José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), Commendatory


father: Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (senior)

mother: Josefa Pereira de Jesus (Bomjardim)

b.: Itapanhoacanga, territory of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1794.

bap.: Itapanhoacanga [?], territory of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1794.

d.: Viamão Farm [Fazenda do Viamão], district of Saint Dominic of the Fish River [São Domingos do Rio do Peixe], municipality of Conception of the Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, 23rd/Apr/1883, with testament.

bur.: Maybe, in the same Viamão Farm [Fazenda do Viamão], district of Saint Dominic of the Fish River [São Domingos do Rio do Peixe], municipality of Conception of the Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, 23rd/Apr/1883 [?].

m.: Serro, MG, Brazil, ±1820.

m.w.: Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes) (b. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ??/Jul/1796 [?]; bap. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 20th/Jul/1796; d. Serro, MG, Brazil, ±1834-1838), legitime daughter of the Quarter-Master José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, and of Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco (Anninha Nazareth) , and biological daughter of Antônio Pereira Guedes (filho), and of Anna Cândida da Conceição.

education/formation: He would have been educated with the "trivium": "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"] (or "Read and Writte" "Ler e Escrever"), "Reckon" ["Contar"] (or "Arithmetic" ["Aritmética"]), and "Latim".

profession/activities: He has been a wholesaler businessman ("in gross businessman" ["negociante de grosso tracto"]) of dry goods [fazendas secas], in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, having had opened his store, on the 16th of June of 1816, when he would be 23 years old! There are recods of tax payments of this shop, since the opening, in 1816, untill the year of 1833, one ignoring by how many years it remained still opened. He has also been a bisinessman of dry goods [fazendas secas] in the municipality of Anteater [Tamanduá], MG, Brazil, about 1864. He was a man of great possessions, "landed" ["afazendado"], has had at least the folowing rural properties: 1. Sugar-Cane Mill (farm), in the place so-called Viamão (nowadays, Carmésia, MG), district of Saint Dominic of the Fish River [São Domingos do Rio do Peixe] (now, Dom Joaquim, MG), municipality of Conception of Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, with 1,400 (one thousand and four hundred) "alqueires mineiros"; 2. farm in the place so-called Bananal, in Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe] (today Alvorada de Minas, MG), municipality of Serro, MG, Brazil, with 200 (two hundred) "alqueires mineiros", circa the year of 1856.

military service: He begun his military career in the troops of "Ordenanças",having received his patent letter with rank of Captain of the Company of "Ordenanças" of the Discrict of Chapada, territory of the Prnce Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, dated of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, on 18th/Aug/1817. He entered in the National Gueard [Guarda Nacional], about the year of 1832, with the rank of Liutenente-Colonel, having achieved the rank with Superior Commanding Colonel [Coronel Comandante Superior], about the year of 1841. He occupied, temporarily, the office of Captain-Mayor [Capitão-Mor], for many times.

politics/public offices: He has been Gold Exchanger [Permutador do Ouro], from 21th/Dec/1809 until 19th/Apr/1816, in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. He was a true patriot, as he demonstrates when he afirms that "his patriotism by the espontaneous way that free and gerenously aprompted the necessary supplies, and other provisions to the Battalion that marched to succour Bahia when it passed through Fish River [Rio do Peixe]" ["o seu patriotismo pela espontanea vontade com que gratuita e generozam.e apromptou os necessarios viveres, e de mais provizoens para o Batalhão que marchou em socorro da Bahia quando passou pelo Rio do Peixe"], and afterwards, again, "his patiotism by the espontaneous generosity with which he aprompted freely the necessary dewlling, and more provisions to the Battalion that marched to save Bahia; by the subscription of the enhancement of the Navy, ..." ["seu patriotismo pela espontanea generosidade com q' apromptóu gratuitam.e os necessarios, pouso, e de mais provisoens para o Batalhão que marchou em socorro da Bahia; pela subscripção para augmento da Marinha, ..."]. The wealth of José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca) permited him to be generous with public causes, and, between his dids, besides the many cited, as freely exercise the offices and give the wages of public offices in benefit of the public cause, equip, dwell and provide one Battalion that was sent to succour Bahia, subscribe funds to buying ships to form the new Brazilian War Navy [Marinha de Guerra do Brazil], or ordering the painting of the portrait of the Empreor, one should add the relieve to the finances of the new government, with the buying of 20 Public Funds Bonds [Ações de Fundos Públicos], and a cessin in benefít of the treasury of 6:396$000 réis (six million, three hundred and ninety six thousand [seis contos, trezentos e noventa e seis mil] réis), represented by papers o the book debts, considerable sum for this epoch, and that whould enrich any one. He was Alderman of the Senate of the Council of the Prince Town [Senado da Câmara da Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, during 3 consecutive years (1823-1825), and Procurator of the same in 1825. In 1836 he was elected as Alderman of the Senate of the Municipal Council of the Prince Town [Vereador da Câmara Municipal da Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, for the exercise of the quadrienium 1837-1840, whose Term of Oath and Hold he signed in the Book "Terms of hold Of Aldermans" ["Termos de posse De Vereadores"], on the 7th/Jan/1837, together with the Captain of Militia Simão da Cunha Pereira (da Silveira), and other five (5) elected. In 1837, he was President of the Comission for the Change of the Copper [Comissão do Troco do Cobre], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. He has been a Deputy to the Provincial Assembly [Assembléia Provincial] of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in two legislatures: 2nd (1838-1839), and 3rd (1840-41). As President of the Municipal Council [Câmara Municipal] of Serro, MG, Brazil, he assisted and presided to the instalation of the Municipal Council [Câmara Municipal] of Conception Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, on 11th/Mar/1842, signing the Aldermans Hold Act [Auto de Posse dos Vereadores]. He was Deputy to the General House o Deputies of the Empire [Câmara Geral do Império] (federal) in the 5th legislature (1843-1844).

honours/mercies: On 8th/Jan/1822 was published the Decree of Pedro I, signed in the Palace, doing him the mercy of the Habit of the Order of Christ [Ordem de Cristo], with 12$000 réis of efective pension. The Warrant [Alvará] granting the Habit of the Order of Christ [Ordem de Cristo] dates of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, on 9th/Jul/1822. On 18th/Jul/1841, one Decree gave him the Commendam of the Order of Christ [Comenda da Ordem de Cristo]. On 11th/Mar/1843 he was distinguished by Decree as Commendatory of the Order of the Rose [Comendador da Ordem da Rosa].

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. He has been a "brother of compromise" ["irmão de compromisso"] of the Brotherhood of The Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in which the entered on 16th/Mar/1818, having being Table Brother [Irmão de Mesa] in the exercise 1827/1828, and Purveyor [Provedor] in the exercise 1837/1838. Also he was a "brother o compromise" ["irmão de compromisso"] of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Mercies and Saint Benedict [Irmandade de Nossa Senhora das Mercês e São Benedito], of Serro, MG, Brazil, where he registered himself on the 1st/Set/1846.

slaves: He had a vast number of slaves, divided between his home and his store, in Serro, MG, Brazil, and the big Viamão Farm [Fazenda do Viamão]. Between the years of 1830 and 1886, one found about 40 names of slaves or ex-slaves o him, being 20 in birth and baptism records, nine (9) in death records, and one (1) in a wedding record, this one of a freedman, in the year of 1886. In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, of 1838, ne found in his home eight (8) slaves: Victorino Pardo (25), Fellipe African (23), José African (26), Leonor African (27), Maria African (30), Laureanna African (17), Lucinda African (30), and Carolina Crioula (20). In the "Post-Mortem" Assets Inventory, opened in 1884, there were listed 19 slaves, of which three (3) were made freed, resting 16 slaves for the heirs. One should say thart, before the ending of the inventory, the Golden Law [Lei Áurea] came to free all the slaves, subtracting their value, of 7:250$000 r.s, from the Bulk [Monte-Mor]. The slaves represented 11% of the assets, while the immovables participated witn 82% of the total of the assets, an atipical distribuition, because in this case the real estates had a very elevated value. Stil during his life, he donated slaves to his grand-daughters Júlia Carlota da Cunha Pereira (Nhanhá), and Carlota Júlia da Cunha Pereira (Lolota), both daughters of his daughter Júlia Cândida Ferreira Carneiro, with the intention of endowing them.

diverse: Following the oral tradition, he was a personal friend of the Emperor D. Pedro I, of whom he ordered to be painted a portrait for the Council [Câmara] of Serro, MG, Brazil, nowadays desappeared. He was nominated by his father-in-law, Antônio Pereira Guedes (son), in testament, as 2nd will executor, being 1st will executor his wife. He did two testaments, the first of which in the Office of the 2nd Public Notary [Cartório do 2° Tabelião de Notas] of Conception of Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, on 27th/Jun/1865, and the second, in public-form, registered in the Book 6, at sts. 66/68-verso, under # 176, in the Office of the Purveyors, Chapels and Residues [Cartório da Provedoria, Capelas e Resíduos], of Conception of Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil, dated of Viamão, MG, Brazil, on 3rd/Nov/1871. The "post-mortem" assets inventory, was initiated in the year of 1883, having as inventry administrator the son José Ferreira Carneiro Júnior, which also died during the process, and finiched with the partition dated of "Conceição, 27 de 9br.º de 1888". The Gross Bulk [Monte-Mor Bruto] was of 66:533$000 r.s, and fell to each son heir the legal part [legítima] of 4:546$309 r.s.

residence: He was dweller, inicialy, in the Village of Itapanhoacanga [Arraial de Itapanhoacanga], MG, passing afterwards to the Village of Saint Anthony of the Fish River [Arraial de Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe], Serro, MG, Brazil. Already in the year of 1819, he was proprietary of the big multi-stage colonial building, house # 29 of the Cavalcade Square [Largo da Cavalhada] (nowadays João Pnheiro Square [Praça João Pinheiro]), acquired from the Vicar Priest Francisco Rodrigues Ribeiro de Avellar, who had acquired it from the Priest Doctor Nicoláu da Silva Bello or from his assets, whose icome in this same year was evaluated in 60$000 r.s, and paid the urban tithe of 5$400 r.s, and that today belongs to the Municipal Prefecture of Serro [Prefeitura Municipal do Serro], MG, Brazil, in which he passed to reside. In 1821, the income was evalueted in 30$000 r.s, and paid the urban tithe of 2$700 r.s, but soon, in the following years, from 1822 to 1828, the income was evaluated in 57$600 r.s, and paid the tithe of 5$184 r.s. In the years of 1829 and 1830, the income was evaluated in 36$000 r.s, and paid the tithe of 3$240 r.s. Although one ignore the values in the years that follow one may suppose that these values had been mantained or became decreasing, by depreciation. It is well likely that he has occupied this building as residence, in part, starting in 1822, but most part of the edifice may have been rented, because it was too big. In the year of 1838, when was done the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], he was found living exactly in this same site, the building # 29, of the Cavalcade Street [Rua da Cavalhada], with 11 childreen, that certainly were found motherless, as the name of Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes) was not mentioned. It is probable that the daughter Júlia Cândida had moved to this address after she widowed, as she became heiress of it in 1883, selling it to the Prefecture [Prefeitura] by about the year of 1892. Circa 1860, or a few years later, he would have passed to reside in his Viamão Farm [Fazenda do Viamão], district of Saint Dominic of the Fish River [São Domingos do Rio do Peixe], municipality of Conception of the Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil.

children: He had from Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes) (11): José Ferreira Carneiro Júnior, Josefina Cândida Ferreira Carneiro, Joaquina Cândida Ferreira Carneiro, Antônio Ferreira Carneiro (nephew), Modesta Cândida Ferreira Carneiro, Júlia Cândida Ferreira Carneiro, Joaquim Ferreira Carneiro, Bento Ferreira Carneiro Sobrinho, Custódio Ferrreira Carneiro, Justino Ferreira Carneiro, and Venâncio Ferreira Carneiro. From an unidentified mother (1): Christina Amélia Ferreira Carneiro.

Saint Joseph of the Itapanhuacanga Church [Igreja de São José do Itapanhuacanga], MG, Brazil, nowadays in reform, place in which probably José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca) would have been baptized, about the year of 1794 - Photographer: Augusto Dutra - Archive: site "As Minas Gerais": - copyright: © 2005, Augusto Dutra - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   House ot the Sheep [Casa do Carneiro] or House of Sheep [Casa dos Carneiros], in Serro, MG, Brazil, that was property of José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), since about of 1819 until his death in 1883, and today belongs to the Municipal Prefecture of which it is the seat, to which it was sold about the year of 1892, by the heir and daughter Júlia Cândida Ferreira Carneiro - Photographer: Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira, year 2000 - By courtesy of Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - copyright: © 2000, 2005, Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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