Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (senior)


father: ?

mother: ?

b.: Portugal, ±1754 (in the Census of Fish River [Censo de Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, of 1832, he was widower and 77 years old).

bap.: Portugal, ±1754.

d.: Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, > 1832 (he was taken a census in Fish River [Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, in 1832, he was widower and 77 years old).

bur.: Chapel of Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Capela de Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1832.

m.: Chapel of Saint Joseph [Capela de São José] [?], Itapanhoacanga, MG, Brazil, ±1780.

m.w.: Josefa Pereira de Jesus (Bomjardim) (b. Itapanhoacanga [?], MG, Brazil, ±1770; bap. Chapel of Saint Joseph of Itapanhoacanga [Capela de São José de Itapanhoacanga] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1770; d. Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, 15th/May/1810), daughter of the Captain (Ordenança) José Pereira Bomjardim (senior), and of Maria Affonço de Siqueira.

education/formation: He would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"] and would know "Reckoning" ["Contar"].

profession/activities: He was a farmer, minner and businessman in the Village of Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. One might find credits of tithe over the agricultural production of his property located in Fish River [Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, in the years of 1805, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1828, but the period might be much longer. In the year of 1814, a certain "Antonio Joze Ferreira Carneiro" paid in "The Village of Saint Anthony of the Fish River" ["O Arrayal de S.tº Ant.º do R.º do Peixe"], the amount of 12$800 r.s, of the "Dobla" Tax [Imposto da Dobla], over his "Store of Dry Goods of the Above mentioned Village" ["Loja de Fazenda Seca no Sobredito Arraial"], and continued to paying till the year of 1825. The name in the form "Antonio Joze Ferreira Carneiro" only was observed in the years of 1814 and 1815, passing to the form of "Antonio Ferreira Carneiro" soon in 1816. In the "Roll of Inhabitants of the District of the Chapel of the Fish River, Territory of the Prince Town, Year of 1832" ["Relação de Habitantes do Districto da Capella do Rio do Peixe, Termo da Villa do Príncipe, Anno de 1832"], he was qualified as "Antonio Ferreira Carneiro, White, 77 [anos], Widower, Businessman" ["Antonio Ferreira Carneiro, Branco, 77 [anos], Viuvo, Negociante"].

politics/public offices: He has benn Trreasurer Exchanger of Gold [Thesoureiro Permutador do Ouro] of the Village of Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Arraial de Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], nominated bu the Inspector of the Intendency of the Gold [Inspetor da Intendência do Ouro], office in which he was substituted by his son Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (son), in 11th/May/1816, who also was substituted by another son, Serafim Ferreira Carneiro (senior), in 27th/Apr/1822.

religion/brotherhoods: He was foman apostolic catholic. He was elected Brother of Table [Irmão de Mesa] of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the exercises of 1792/1793 and of 1802/1803.

slaves: In the "Roll of Inhabitants of the District of the Chapel of the Fish River, Territory of the Prince Town, Year of 1832" ["Relação de Habitantes do Districto da Capella do Rio do Peixe, Termo da Villa do Príncipe, Anno de 1832"], he had in his property 19 slaves.

diverse: He has been testament executor of four (4) "post-mortem" asset inventories: José Esteves de Amorim, dead in the Village or the Fish River [Arraial do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, on 12th/Apr/1812, with four (4) years to redering accounts; Captain (Ordenança) José Pereira Bomjardim (senior), dead in the Village of Tapanhuacamga [Arraial de Tapanhuacanga], MG, Brazil, on the 1st/Sep/1812, with four (4) years to rendering accounts; Romão da Costa Guimarães, dead in the Village of the Fish River [Arraial do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, on the 22nd/Apr/1813, with four (4) years to rendering accounts; and José Antônio de Souza, dead in the Village of the Fish River [Arraial do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, on 24th/Apr/1824, with one (1) year to rendering accounts in justice.

residence: Village of Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Arraial de Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], MG, Brazil, nowadays city of Alvorada de Minas, MG, Brazil, in the territory of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, actual city of Serro, MG, Brazil.

children: From the marriage with Josefa Pereira de Jesus (Bomjardim) (10 or +): José Joaquim Ferreira Carneiro (senior), Maria Ferreira Carneiro, José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), Antônio Ferreira Carneiro Júnior, Manoel Ferreira Carneiro, Joaquim Ferreira Carneiro, Modesto Ferreira Carneiro, Serafim Ferreira Carneiro (senior), Celestino Ferreira Carneiro e Bento Ferreira Carneiro (senior). Natural sons (1 or +): José da Cunha Ferreira.

Saint Joseph of Itapanhuacanga Church [Igreja de São José do Itapanhuacanga], MG, Brazil, nowadays in reform, place in which probably Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (senior) would have been married, about the year of 1780 - Photographer: Augusto Dutra - Archive: site "As Minas Gerais": - copyright: © 2005, Augusto Dutra - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   Saint Anthony Church [Igreja de Santo Antônio], of the Fish River [Rio do Peixe], nowadays muncipality of Minas´ Down [Alvorada de Minas], MG, Brazil, where probably would have been buried Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (senior), dead after the year of 1832 - Photographer: Augusto Dutra - Archive: site "As Minas Gerais": - copyright: © 2005, Augusto Dutra - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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