The Thunderbirds Lexicon pg 2
by Kristin D.

["Thunderbirds" and the related characters and indicia are the property of Carlton International; all rights reserved. This work is the property of Kristin D. and may not be reprinted or published elsewhere without her written permission.]


Ma's Beans: Ma Tuttle is known around her parts for her "explosive beans". Jeremiah tosses a can of them at the mine entrance to flush out Carela & Jenkins out of hiding. (IMP).

Madeline: Model & conspirator, who hijacks Skythrust in an attempt to steal Lemaire's Penelon formula. (AMH).

Magnetic Grabs: Powerful electromagnetic grabs aboard Thunderbird 2. Its primary use is lifting and carrying heavy objects.

Maguire: Movie Actor, Maguire & co-star Slim were trapped inside a cave during the filming of Martian Invasion when the Hood had the prop charges rigged to cause a real cave-in. They were rescued with the aid of the Drilling & Crushing Excavator. (MI).

Malloy: Member of Warren Grafton's crooked outfit, Parker recognized him as a member of a gang trying to queer England's pitch. Malloy & Selsden attempt to break in and rob Creighton-Ward Mansion, but are foiled by Penelope & Parker. (BOD).

Malone, Kenny: Mechanic & friend of Alan Tracy. (MYD).

Maria: Cook of the San Martino Cantina. Known for her mysterious "special", her kitchen is a health inspector's worst nightmare! (POD).

Martian Space Probe: Rocket being transported across the Allington Bridge. Should the mission fail, Mars would be unreachable for four years. On route to the launch location, the weight of the massive rocket collapses the structurally weakened bridge. (DD).

Matchbook: Dr. Godber leaves behind a matchbook while fleeing from Caf'e Atalante after attempting to drug Penelope's drink. The matchbook had a heraldic crest on the cover. Godber used it to lure Penelope & Sir Jeremy to the Paris Archives. (PPn).

Matthews Field USA: Home base of the USAF's RTL2 transport flights. (CHm).

Maverick Missile: An out of control missile which endangers anything in its path. The Seascape drilling rig is threatened by an underwater flare triggered by a maverick missile impacting on the seabed. (AI).

Maxie: One of Parker's old associates & connection with the underworld. He runs International Artistes Managment Ltd., where Parker gets Wanda Lamour (Penelope) booked at Paradise Peaks. (CHm).

McColl: Crewman aboard the Crablogger who developed food poisoning from Maria's "special". (POD).

McGill, Hector: Scientific assistant to Orchard at the Ambro River facility. (AA).

Meddings, Lieutenant Bob: Fighter pilot who convinces Commander Norman to let him climb aboard Fireflash from Target 1 in an attempt to dislodge the bomb planted in the landing gear. He slips and falls out, but safely parachutes to the ground. (TTS).

Melbourne: City which was threatened by an atomic cloud following the the explosion of the Australian Atomic Irrigation Station. However, a very strong wind causes the cloud to disperse away from Melbourne. (MA).

Michelle & The Asteroids: Rock music group whose songs are played by Rick O' Shea on KLA. (RCT).

Mighty Atom: A roboitc mouse which contains a powerful miniature camera developed by Professor Holden. The Hood steals this device and uses it to photograph the interior of the Sahara Atomic Irrigation Station before sabotaging it. he later uses it to photograph the interior of Thunderbird 2. But all it captures is Lady Penelope screaming at the sight of a mouse! (MA).

Minty: Term used by Tin Tin to describe Rick O' Shea. "He's just so Minty" (RCT).

Mitchell: Professor Lundgren's assistant at Monte Bianco. (LPO).

Mobile Computer: Portable computer, used to compute the frequencies of the radio signals in order to rescue the Sun Probe Rocket & Thunderbird 3. (SPb).

Mobile Control Center: Portable command center. Carried aboard Thunderbird 1, it is a portable on-site command module used during rescue missions. Among its features are various audio/video communication systems to communicate with the other rescue vehicles. Included is a photo detector, which sounds an alarm if someone is photographing the Thunderbirds craft. Originally requiring two people to unload, an anti-gravity unit was developed to simplify loading & unloading.

Mobile Crane: A six-axle vehicle fitted with an extendable cherry-picker unit mounted behind the cab. Used to gain access to high places in areas of limited space.

Mobile Laser Beam Unit: Vehicle which contains a high-intensity laser, This laser is capable of cutting through thick metals, a high-velocity jet air blaster is included to blow back wreckage.

Mole: An incredible drilling machine. Weighing 30 tons, it is powered by an on-board atomic reactor. The Mole is ferried to a rescue zone and then carried by its own tracked vehicle to the site. Once ready to go, the Mole is tilted for vertical drilling, using a C30/1 drill bit. The Mole also has room for rescued passengers. Caterpillar tracks on its side propel the machine down the borehole, this also allows it to return to the surface once the rescue operation has been completed.

Monobrake: Semi-tracked vehicle with a retractable boom. Designed to slow down and halt high speed monorail trains, whose braking systems have failed either by mechanical failure or by sabotage.

Monte Bianco: Small town in Italy, the first town to utilize the Solar Power Station to generate its electricity. (LPO).

Morrison, Chip: A small boy who created big security issues. After being tucked in by his father, who then left to fight the British refinery fire. Chip sneaks out and stows away in the unguarded pod of Thunderbird 2. After some indecisive ways to deal with this security threat, Jeff realizes that its the middle of the night in England. Once Chip falls asleep, Virgil & Scott flies him back home and is placed back into his own bed. Mr. Morrison returns home just as Chip wakes up. Chip is left believing that the whole adventure was just a dream. (SH).

Mount Aarken: High up in the Himalayas. Thunderbird 2 lands on a flat ledge atop Mt. Aarken as part of a three pronged effort to rescue the Sun Probe Rocket & Thunderbird 3 (SPb).

Moyla: Uninhabitted island close to Tracy Island. Used for storage purposes.


Neutomic Charges: Small spike shaped demolition charges used primarily for construction purposes. Eddie Houseman becomes trapped inside the perilously balanced explosives truck with a case of neutomic charges on board. (ER).

Neutralizer Tractor: Tractor mounted satellite dish unit. this was used to neutralize the sonic generator linked to the bomb under the San Miguel Bridge. (MYD).

Nicky: The lucky recipient of a Christmas on Tracy Island. He even gets to witness the launching of Thunderbird 3. (GTM).

Nimmo, Nurse: Head Nurse at Coralville Childrens Hospital. (GTM).

Norman, Commander: Tower commander & member of the Air Ministry based out of London Airport. For a brief time, he also was overseeing the Red Arrow fighter project.

Nosey: Nickname of Aloysius Parker in his burglar/safecracking days.

NTBS: Worldwide TV superstation. Ned Cook is one of many NTBS personalities.


Ocean Pioneer I & II: Oceangoing tanker ships,OP I explodes in the Mediterrainean Sea under then-unxplained causes. Upon further investigation, the cause was the violent reaction of the ship's cargo, liquid alsterene & the presence of OD-60, which was growing in the Mediterrainean. Ocean Pioneer II, which carried the same cargo takes the same route as its predecessor and runs into the same predicament. However the crew was rescued shortly before the ship explodes. (DOD).

OD-60: An edible aquatic fungus, Its used primarily used as a main ingredient in pet foods. However, OD-60 in close proximity with liquid alsterene causes an explosive reaction. The massive amounts of the fungus growing in the Mediterrainean Sea was the cause of the destruction of two ocean tankers carrying the highly combustible alsterene. (DOD).

Olsen: Murderous Manager/Arranger for the Cass Carnaby Five during their tour at Paradise Peaks. Olsen was using the group's hit song "Dangerous Game" to sabotage RTL 2 Transport flights. He used a Cham Cham to send and decipher messages to an enemy fleet of fighter planes. After being thwarted by Penelope's intervention, Olsen sabotages the cable gondola carrying Penelope, Parker & Tin Tin, Cass tries to stop him, but was too late. Thunderbird 2 comes to the rescue of the free-falling gondola. (CHm).

Operation Cover-up: Security protection procedure used on Tracy Island. Just prior to the arrival of non-IR affiliated visitors to the island, Operation Cover-up swings into action. The video screens which connect the island's base with each Thunderbird craft normally shows a portrait of its pilot in IR uniform. But the push of a button replaces the portraits with innocuous family snapshots.

Orchard, Dr.: Scientist at Ambro River laboratory, who with the assistance of Hector McGill, developed the growth compound Theramine. (AA).

O' Shea, Dick: Technical Engineer aboard the Seascape Drilling Rig. He and Frank Hooper become trapped in a diving sphere at the bottom on the Atlantic beneath the doomed rig before being rescued. (AI).

O' Shea, Rick "Ric-O-Chet": Popular music DJ, he and Lohman ran the pirate station KLA. O' Shea, was first thought yo have been killed when the broadcast satellite crashed to the ground. But, prior to his rescue, he backed into a switch which started a taped broadcast. Now back on Earth, "Ric-O-Chet" is still spinning the hits. Tin Tin thinks he's "minty", much to the chagrin of Alan! (RCT).

Oxyhydnite:Gas, when used in a cutting torch can penetrate a steel wall 3 times faster than a laser beam. But it can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream causing unconsciousness but leaving no after-effects. However, the use of electrically-heated cylinders makes this gas safer to use.


Pacific & Atlantic Monorail Co.: Ill- fated business venture hatched by Warren Grafton & his band of crooks. 21 of 40 million dollars was raised, with 500 miles of track already completed despite no government approvals. Designed to be fully automated without any crew aboard. Grafton takes Jeff Tracy, Brains & Tin Tin on a runaway train ride. Brains stops the train just short of a soon to collapse trestle. The substandard conditions of the system led to the company's demise and eventually the end of Grafton's gang's activities. (BOD).

Paradise Peaks: A posh resort in the Swiss Alps. Penelope, Parker & Tin Tin travel to Paradise Peaks to investigate the RTL 2 transport sabotage. (and for the girls to flirt with Cass Carnaby & his band!). (CHm).

Paris Archives: Record library, where Penelope & Sir Jeremy try to identify the heraldic crest on a matchbook left behind by Dr. Godber shortly before their journey to Anderbad. The curator, (Godber in disguise) directs the two to the basement vault. There, they discover a recently dusted book of crests, with a missing page. Before giving them the slip, Godber locks Penelope & Jeremy in the windowless basement and pumps gas down there. Parker rescues the two, using FAB 1's harpoon launcher to remove the basement door. (PPn).

Parker, Aloysius: Assistant to Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward. The last of a line of Cockney retainers who served the British aristocracy, Parker however didn't follow in the family tradition. Instead, he fell in in with various members of the London Underworld, including the likes of Light-Fingered Fred, Maxie & Punchy Patterson. Under their tutelage, Parker soon gained a reputationn of being one of the World's finest cat burglars & safecrackers, a reputation that also landed him in prison for a time. After his release, he attempted to make an honest living, but soon returned to his old ways. He was caught by Penelope while he was trying to crack an oil tycoon's safe, Hearing of Parker's "unique" talents, Penelope made him an offer he couldn't refuse, work for her in her espionage activities, or return to prison. Now as a butler & chauffeur at Creighton-Ward Mansion, Parker is a loyal and indespensible assistant to Penelope during her assignments for International Rescue. He is also nicknamed "Nosey" by his old associates.

Parkmoor Scrubs Prison: British correctional facility where Parker & Light-Fingered Fred shared a cell together. Fred digs a tunnel and escapes in a trash can. he breaks into the Bank of England, only to discover that someone got there before him! (VOD).

Parola Sands Raceway: Southern California speedway, where Alan Tracy raced against Victor Gomez, beating Gomez while driving the BR-2. (MYD).

Patterson, Punchy: Strong-armed criminal known by Parker's criminal brethren. Parker blackmails Maxie by telling him the whereabouts of Punchy Patterson to convince Maxie to book Wanda Lamour (Penelope) at Paradise Peaks. (CHm).

Penelon: Revolutionary new fabric developed by Francois Lemaire. A fiber that can squeeze into the smallest space without wrinkling or creasing, it can be made into any kind of garment. Named in honor of Lady Penelope, Penelon's formula is a closely guarded secret. The average garment made of Penelon can fit into a box no bigger the a matchbox! (AMH).

Pernod: An anise flavored liqueur invented by Henri Louis Pernod. It is Penelope's drink of choice when she's in Paris. Dr. Godber tries to drug her drink, but Parker shoots the glass out her hand just before she takes a sip. (PPn).

Peters, General: One of the overseers of the Sidewinder project. (PPl).

Peterson: Crewmwn aboard the Crablogger. He also had Maria's "special" and falls ill from it. (POD).

Photo Detector: An automatic camera detector, installed in Thunderbird 1, this device detects a camera in operation and sounds an alarm. This alerts Scott if someone is trying to photograph the Thunderbirds craft. If necessary, the film in the camera can be electromagnetically wiped blank. A Photo Detector is also installed on the Mobile Control Unit.

Picasso, Pablo: Spanish artist, The Duchess of Royston owns his Portrait Of A Gazelle which is being rented by Wilbur Dandridge III. Virgil's painting of Alan posing with his racing trophy contains Picasso's surrealistic elements.

Plutonium Storage Facility: Located in rural England, this facility is unmanned and is protected by thick steel doors and by robotic guards. It was a target of sabotage by the Erdman Gang. It was set to explode at 12:30PM causing the biggest nuclear blast in history. It never happened, thanks to the quick intervention of BSS Agent Southern & Internatioal Rescue. (30M).

Port London: Major seaport of England. Ocean Pioneers I & II were launched from Port London. (DOD).

Power, Professor: Supervisor of a computer-aided rocket launch. During launch, the upper & lower parts of the rocket fail to detach, Power is ordered to detonate it in space. Unfortunately, it detonates in close proximity of KLA! (RCT).

Prescott, Thomas: A target of the Erdman Gang. After giving a lift to a stranger who had car trouble, Prescott was fitted with explosive bracelet. He is ordered to drive to his office in the Hudson Building where a key would be found in his filing cabinet. He was told the bracelet would explode at 8:00PM and was told to leave the bracelet in the filing cabinet. The cabinet contained records that the Erdmans wanted destroyed. (30M).

Pringle: Involved in the Christmas Rocket project. He furnished the rocket which was launched from the roof of Harmans Department Store. The payload contained Christmas presents headed for Coralville. (GTM).


Race: Test pilot of Red Arrow 1. The jet, after leveling off at 6000MPH, rapidly increases in speed and veers off course due to sabotage by the hood. The jet then rapidly descends. Race, who was knocked unconcious from the rapid descent was unable to bail out before crashing into a hangar. (EI).

Radio Beam Transmitter Truck: A double-tracked vehicle containing high-powered communications equipment. A parabolic antenna is located at the rear of the vehicle which can rotate 360 degrees horizontally & 120 degrees vertically, which enables it maintain contact with aircraft or spacecraft in flight.

Radio Maxwell: Radio station heard worldwide. Radio Maxwell was broadcasting the live performances of the Cass Carnaby Five from Paradise Peaks. (CHm).

Ralph: Crewman aboard the Sidewinder. (PPl).

Recovery Vehicle: A tracked vehicle, which can tow a distressed vehicle up to 160 tons out of danger by means of electromagnetic/suction clamps which are fired by launchers on top.

Red Arrow: Sleek, bright red jet fighters powered by twin-rockets. Under the supervision of Colonel Tim Casey, the Red Arrow project was a target of sabotage by the Hood, who was under the commission of General Bron. This resulted in the destruction of two of the fighter jets & a Tele-Relay station tower. (EI).

Remote Camera: Small radio-controlled robotic camera used by IR. Designed to withstand extreme heat and cold, it is especially useful for going into potentially hazardous areas.

Rendezvous Point Nine: Copter Watchdog's meeting point with the sidewinder. (PPl).

Roache: Dr. Godber's assistant in the Anderbad Tunnel. Sir Jeremy convinces Roache to cut the power to the Anderbad Express, but Godber shoots him & the Tunnel Control Panel. Therefore, making it unable to stop the train. (PPn).

Robotic Guards: Automated robot guards inside the British Plutonium Facility. The Erdman Gang use a radio-frequency device to disable the robots, except for the one that has BSS Agent Southern in its grasp. (30M).

Robotics International Inc.: Producer of the Crablogger, under the supervision of Jim Lucas. (POD).

Roundhouse: Located on Tracy Island, this houses guest accomodations. Thunderbird 3 is launched from beneath it through the center. The building is heavily shielded to withstand the heat and vibrations of blastoff.

Royston, Duchess Deborah: Longtime friend of the Creighton-Ward family. For a time, she was in dire financial trouble, thanks to Brophy & Chandler's rigged roulette wheel. As a last-ditch attemp to recover her loses, she rents her Portrait of A Gazelle by Picasso to Wilbur Dandridge III. She is later repaid the money from the casino and is inteviewed for her story by a glossy magazine.

RTL 2: Transport flights based out of Matthews Field USA. The flights were being sabotaged by Olsen & by enemy fighter jets everytime the Cass Carnaby Five played "Dangerous Game" until Penelope & International Rescue intervenes. (CHm).


Safe: The high-tech safe at Creighton-Ward Mansion has a chrome exterior and is opened hydraulically. Located under an area rug in the library. After the mansion's alarm system was disabled by Grafton, Malloy & Selden attempt to crack the safe. Unknown to them, the safe alarm is on a seperate circuit from the main alarm. They trigger an alarm that only Penelope & Parker hear. (BOD).

Sahara Desert: Located in North Africa, it is home to Lake Anasta, the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides & the redezvous point for Madeline and her accomplices.

Sanchez: Manager of the San Martino Cantina. (POD).

San Martino Cantina: Establishment run by Sanchez. The kitchen, which Maria supervises, is run under deplorable conditions! (POD).

San Martino Dam: Hydroelectric dam under construction & supervised by Mr. Gutierrez. The Crablogger's swath of destruction stops just short of the dam. (POD).

San Miguel Bridge: Located in southern California, Gomez & Gillespie strand Alan & Grandma on a support beam of the bridge with a motion-sensitive bomb. The bridge was expected to be open to public traffic in two months before its destruction. (MYD).

Satellite Headquarters: Home base for many of the satellite tracking stations, included are Densley Station (CW) and Space Observatory 3 (IMP).

Saville, Captain: Pilot of the first sabotaged RTL 2 Transport flight. (CHm).

Savidge, Captain: Deputy Air Minister, who shows footage of a simulated air crash, which stressed the importance of safer air travel. Hence, Mr. Hackenbacker's new safety breakthrough. (AMH).

Scobie: Co-accomplice with Straker. They break into the Second National Banks vault. (GTM).

Sealing Device: Device, which seals underwater fire jets. The device is positioned over the flare jet, the buoyancy is then removed which makes it sinks to the ground. Rocket clamps fire downward to secure it in place, and the compression valve is closed stopping the fire jet.

Seascape Drilling Rig: Located in the Atlantic Ocean. The rig was threatened by an underwater fire caused by an errant maverick missile. The flare was sealed off by Thunderbird 4. However, later fire jets cause the destruction of the rig due to a already weakened support structure. (AI).

Second National Bank: New York City bank adjacent to Harmans Departmant Store. It was the target of a Christmas Eve robbery by Scobie & Straker. (GTM).

Selsden: Member of Grafton's crooked gang. He & Malloy unsuccessfully attempt to Creighton-Ward Mansion. (BOD).

Sentinel USN: Newer Navy vessel. Confusing Thunderbird 2 for a UFO, Sentinel fires on the craft before Washington orders the Captain to cease fire. To atone for the terrible mistake, Sentinel agrees to ferry Thunderbird 4 to New York City to aid Ned Cook's rescue as Thunderbird 2 was out of commission. (TYNC).

Sidewinder: The US Army's new assult vehicle, a 500 ton vehicle with 4 robotic legs. This machine is suitable for fighting bush wars. During test runs, Sidewinder plummets down a deep pit, which was an old mineshaft used by the Army as a dump for old equipment. (PPl).

Silton, Lord: President of the Bank of England. Along with his deputy Lovegrove, they stage a vault break-in performed by Parker to convince the board of directors that the bank is in need of an up to date vault. (VOD).

Skythrust: New line of aircraft, which features a detatchable fuel system which can be jettisoned and detonated a safe distance from the plane. Developed by Mr. Hackenbacker, this safety feature is in response to the hazards of fiery air crashes. (AMH).

Smoke Screen: Installed in Thunderbird 1 by Brains, this becomes useful to block the sun's rays from hitting the damaged solar deflector, then aimed at the town of Monte Bianco. (LPO).

Solar Generator: Monte Bianco gets its electricity in the form of a solar generator, which captures thre day's sunlight. The extra electricity is stored in cyclonic batteries for nighttime use. (LPO).

Solar Therapy Wing: Coralville Childrens Hospital is raising funds to construct a new solar-therapy wing. One of the fundraising schemes is the Christmas Rocket. The reward for capturing Scobie & Straker also contributes to the goal. (GTM).

Sonic Generator: Motion sensor, which can detonate a bomb at the slightest movement. The bomb under the San Miguel Bridge is attached to a sonic generator. The Neutralizer Tractor is used to disable the generator. (MYD).

Southern, BSS Agent: Working undercover with the Erdman Gang, his cover is blown by Dempsey & Kenyon who allow his to be attacked by one of the robotic guards and then trap inside the Plutonium Storage Facility. Rescued by International Rescue, he makes a full recovery, but with cover being blown, he can no longer be a secret agent, necessitaing his reassignment within the BSS. (30M).

Space Observatory 3: Manned by Elliott & Hale, Ordered by General Lambert to track any movement by International Rescue craft. Elliott becomes stranded in space after completing repairs on the station and is rescued by Thunderbird 3. Upon his rescue, the imposters were uncovered and IR is cleared. (IMP).

Speyer, General: Press secretary, who holds a press conference regarding the possible evacuation of Melbourne, which is directly in the path of the atomic cloud resulting from the destruction of the Atominc Irrigation Station. However, a strong wind disperses the cloud away from Melbourne. (MA).

Spoke City: Location of the Hudson Building, and Tom Prescott's office. (30M).

St. Christopher Medal: Lady Penelope gives the Duchess a St. Cristopher Medal to ensure a safe travel to New York. Unbeknownst to the Duchess, the medal contains a homing device, which was instrumental in her eventual rescue. (DA).

Stan: Technician with Jim on the Tele-Relay tower. (EI).

Stapleton Tunnel: Highway in which the Hood hides in to elude Thunderbirds 1 & 2 on route to deliver his ill-gotten film of the Thunderbirds craft to General X. (MI).

Steele, Lester: Geologist with Gray & House Construction, He alerts Bob Gray about the tremors, which threaten the Asian Highway Project. (ER).

Straker: Co-accomplice with Scobie, they hide in the cargo hold of the Christmas Rocket, and are captured when the rocket lands in Coralville. (GTM).

Stutt: Cover disguise used by the Hood in order to hoodwink Bletcher & Goldheimer to film Martian Invasion (or rather to film Thunderbirds 1 & 2). (MI).

Subway: Sources for underground rail transportation. Major subway systems were located in New York & London. After the advent of monorail transportation, the subways were eventually abandoned. Alan & Virgil reach Lambert who was trapped in the Bank of England's new vault through London's disused subway tunnel. (VOD).

Sugar Cube: Used to conceal a hidden microphone in Francois Lemaire's office. Penelope notices that one of the cubes in the sugar bowl is larger than all the others. (AMH).

Sun Probe: Based out of Cape Kennedy, this rocket is designed to reach the sun and capture a portion of it for research pruposes. A later mission was launched, utilizing the new hybrid fuel developed by Professor Borrender & Sir Jeremy Hodge.

Superon: Highly volatile fuel used to power the wood pulp processor inside the Crablogger. The machine's superon tanks were emptied just before Crablogger slides down a mountain ledge, thus preventing a catastrophic explosion. (POD).

Sweeney, Colonel: Commander aboard the Army's Sidewinder. (PPl).

Swizzle Stick: A signaling device used to alert Jeff Tracy of a rescue call during Tim Casey's visit to Tracy Island is cleverly hidden in a flashing swizzle stick. (EI).


Target 1: Aircraft used primarily for target practice use. Lieutanant Meddings is winch-lifted from Target 1 into Fireflash in an attempt to dislodge the bomb from the landing gear. (TTS).

Taylor: Crewman for Gray & Houseman Construction Co. (ER).

Teapot: Yet another one of Lady Penelope's hidden IR transmitters, this time in the lid of her teapot.

Tele-Audio Screens: LCD audio/video communication screens, which are disguised as portraits of the Tracy family in IR uniform & Penelope. When an incoming or outgoing transmission happens, the eyes on the portrait flashes and a paperweight on Jeff's desk flips sideways to reveal a hidden speaker. Each screen is linked to its respective Thunderbird craft, FAB 1 and IR members' Tele/video watches. The IR portraits are replaced by ordinary family snapshots during Operation Cover-up.

Television Relay Tower: Owned and operated by British Telecommunication Ltd. This tower was destroyed when Red Arrow 2 crashed into the tower's base. (EI).

Tele-Video Watches: Basically, a miniaturized version of the Tele-Audio screens on Tracy Island. Disguised as a regular wristwatch worn by each member of the Tracys. Lady Penelope's is a powder compact.

Terrainean Air: Passenger air carrier, featuring its fleet of Fireflash aircraft. Based out of London Airport.

Theramine: A growth compound, developed by Orchard & McGill. This drug, when consumed can make animals grow to almost twice the normal size. This was in response to a worldwide food shortage. Theramine is now under government control after the accidental release of the compound into a local river. (AA).

Thompson Tower: A 350 story self-contained city. 3000 feet high, a person could live inside for a whole year without even going outside of it. 10,000 parking spaces are located underground and are reachable via monorail. A fiery auto accident and a malfunctioning fire suppression system led to the building's destruction. (CF).

Thunderbird 1: The spearhead craft of International Rescue. Piloted by Scott Tracy. Trim & fast, it's 115 feet long with an 80 foot wingspan and a top spped in excess of 15,000 MPH. Though armed and carrying its own rescue equipment aboard, the principal role of Thunderbird 1 is to reach a danger zone as quickly as possible. Scott can then assess the situation, advise on specialized equipment required and then direct the rescue operation from either Thunderbird 1 or the Mobile Control Console. Power for Thunderbird 1 consists of ram-jets, turbojet engines with high-performance sustainer. Atomic power provides main power with turbojet fuel furnishing rocket propulsion.

Thunderbird 2: Piloted by Virgil Tracy, Thunderbird 2 is the STOL/VTOL heavy freighter craft that carries all of International Rescue's heavy engineering & rescue equipment. Thunderbird 2 has a maximum speed of 5000 MPH, a 180 foot wingspan and is 250 feet long and 60 feet high. It features a detachable storage pod surrounded by a twin-boom fuselage. Each of the six pods carries one or two of the selected rescue vehicles, included in these are: Thunderbird 4, the Mole, the Monobrake and Firefly. Thunderbird 2 is also equipped with crew quarters, an internal lift to access the pod during flight and an assortment of cutting tools, lasers, magnetic grabs and various other rescue equipment including external floodlights. Rocket fuel powers booster jets, takeoff rockets and turbo jets with an atomic reactor providing main power.

Thunderbird 3: Thunderbird 3 is International Rescue's space vehicle piloted by astronauts Alan & John Tracy. Being the tallest vehicle in IR's fleet, Thunderbird 3 measures 287 feet high and is launched from a concealed silo beneath the roundhouse on Tracy Island. It is used for all space rescues and is also a link to Thunderbird 5. The basic crew complement is 2 or 3. Motive power is provided by atomic electricity generators, which also power particle accelerators. Helium pressurized rocket propellant and rocket fuel provides takeoff and thruster power.

Thunderbird 4: International Rescue's underwater craft. Piloted by aquanaut Gordon Tracy, Thunderbird 4 is usually carried in Pod 4 on Thunderbird 2, which is then dropped from low altitude into the water. A battery of rocket tubes then launch it underwater where the turbo drive takes over. Port & starboard jet engines provide surface cruising propulsion. Thunderbird 4 is equipped with extensive water rescue equipment behind the adjustable high-power lighting system. Included are missile tubes, hydraulic rams, laser tools and various other equipment. An auto-airlock provides an exit for Gordon when he must leave the craft. In addition to a wide-view window, there is also a video monitor for relaying information. Power supply is a miniature atomic reactor.

Thunderbird 5: Thunderbird 5 is International Rescue's space station and the center of the organization's communications network. Maintained in secret geo-stationary orbit high above Earth, astronauts/space monitors Alan & John Tracy rotate on a monthly basis on Thunderbird 5 maintaining a constant vigil across the globe. Through the use of sophisticated monitoring equipment, they are able to hear every broadcast transmission and from as far away as 100 million miles. Special filters are attuned to relay messages in any language. Thunderbird 5's position over the Pacific ensures that it remains in constant contact with Tracy Island while anti-radar devices located in the ring section keep its location secret. Also in the ring, are the magnetic pole unit and the plasma core field meteor deflector. Thunderbird 5 features a twin-hull construction filled with self-sealing coagulant compound to protect the station from micro meteors. Atomic power supplies life support systems and all on-board equipment. Docking with Thunderbird 3 is computerized and both craft carry fuel and supplies. The top-mounted astrodome features a state-of-the-art telescope.

Tracy, Alan Shepard: Astronaut & Space Monitor, Thunderbirds 3 & 5. Blonde & blue eyed, he has a love of motor racing and was a champion driver prior to joining International Rescue. Educated at University of Colorado, Alan is dedicated to IR.meeting his responsibilities with a maturity that belies his years. Yet there are are times, when his father still sees him as a wayward schoolboy. Alan is a great sportsman and a practical joker, with Gordon being his partner in crime! Apart from piloting Thunderbird 3, he also takes turns with John by manning Thunderbird 5, rotating on a monthly basis.

Tracy, Gordon Cooper: Aquanaut Thunderbird 4. Auburn haired with golden brown eyes, Gordon revels in all water sports from scuba-diving to water skiing. Gordon is the only Tracy not to attend college, but instead choosing to serve in the World Aquanaut Security Patrol and the Submarine Service. Barely a week after he finished serving his stint in WASP, he was seriously injured in a hydrofoil accident and was hospitalized for four months before making a full recovery. He is an excellent oceanographer and the designer of a unique underwater breathing apparatus which was modified & improved for IR. Good natured and high spirited, he posesses a strength and tenacity that makes him respected in his field. He is also one of the World's fastest freestyle swimmers and is a past Olympic champion in the butterfle stroke.

Tracy, Grandma: Widowed mother of Jeff. Petite & spry, with blue-gray eyes. Grandma was a prominent Kansas wheat farmer with her late husband. She retired from the farm and spent some time in southern California before coming to Tracy Island. One of her many talents is baking, especially apple pie. It is speculated that she has won several blue ribbons for her pies at the Kansas State Fair, she still favors a thermal-heat oven instead of Tracy Villa's nuclear oven. She helps Kryano in keeping Tracy Villa in "apple pie order".

Tracy Island: Home of International Rescue, Tracy Island looks for all outward appearances as a small crop of ocean-bound rock. But upon closer inspection, it reveals the hidden workings of an organization that takes its secrecy very seriously. Underneath a swimming pool is the launch bay of Thunderbird 1, Thunderbird 3 blasts off from a hidden silo underneath the roundhouse on the far side of the island. Thunderbird 2's hangar is hidden behind a cliff wall that slides away when the craft is launched. Supporting the highly sophisticated rescue operation is a series of high-tech workshops, labs and technical equipment. The island also contains its own medical and recreational facilities along with a communications system capable of receiving transmissions from throughout the globe. For International Rescue to operate in complete secrecy, all these installations are cleverly hidden from even the most careful scrutiny. The main study, the nerve center of the operation, has all access ways to the Thunderbirds craft camoflaged. The sliding ramp to Thunderbird 1 is located behind a section of revolving wall. Thunderbird 2's entry slide is a tilting wall panel, while Thunderbird 3's hangar is accessed by a sofa that drops into the floor.

Tracy, Colonel Jeff: The patriarch of the Tracy family and founder of International Rescue. Gray haired & blue eyes, Jeff is the son of a Kansas wheat farmer. He was a Colonel in the US Air Force before tranferring to the Space Agency. He considers himself as one of the first astronauts to land on the Moon during the early days of colonization. He left the Agency to raise his five sons following the tragic early death of his wife Lucille. Entrepreneurial, spirited and adventurous, Jeff's genius for civil and construction engineering has made him one of the richest men in the World, which enabled him finance International Rescue. Intelligent, kind hearted and with a sense of humor, Jeff also possesses the ability to be firm and decisive when the situation demands. Jeff seldom allows himself time off from his duties.

Tracy, John Glenn: Astronaut/Space Monitor Thunderbirds 3 & 5. Ash blonde & blue eyed John followed in his father's footsteps to become an astronaut with the Space Agency prior to joining International Rescue. A graduate of Harvard where he studied astronomy, laser communications and electronics. He also is the author of four textbooks on outer space and astronomy. John is the quietest and the most intellectual of the Tracy brothers, he is also extremely lithe & graceful. As Space Monitor for IR, he has ample time to indulge in his favorite pastime, astronomy. His constant searching of space led to the discovery of the Tracy Quasar.

Tracy, Scott Carpenter: Pilot Thunderbird 1. Eldest of the Tracy brothers, tall, dark haired and handsome with sparkling blue eyes and dimples. Educated at Yale & Oxford Universities, Scott was a Captain with US Air Force and was decorated for valor before joining International Rescue. Scott is quick thinking as well as having brains, brawn, daring and drive. Always first on the scene of a rescue, he assesses the situation and determines which rescue equipment will be required. Scott is even willing to assist his brothers in even the most menial of tasks. He often co-pilots Thunderbird 3 with Alan and whenever Jeff is absent, his seniority places him in command of IR.

Tracy, Virgil Grissom: Pilot Thunderbird 2. Brown haired, with twinkling brown eyes and a beautiful voice. Virgil is the most serious of the Tracy brothers. He possesses a maturity well beyond his years. A graduate of the Denver School of Advanced Technology, his dexterity makes him an ideal pilot and operator of the many rescue vehicles. Virgil never places technology above human need, even if it means putting his own life in jeopardy. He is a most complex young man who combines strength with his gentler side as an accomplished pianist and a gifted artist.

Tranquilizer Guns: Lady Penelope utilized the use of a hypnotic type tranquilizer weapon on the guard at Robotics International in order to accsess Jim Lucas' file, it caused no after-effects. After getting the shutdown procedure from Lucas, Penelope puts him back to sleep with a tranquilizer round from her pistol. (POD).

Transmitter, Edible: Raspberry size homing device, which is swallowed only in emergencies. Once the crisis has passed, a transmitter dissolver is swallowed. There are no after-effects from the transmitter or the dissolver.

Transmitter Pen: Pen shaped radio/transmitter pen. BSS Agent Southern radios Agent Frazer to order the evacuation the vicinity of the Plutoninum Storage Facility with this device. (30M).

Tunnel Control: Located in the Anderbad Tunnel. It contains a air conditioning plant and a control console panel which controls and monitors train traffic in the tunnel. Motion sensors in the track detect an oncoming train, with its progress being displayed on the console screen. After shooting Roache, Dr. Godber shoots and disables the control panel. (PPn).

Tuttle, Jeremiah: Alias, Agent 47. Residing in the backwoods of nothern Arizona, Jeremiah & his wife Maudie (Ma) are operatives for International Rescue. He was a handyman during Jeff Tracy's Air Force days and was doing favors for people. Jeremiah surmised what Jeff was doing when he was organizing IR. He asked what he could do for him and Jeff, who just couldn't refuse, made Jeremiah an IR Agent. He was instrumental in capturing the imposters Carela & Jenkins.

TX-204 Aircraft: Military aircraft, Target 1 (TTS) is a TX-204 craft.

U &V

Umbrella: Penelope gives Parker an umbrella to catch the cable hooks to connect the free-falling cable gondola to Thunderbird 2. It also doubled as a parachute. (CHm).

Uniforms: Uniforms worn by International Rescue personnel are kept ready to go in their respective craft and are only worn when they are on a rescue call. The uniform consists of a cobalt-blue pullover tunic & matching trousers, a color-coded sash which displays the IR insignia and has a built-in sidearm holster with holders for stun-gas & laser clips. Knee-high boots and a bicorner hat completes the ensemble. Sash colors are as follows: Scott: light blue, Virgil: yellow, John: lilac, Gordon: orange, Alan: off-white and Jeff & Brains: brown. Tin Tin's uniform is similar to the others, but without a sash.

Unit Insignia: The official International Rescue insignia features an outstretched hand over the Earth with red IR initials.

Underground Rivers: Over the course of many centuries, the ground beneath New York has been eroded by underground bodies of water. Due to these waterways, the ground gave way beneath the moving of the Empire State Building, causing it to collapse. (TYNC).

Upstairs Lounge: A "sky parlor" at Tracy Villa. The Tracys discuss the plans to rescue the Sun Probe rocket in this room. (SPb).

Utility Laser Cutter: A large pistol-sized laser cutting device. Gordon cuts through the window of the Fireflash cockpit using this cutter to rescue the crew. (OCD).

Vault: Fearing a break-in, the Bank of England has a new high-tech vault installed. Once closed, the air is then pumped out to protect what is in there. Lambert was accidentally locked in the vault. Although, it requires and electronic key to open the vault, Parker can open it with a hairpin! This makes the bank personnel rethink about going back to the old vault. (VOD).

Victoria Hotel: Located in Anderbad, Lady Penelope & Sir Jeremy were headed to this hotel to initiate an investigation regarding Professor Borrender's disappearance. (PPn).

VTOL Jet: Jeff Tracy's midnight blue private jet.


Wade: Technician at the Sahara Atomic Irrigation Station. He first spots a mouse, which is the Mighty Atom that the Hood has planted. (MA).

Watchdog Copter: Escort hellicopter for the Sidewinder. (PPl).

Water Mamba: Roving water creature, which Tin Tin & Colonel Casey are searching for in one of the underwater caves on Tracy Island. Actually, this is a diversion to prevent Casey from witnessing Thunderbirds 1 & 2. (EI).

Williams, Dr.: Satellite HQ Operative, stationed at Densley Tracking Station in Northern Territory Australia.

Williams, Bob & Tony: Sons of Dr. Williams. They love to imititate International Rescue, complete with homemade IR uniforms. Their go-cart is even painted to match Thunderbird 2! They inadvertantly contact the real International Rescue on their walky-talkies. Bob & Tony are invited to Tracy Island to show them the dangers of calling a false alarm. Later, they even get Scott to try out their homemade slide they and their father built to board their own "Thunderbird 2"! (CW).

Wilson: Acheologist partnered with Lindsey, involved in the search for the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides before their unexpected run-in with the Zombites. (UNV).

Winch Ladder: Cable-winched service ladder used in the Anderbad Tunnel. Dr. Godber & Roache use this ladder to tie Penelope and lower her into the path of the second Anderbad Express in order to make Sir Jeremy & Professor Borrender talk. While Gordon exchanges gunfire with Godber, Virgil shoots the cable wires and the ladder drops Penelope below the rushing Anderbad Express and out of harms way. (PPn).

Wingrove, Professor: Overseer of the Martian Space Probe. He invited Brains to witness its launch in England. (DD).

Worden, Lord: Master of ceremonies at the launching of Ocean Pioneer II, He invites Penelope to launch the champagne bottle to christen the tanker. (DOD).

World Navy: Global Naval service, they were conducting missile tests in the vicinity of the Seascape Drilling Rig. (AI).

World News: Global newspaper publication.

X - Z

X, General: One of the Hood's customers, The Hood crashes into General X's villa while trying to escape Thunderbirds 1 & 2. (MI).

Zombites: Lost renegade race, who occupied the Lost Pyramid of Khamandides. Involved in the shooting down of Thunderbird 1, they later capture Lindsey, Wilson & Scott. The three escape, and the Zombites are vanquished, when they are overcome by their own explosive gas. (UNV).

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