Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco, Anninha Nazareth


father: Customs-Chief Manoel Rodrigues Teixeira Franco

mother: Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira

b.: in the Mother Church of Saint Anthony of the Village of Saint Louis and Saint Anne, Mines of the Praracatu, parish of Manga, Bishopric of Pernambuco ["na Matriz de Santo Antonio do Arrayal de San Luiz e Santa Anna, Minas do Praracatu freguesia de Manga, Bispado de Pernambuco"], MG, Brazil, ±1762.

bap.: in the Mother Church of Saint Anthony of the Village of Saint Louis and Saint Anne, Mines of the Praracatu, parish of Manga, Bishopric of Pernambuco ["na Matriz de Santo Antonio do Arrayal de San Luiz e Santa Anna, Minas do Praracatu freguesia de Manga, Bispado de Pernambuco"], MG, ±1762.

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, > 1838.

bur.: Serro, MG, Brazil, > 1838.

m.: in the Hermitage Chapel of Saint John of Guanhães, of the farm of Joam Ribeiro Pereira ["na Ermida de Sam Joam de Guanhaens da fazenda de Joam Ribeiro Pereira"], Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 24th/Aug/1783.

m.w.: Quarter-Master José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth (b. Chapel of Our Lady of Nazareth [Capela de N. Sra. de Nazareth], parish of Our Lady of the Pilar [freguesia de N. Sra. do Pilar], Saint John of the King [São João D'El-Rey], MG, Brazil, ±1755; bap. Chapel of Our Lady of Nazareth [Capela de N. Sra. de Nazareth], parish of Our Lady of the Pilar [freguesia de N. Sra. do Pilar], Saint John of the King [São João D'El-Rey], MG, ±1755; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 4th/Feb/1821), son of Antônio José dos Reis, and of Anna Maria de Jesus.

education/formation: She would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She was a Housewife ("home gifts").

religion/brotherhoods: She was roman apostolic catholic. She entered as "sister of compromise" ["irmã de compromisso"], in the Archbrotherhood of Saint Francis [Arquiconfraria de São Francisco], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, signing the term of matriculation, on the 2nd/Oct/1788, of which she was a "Minister" [Ministra], in the exercise 1790/1791.

residence: She resided in the house # 3, of the Lucas Bridge Street [Rua da Ponte do Lucas], in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, that belonged to her legitime daughter Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), and where later resided her other legitime daughter Claudina Cândida da Conceição, or Claudina Cândida do Espírito Santo, who married with the Captain Demétrio Fidelis Pereira de Queirós, in 1842, who also passed to residing here. In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, 1838, she was 75 years old, was widwed and resided in home of her granddaughter Carlota Cândida da Conceição, daughter of the first marrige of Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), and of the 2nd Quarter-Master [Furriel] José Gonçalves Nunes Júnior, and m.w. Reginaldo de Faria Medina, in the 4th Bock [Quarteirão], inside the City [dentro da Cidade], "fire" [fogo] # 229.

children: (12 or +): Manoel dos Reis Franco, Francisco dos Reis Franco, Joaquim dos Reis Franco, Antônio dos Reis Franco, Brízida dos Reis Franco, Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), José dos Reis Franco, Bernardino Antônio dos Reis Franco, Luiz dos Reis Franco, Tomaz dos Reis Franco, Claudina Cândida do Espírito Santo, and Demétrio dos Reis Franco.



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