Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira


father: Captain o Dragoons Simão da Cunha Pereira

mother: Ignácia Mendes Ramos

b.: Capela de Santo Antônio, do Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], freguesia de N. Sra. da Conceição, da Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], Bishopric [Bispado] of Mariana, MG, Brazil, ??/nov/1749 [?].

bap.: Capela de Santo Antônio, do Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], freguesia de N. Sra. da Conceição, da Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], Bishopric [Bispado] of Mariana, MG, Brazil, ??/nov/1749, sendo padrinhos: o Desembargador Plácido de Almeida Mouttozo, que era o Intendente dos Diamantes, e Sr Santa Anna.

d.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1802.

bur.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1802.

m.: Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, ±1760.

m.w.: Customs-Chief e Lawyer Manoel Rodrigues Teixeira Franco (b. N. Sra. do Pilar das Congonhas do Sabará, [Minas] "Gerais", Brazil, ±1730-40; bap. N. Sra. do Pilar das Congonhas do Sabará, [Minas] "Gerais", Brazil, ±1730-40; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 9th/Nov/17866, com solene testamento), son of Antônio Teixeira Franco, and of Brízida Gomes da Silva.

education/formation: Tinha the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"], and may be he would know "Reckoning" ["Contar"].

profession/activities: She has been a "millwoman" ["moleira"] [=dona de moinho], that is, furnisher of flours, cereals and utensils, for the Royal Extraction of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, in the years of 1780 and 1793, and possibly in other ones. She was an important Sugar-Mill Landlady [Senhora de Engenho], in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, by sucession of her husband, as also were Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães, and her maternal haf-sister Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala, at least between the years of 1787 and 1796, althoug she has manifested to have produced 300 barrels of eight (8) "canadas" [=2,622 liters] in the secoond semester of the year of 1788, and that paid 24$000 r.s of tax, and 60 barrels of eight (8) "canadas", in the first semester of the year of 1790, of which he paid 4$800 r.s, and of not having produced any brandy [aguardente] in the other years of the period. At least between the years of 1788 and 1796, she had as partner her maternal half-brother Liutenant Ângelo Rodrigues Nogueira, although the property sometimes appears in the name of both the partners, and other times in the name of one of them, alternatively.

religion/brotherhoods: She was roman apostolic catholic. She has been "Judge by devotion" ["Juiza por devoção"] of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Mercies and Saint Benedict [Irmandade de Nossa Senhora das Mercês e São Benedito], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the exercise 1802/1803.

slaves: Betweenn the years of 1784 and 1792, we found references to 11 of her slaves, in records of which one (1) of marriage, seven (7) of death, and one (1) of baptism.

diverse: There are records about the her "Post-Mortem" Assets Inventory [Inventário de Bens "Post-Mortem", in the Museu Casa dos Ottoni, in Serro, MG, Brazil, but they were not found, by lack of and index in the instituition, that belongs to the IPHAN/MinC.

residence: She resided in her farm, in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil.

children: (3 or +): Brízida Agostinha da Cunha Franco, Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco (Anninha Nazareth), and Antônio Salustiano da Cunha Franco. She adopted some sons, "exposed" [ "expostos"] (rejected [enjeitados]) (2 or +): Anna [da Cunha Franco?, ou Cândida da Conceição?], and Joaquim [da Cunha Franco?].



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