Simão da Cunha Pereira (son), Doctor in Medicine


father: Captain of Militia Simão da Cunha Pereira (da Silveira)

mother: Ignez Lidora Rosa de Queirós

b.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1822.

bap.: [?] Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1822 (não tem registro de batizado).

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 13th/Oct/1862, when he was about 40 years old.

bur.: Public Cemetery [Cemitério Público], Serro, MG, Brazil, 13/out/1862 [?], in an unknown sepulcher.

m.: Third Ordem of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel Chapel [Capela da Ordem Terceira de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], Serro, MG, Brazil, 4th/Apr/1853, being testimonies his brother-in-law Joaquim Ferreira Carneiro, and the counter-brother-in-law Antônio Cândido da Cruz Machado, husband of his sister-in-law Josefina Cândida Ferreira Carneiro.

m.w.: Júlia Cândida Ferreira Carneiro (b. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1826/27; d. Serro, MG, Brazil, 4th/Apr/1899), daughter of the Commendatory José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), and of Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes).

education/formation: He did his studies of "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"], and of "Humanities" ["Humanidades"] in Serro, MG, Brazil, in the period 1832-1835; made his "secondary" ["secundários"] studies in the Caraça School [Colégio do Caraça, in Santa Bárbara, MG, Brazil, in the period 1835-1838, where in 1836 he received "eulogies" ["elogios"] in the final exams of the midst of the year (month of June); made "preparatory" ["preparatórios"] studies in Serro, MG, Brazil, in the period 1838-1841; he did the "preparatory exams" ["exames preparatórios"] and the course of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine [Faculdade de Medicina], of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in the period 1842-1847, where he received the title of "Doctor in Medicine" ["Doutor em Medicina"], receiving his degree on the 20th/Dec/1847. The thesis, entitled "Few and Little Considerations About the Respiratory Work in the Man" ["Poucas e Ligeiras Considerações sobre o Trabalho Respiratório no Homem"] was presented and defended on the day 3rd/Dec/1847.

profession/activities: He practicised Medicine, in Serro, MG, Brazil (1848-1862).

politics/public offices: He held many public offices, at local, provintial and national levels: 2nd Police Deputy [2° Delegado de Polícia] of Serro, MG, Brazil (1854); 4th Substitute of the Peace Judge [4° Juiz de Paz Substitut] of Serro, MG, Brazil (1858); Alderman of the Municipal Council [Vereador da Câmara Municipal] of Serro, MG, Brazil (1858-1859); Deputy to the Provincial Legislative Assembly [Deputado à Assembléia Legislativa Provincial] of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the 12th legislature (1858-1859), and in the 13th legislature (1860-1861); Substitute of Deputy (of Antônio Cândido da Cruz Machado) to the Empire General Assembly [Câmara Geral do Império], Brazil, in the 10th legislature (1857-1860).

honours/mercies: He was considered one of the great benefactors of the Saint Theresa Charity House [Casa de Caridade Santa Thereza], of Serro, MG, Brazil, in which gallery he had a picture, together with the Baron of the Diamantina [Barão da Diamantina], Francisco José de Vasconcellos Lessa, and the Priest José Jacintho Nunes, that was destroyed by the abandonment. He was distinguished with the Order of the Rose [Ordem da Rosa], in the degree of Knight [Cavaleiro], by imperial decree of 14th/Mar/1855. He was also made an Officer [Oficial] of the same Order of the Rose [Ordem da Rosa], in a later date.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. He was "Table Brother" ["Irmão de Mesa] of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do S.S. Sacramento], of Serro, MG, Brazil, in the exercise 1841/42, as also in the exercise l846/1847. He entered in the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Mercies and Saint Benedict [Irmandade de N. Sra. das Mercês e S. Benedito], of Serro, MG, Brazil, signing its compromise, on the 1st/Nov/1961.

slaves: In the year that he died, 1862, he left without payment the taxes over two (2) slaves that he owned, what permited us to know of their existence. But their number could have been greater, as demonstrates the register of death of his ex-slave Jacintho Crioulo [forro], dead in Serro, MG, Brazil, on 8th/Jul/1858, and buried in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary [Capela de N. Sra. do Rosário]. One of his slaves could have been the one that was property of his widow, named Olímpio da Cunha Pereira, which married with Leopoldina Alves de Araújo, free woman, in Serro, MG, Brazil, on 8th/Nov/1884.

diverse: He deserved from his grandson Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho, a biographical study, entitled Dr. Simão da Cunha Pereira & Família, published by the author, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in 1992, with 260 pages, and another study, about his parliamentary life, Dr. Simão da Cunha Pereira - Ação Parlamentar (1858-1859), published by the author, in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in 1993, with 228 pages. [Look, in the main page of this site, for FREE COPIES].

residence: He always resided in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, that was elevated to city of Serro, MG, Brazil, on 6th/Mar/1838, except the periods in which he was student of the Caraça School [Colégio do Caraça], in Santa Bárbara, MG, Brazil (1835-1838), and of the Faculty of Medicine [Faculdade de Medicina] of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (1842-1847), or when he was absent to assist the legislative sessions in Black Gold [Ouro Preto], MG, Brazil (1858, 1859, 1860 e 1861).

children: (5): Carlos da Cunha Pereira (senior), Júlia Carlota da Cunha Pereira (Nhanhá), Carlota Júlia da Cunha Pereira (Lolota), Simão da Cunha Pereira (grandson, the "Simãozinho"), and Edgardo Carlos da Cunha Pereira (Dazinho).

Third Order of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel Chapel [Capela da Ordem Terceira de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], Serro, MG, Brazil, where, on the 4th/Apr/1853, married the Dr. (Medical) Simão da Cunha Pereira (son), and Júlia Cândida Ferreira Carneiro - Photographer: Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira, year 2000 - By courtesy of Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - copyright: © 2000, 2005, Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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