the precipice of a cliff . He narrowly escapes just before the truck slips off Thunderbird 2's magnetic grabs. (ER).

Hoverjets: Mortorcycle size all-terrain hovercrafts. They are efficient & have excellent manuverability.

Hudson Building: Located in Spoke City, The Erdman Gang destroyed files in Tom Prescott's office by using an explosive bracelet. The building was severely damaged by the fire. (30M).

Hybrid Fuel: Developed by Professor Borrender & Sir Jeremy Hodge, this fuel which is converted from seawater is used to fuel the Sun Probe Rocket and is a success. Still in the experimental stage and considered most top-secret, the formula, if not used with the proper equipment could pollute the World's oceans and cause apalling consequences. If in the wrong hands, it could upset the balance of power, causing global conflict. Dr. Godber kidnaps Borrender, Penelope & Sir Jeremy in an attempt to gain the secrets of the formula. (PPn).

Hydrostatic Hoist: Consisting of a heavy line with a pair of inflatable pontoons on each end, this was used to rescue Brains from beneath a fallen column at the bottom of Lake Anasta. (DI).


Impressa Pen: A fountain pen, that contains a transmitter, which can transmit anything the writer puts to paper. Planted in Francois Lemaire's office and detected by Penelope just before he writes down the secret of Penelon. (AMH).

Interference: The close proximity of OD-60 & liquid alsterene creates a high impedence interference and a fog-like mist prior to a violent explosion. (DOD).

International Artistes Management Ltd.: Talent booking agency run by Maxie, one of Parker's old associates. He has never heard of Wanda Lamour (Penelope), and wouldn't book her at Paradise Peaks, until Parker tells him the whereabouts of Punchy Patterson. Afterwhich, Maxie books her without hesitation. (CHm).

International Rescue: An elite rescue organization under the direction of multimillionaire & entrepreneur Jeff Tracy. As a top-secret organization located somewhere in the South Pacific, its ongoing mission is to aid humanity. Central to the operations of IR, is the Thunderbird fleet of five specially designed craft. Thunderbird 1 is always first on the scene when a rescue is in progress. Thunderbird 2 is the fleet's heavy freighter designed to carry auxiliary rescue equipment. Thunderbird 3 is a space capable craft and often used in conjunction with Thunderbird 5. Thunderbird 4 is an underwater craft which is carried as part of rescue equipment in Thunderbird 2. All except Thunderbird 5, which remains in a constant state of alert in geo-stationary orbit in spce, are based at IR's top-secret headquarters. Keeping its location secret is most vital as there are others (such as The Hood) who are anxious to uncover the secret, not only of IR, but the Thunderbirds craft themselves. Should any of this information ever fall into the wrong hands, the incredible machines could also be used to destroy mankind instead of benefit it.

International Space Control: Government entity which is responsible for monitoring & controling space traffic, those of which include the location & position of ISC registered satellites. KLA, a pirate station was not registered with ISC. (RCT).


Jameson, Colonel: Second in command to General Lambert at Satellite Headquarters.

Jenkins: Co-accomplice with Carela, involved in the theft of the AL-4 plans. The two hid out in a disused northern Arizona mine awaiting a rendezvous, until their capture by Penelope & Jeremiah Tuttle. (IMP).

Jensen, Lieutanant: Navigator aboard Ocean Pioneer II. (DOD).

Jet Air Hoverbed: A hovercraft which incorporates a high-pressure air blower, used to cushion the fall of a person. This operates very much like a firemans net.

Jim: Engineer stationed with Stan atop the Tele-Relay station tower. (EI).

Joe: Cameraman for Ned Cook during Cook's attempt to film Thunderbird 1 and the ill-fated moving of the Empire State Building. (TNYC).

Johnson, Captain: Ship commander aboard the ill-fated Ocean Pioneer I, which was destroyed under then-unexplained causes. (DOD).


Kenyon: Member of the Erdman Gang. He and Dempsey lock Southern inside the British Plutonium Facility after jamming the steel doors. The two are captured along with the gang's leader. (30M).

Kerr, Eddie: Reporter for World TV, which covered Carela & Jenkins fake rescue. Later, he was interviewed by Penelope posing as a magazine reporter to gather information of IR's alleged involvement of the AL-4 theft. (IMP).

Khamandides: Solitary pyramid located in Egypt's Sahara region. According to legend, this was the Lost Pyramid Of Khamandides. Lindsey & Wilson were in search of it. After discovering it, the two & Scott stumble across the secret base of the Zombites, which was located within and below the pyramid. The structure was destroyed just as the three escape from their captors. (UNV).

Kine: Popular magazine read on Tracy Island, oftentimes by Jeff & Virgil.

KLA: Pirate TV music station operated by Rick O' Shea. Broadcasting from a height of 128 miles up in space, the broadcast satellite was damaged by the detonation of a faulty rocket. International Space Control was not aware of KLA's location since it was not registered with ISC. The satellite descends to Earth and crashes down just missing an oil refinery. (RCT).

Korda, Dr.: Psychiatrist, who examines Brains following the rescue of the Martian Space Probe crew. Penelope, pretending to be Brains' guardian comes to "claim" him. (DD).

Kravitz: Weather Specialist on the Seascape drilling rig. (AI).

Kyrano: Household manager of Tracy Island, the son of a wealthy Malaysian plantation owner. Turning back on material gain after his inheritance was swindled away by his half-brother. (The Hood) An acclaimed botanist, Kyrano spent several years as an advisor for several Asian orchards before engaging in a project at Kennedy Space Center to produce synthetic foodstuffs. It was there,that he met Jeff Tracy and they became fast friends. Kyrano later became head chef at a prominent Paris hotel restaurant, he left this position when he was contacted by Mr. Tracy to help head the domestic duties on Tracy Island. An intregal part of the running of Tracy Villa, Kyrano's only weakness is his susceptability to the influence of the Hood. He is sometimes used as an unwilling paticipant in the Hood's attempts to know the secrets of IR.

Kyrano, Tin Tin: Scientific assistant for International Rescue. The daughter of Household Manager Mr. Kyrano & the unlikely half-niece of The Hood, her name is Malaysian for "sweet". Tin Tin's education in both North America & Europe was mainly financed by Jeff Tracy, as partial payment for her father's loyalty and service. She holds several degrees in advanced mathematics, sciences & engineering and is also a qualified pilot. Tin Tin assists Brains and organizing the maintenance of the Tuhnderbirds craft. Her off-duty interests include water-skiing, swimming and fashion design. She is extremely fond of Alan and the entire Tracy family.


Ladybird: Name of the red ladybug decorated private jet. Flown mainly by Tin Tin.

Lake Anasta: Located in the Sahara region, Brains, Tin Tin & Professor Blakely search for for sunken treasure at the bottom of the lake, and so is The Hood. (DI).

Lambert: Resident workaholic at the Bank of England. He becomes trapped in the bank's new high-tech vault. Alan & Virgil come to his rescue. (VOD).

Lambert, General: Head of Satellite Headquarters, he holds a high-level conference concerning the theft of the AL-4 plans and International Rescue's alleged involvement in it. (IMP).

Lamour, Wanda: Lady Penelope's cover disguise while investigating the sabotage of the RTL-2 flights. Posing as a lounge singer, she sings Dangerous Game with the Cass Carnaby Five at Paradise Peaks. Her changing of the notes, diverts the enemy fighters away from the Transport flights. (CHm).

Landing Control Room: Located in the Cliff House on Tracy Island, this room is used for emergency landing procedures.

Lang, Dr. John: Chief Physician of Coralville Childrens Hospital. Involved in the Christmas Rocket project and the solartherapy fundraiser. (GTM).

Langfield, Lieutenant: Officer and Dr. William's main contact at Satellite Headquarters. (CW).

Langley, Professor: The Hood in disguise, he assisted Professor Holden in the demonstration of the Mighty Atom, and then hypnotizes them in order to steal the device. (MA).

Lemaire, Francois: Creator of Penelon, a revolutionary new fabric. He has been the target of several attempts to steal his formula, until Penelope intercedes on his behalf. (AMH).

Lighter: While awaiting the arrival of Penelope at Creighton-Ward Mansion, Warren Grafton uses a detection device, disguised as a cigarette lighter. He uses it to locate the floor safe before he disables the mansion's alarm system. The safe however, is on a seperate alarm circuit. (BOD).

Light Type: Communication device used mainly for underwater use. Gordon uses this device to communicate with the pilots aboard the submerged Fireflash. (OCD).

Lil: Head Cook at Creighton-Ward Mansion, she calls Parker "Nosey" whenever he teases her. Lil studied at Jamie Oliver School of Culinary Arts.

Lindsey: Archeologist who is partnered with Wilson in their search for the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides. Upon finding it, Lindsey becomes delirious from thirst and the fantastic pile of treasures before being knocked out for a while. He comes to just as Wilson and Scott are fleeing the Zombites. (UNV).

Lohman: Broadcast engineer assisting Rick O' Shea on KLA. He becomes trapped in the airlock after attempting to repair damage on the satellite. Thunderbird 3 comes to his and O' Shea's rescue. (RCT).

London Airport: Major European air hub. Terrainean Air with its fleet of Fireflash SST's are based out of London Airport.

Lopez: Previous occupant of Ambro River plantation. According to Mrs. Files, Lopez & Culp were the only ones who knew the location of the secret passageway inside the plantation house. (AA).

Lovegrove: Lord Silton's assistant at the Bank of England. He attempts to contact Silton who was dining at Creighton-Ward Mansion after Lambert gets locked in the bank's new vault. (VOD).

Low Altitude Escape Harness: Thruster packs contained in a capsule, which was fired from the Boostar Mortar, these harnesses allow Jim & Stan to escape from the soon to fall Tele-Relay tower. (EI).

Lucas, Jim: Robotics Engineer at Robotics International Inc. Designer of the Crablogger, Penelope & Parker sneak into his house in order to obtain the shutdown procedures of the machine. (POD).

Lundgren, Professor: Scientist in charge of the Solar Power Station at Monte Bianco. He escapes serious injury when the generator is struck by lightning. (LPO).

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