Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala, or Luiza Mendes


father: Captain (Ordenança?) Bento Joaquim de Siqueira Henriques da Ayalla

mother: Ignácia Mendes Ramos

b.: Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, 19th/Sep/1767.

bap.: Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco, MG, Brazil, 5th/Oct/1767, being godparents the Captain José Antônio Teixeira de Mello, and Caetana Maria da Silva, wife of João Teixeira da Costa (justification of baptism done in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, on the 6th/Mar/1802, by order of the Attorney, Priest Alexandre Farnezi da Paixão).

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 24th/Aug/1847, with solemn testament (death record not found).

bur.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 24th/Aug/1847 [?], in an ignored sepulcher.

m.: ["por Contracto de Arras" and "in facie Eclesiae" ("a face da Igreja") and "em perigo de Morte"] Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1822 (wedding record not found; it is said "por Contracto de Arras", in the Testament of Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques, and "in facie Eclesiae", in the Testament of Carlos Pereira de Sá (son)).

m.w.: Captain (Ordenança) Carlos Pereira de Sá (son) (b. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1762; bap. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1762; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 25th/Nov/1822, with solemn testament), son of Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior), and of Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães.

education/formation: She would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She became an important Sugar-mill Landlady [Senhora de Engenho] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, at the end of the 18th century and first half of the 19th century, with her Farm of "Saint Ane of the Guanhães" ["Santa Anna dos Guanhães"], in the district of Saint Sebastian of the Streams [São Sebastião dos Correntes], Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, nowadays city of Sabinópolis, MG, Brazil, which had good intalations and about 60 slaves. Most probably, this farm would had been inheritance from Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães, another important Sugar-mill Landlady [Senhora de Engenho] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, of the last quarter of the 18th century, to the son Carlos Pereira de Sá (son), who, in virtue of the contract of marriage by "arras" [por arras], endowed his wife with this property and also the house at the Above the Mother Churdh Street [Rua de Cima da Matriz], in the ancient Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, later Dr. Simão da Cunha Street [Rua Dr. Simão da Cunha], and nowadays Dr. Luis Advíncula Reis Street [Rua Dr. Luiz Advíncula Reis], of the actual city of Serro, MG, Brazil, a two-stage buillding tha later would be inherited by her daughter Ignez Lidora, and passed to her medical-doctor son to dwell, becoming known by that as "Home of Dr. Simão da Cunha" ["Casa do Dr. Simão da Cunha"], although this had never been its proprietor, because he died very early in 1862, and his mother has survived until 1881. The farm of Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães, that certainly was an heritage from Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior), she administered since 1774, or even from some years before, until 1796. From 1797 on, the name of Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães no more appears among the list of Sugar-Mill Landlords [Senhores de Engenho] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, but yes the name of her daughter-in-law, Luiza Victória, making us suppose that this late one had succeeded the former in the administration of the same farm. The name of Luiza Victória is found in records of payments of taxes from 1797 until at least the year of 1824. At the begining she produced sugar-cane brandy [aguardente] sporadically, as she did in the second semester of 1804, when she produced 15 barrels of 8 "canadas" [=2,622 liters], amounting 120 "canadas", and paid the "literary subsidy" ["subsídio litertário"] of 1$200 r.s, or as in the second semester of 1805, when she produced 20 barrels os 8 "canadas", giving the todal of 160 "canadas", and has paid the "literary subsidy" ["subsídio literário"] of 1$600 r.s, at a rate of $010 by "canad". She may have produced in other years, from 1806 till 1814, but we have no records of it. During 10 followed years, in the period of 1815 to 1824 she paid annualy 1$200 r.s, cash, of taxes on the production of sugar-cane brandy [aguardente], i. e., she maintained a steady annual production of 15 barrels of 8 "canadas". This production might have been continued, from 1825 until at least near her death, in 1847, but we have no records of it. In the Census of Saint Sebastian of the Streams [Censo de São Sebastião dos Correntes], MG, Brazil, of 1838, she was qualified as "D. Luiza Vitoria Henrique de Siqueira Ayala, [qualidade=] [=branca], [estado=] Viuva, [vida=] lavrad. [=lavradora], [idade=] 70 [anos], sabe ler". In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838, she was qualified as "Luiza Victoria, sabe [ler e escrever], [idade=] 65 [anos], [qualidade=] Branca, [estado=] Viuva, [emprego=] Cultura".

religion/brotherhoods: She was roman apostolic catholic. She entered in the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Mercies and Saint Benedict [Irmandade de N. Sra. das Mercês e São Benedito], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, on the 21th/Sep/1795, in the same date as so did her mother, Ignácia Mendes Ramos, being recorded the incomplete date of her death, ??/August/1847, where she was elected as Judge [Juíza], for the exercise 1806/1807, and Sister of Tabel [Irmã de Mesa], for 1818/1819 and for 1843/1844.

slaves: Between the years of 1794, and even after her death, that happened in 1847, until the year of 1852, one may find at least 74 references to her slaves or of her assets, being 35 in birth and baptism records, and 28 in death records. One estimate that she reached to have about 70 slaves, distributed between the farm and her home. She donated, in life, a first slave to her daughter Ignez Lidora, on the 20th/Apr/1802, when was baptized "... Luiza filha natural de Fabianna cabra escrava de Dona Luiza Victoria Henrique de Siqueira cuja cria a dita Senhora mandou Baptizar por Captiva de Ignez que foi exposta em casa do Reverendo Francisco de Salles Pereira ...", and two slaves to Demétrio, the first one on the 13th/Apr/1803, the slave "... Joaq.m f.o natural de Valeria cabra escrava ...", when Luiza Victória "... determinou q' a d.a criança fosse baptizada por escravo de hum engeitado que tem em sua companhia por nome Demetrio ...", and another slave on the 17/Dec/1810, when was baptized "... Gaspar filho natural de Valeriana Cabra escrava de Dona Luisa Victoria de Siqueira ..." ... "... e se mandou declarar que o mencionado Gaspar inosente ficava pertencendo ao Capitão Demetrio Fidelis de Queiros ...". In the Census of Saint Sebastian of the Streams [Censo de São Sebastião dos Correntes], MG, Brazil, of 1838, her Farm had 60 slaves. In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838, at her home, there was only one (1) single slave, Gaspar Cabra (25), that she had donated to the son Demétrio, while in home of her daughter Ignez Lidora Rosa, there were three (3) slaves that her mother donated to her in life: Maria Cabra (50), Silvana Parda (30), and Tibúrcio Cabra (30). In her "post-mortem" inventory of assets, were reckoned about 57 slaves, of wich two (2) died, and being that Demétrio had already received four (4), and the daughter Ignez Lidora had already received five (5), as endowement. As total, Demétrio inherited 20 slaves, while Ignez Lidora inherited 21 slaves. Other 14 went to the "Third" ["Terça"].

diverse: She was inventory administrator of her husband and and she accomplished all his determinations, with relation to alms for the Religious Brotherhoods [Irmandades Religiosas]: in 1822/1823, she paid the alms and the debt of Carlos Pereira de Sá (son), to the Third Order of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel [Ordem Terceira de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] MG, Brazil, on the 1st/Jan/1847, she gave 150$000 réis, part of the testament clause and 200$000 réis, left by Carlos Pereira de Sá (son), for the payment of his fee as Purveyor [Provedor], of the Brotherhood of The Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento], of Serro, MG, Brazil, being the remaining, 50$000 réis, paid in lumber with which was built the Lord of Passos [Senhor dos Passos] Altar, of the Mother Church [Matriz].

residence: She lived in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, in her infancy and adolescence, and, after married, during some years, in the Saint Ane of the Guanhães Farm [Fazenda de Santa Anna dos Guanhães], in Saint Sebastian of the Streams [São Sebastião dos Correntes], MG, Brazil, but later she passed to reside in his home, # 18, Right Side, ot the Above the Mother Church Street [Rua de Cima da Matriz], in Serro, MG, Brazil, where he finished her days. In the Census of Saint Sebastian of the Streams [Censo de São Sebastião dos Correntes], MG, Brazil, of 1838, she had his Farm [Fazenda], showing that she "assists permanently in the City o Serro ["assiste perm.e na Cid.e do Serro"], i. e., she lived permanently in Serro, MG, Brazil.

children: (2): Demétrio Fidelis Pereira de Queirós (son), and Ignez Lidora Rosa de Queirós (niece). She had also an adopted daughter, "exposed" ["exposta"] (rejected [enjeitada]) in her home (1): Eufêmia Henriques de Siqueira Ayala.

Cathedral of Saint Anthony [Catedral de Santo Antônio], of the nowadays city of Diamantina, MG, Brazil, that was built in the place of the ancient Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, where, on the 19th/Sep/1767, was born, and on the 5th/Oct/1767, was baptized Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala, being godparents the Captain José Antônio Teixeira de Mello, and Caetana Maria da Silva, wife of João Teixeira da Costa (justification of baptism done in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, on the 6th/Mar/1802, by order of the Attorney, Priest Alexandre Farnezi da Paixão) - Photographer: ? - Archive: APM, Public Archive of Minas Gerais [Arquivo Público Mineiro], Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, photo # MM-139 - copyright © 2005, APM, Arquivo Público Mineiro, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   Chapel of Our Good Lord of the Matozinhos [Capela do Senhor Bom Jesus do Matozinhos], of Serro, MG, Brazil, seat of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Mercies and Saint Benedict [Irmandade de N. Sra. das Mercês e São Benedito], of the ancient Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], County [Comarca] of Serro do Frio, MG, Brazil, in which Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala entered as "compromise sister" ["irmã de compromisso"], on the 21th/Sep/1795, in the same date as so did her mother Ignácia Mendes Ramos, and where she was elected Judge [Juíza], for the exercise 1806/1807, and Sister of Table [Irmã de Mesa], for 1818/1819 and for 1843/1844. There is therefore the possibility that she had been sepulchred in that Chapel, when she died on the 24th/Aug/1847 - Photographer: Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira, year 2000 - By courtesy of Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - copyright: © 2000, 2005, Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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