Simão da Cunha Pereira (da Silveira), Captain of Militia


father: Cadet and later Paid Aide of Militia Francisco Antônio da Silveira

mother: Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira

b.: Paracatu of the Prince Village [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1774-1775.

bap.: Mother Church of Saint Anthony [Matriz de Santo Antônio], parish of Manga, bishopric of Pernambuco, of the Paracatu of the Prince Village [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1774-1775 (he has justification of baptism, done in 1819, together with the matrimonial process, in the Archdiocese of Mariana, MG, Brazil.

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 13th/Jul/1843, ±70 years old.

bur.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 13th/Jul/1843 [?]. It may have been in the Mother Church [Igreja Matriz], in a sepulcher of the Brotherhood of the Most Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento] (it was not found the death and burial record).

m.1w.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1800-1805.

m.2w.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 1819 (date declared by Ignez Lidora Rosa de Queirós).

m.1w.w.: ? [de Assis ?] (b. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1780-1790; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, < 1819 [?]), daughter of ?, and of ?.

m.2w.w.: Ignez Lidora Rosa de Queirós (b. Vila do Príncipe, MG, Brazil, 01/out/1799 [?]; bap. Vila do Príncipe, MG, Brazil, 8th/Oct/1799; d. Serro, MG, Brazil, 6th/Aug/1881, ±82 years old, "of bronchitis" ["de bronchite"]), daughter of the Captain (Ordenança) Carlos Pereira de Sá (son), and of Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala.

education/formation: Possibly he was educated in the "trivium", i. e., "Read and Writting", "Reckoning" and "Latim" ["Ler e Escrever", "Contar" e "Latim]", because he had an excelent caligraphy.

profession/activities: Between the years of 1782 and 1790, we found payments of slaves wages of property of a "Simão da Cunha Pereira" hired to the Royal Extraction of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, but may be an homonymous, because one may also find the payment of salaries o a clerk with name "Simão da Cunha Pereira", almost in the same period, between the years of 1783 and 1788, and by him signs at least one of the same proxys, except when he himself signs by his own hand to receive slaves wages in the year of 1784 and in the payroll of1785. Simão could have been the beneficiary of the revenue of his renting slaves, a consecrated custom of ours ancestors, even when still being a child, althoughh not being the same person working in the "troop" ["tropa"] o the Royal Extraction of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes]. Nevertheless, in the year of 1817, we found, in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, a house thatbelonged to the heritage of the Captain (Ordenança) Francisco Pinto Ferreira, husband of Brízida Agostinha da Cunha Franco , gaughter of Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira, hired to a "Simão da Cunha". In this same year of 1817, we found the "Liutenant Simão da Cunha Pereira" ["T.e [Tenente] Simão da Cunha Pereira"], paying the "dobla" tax , for a "Warehouse" ["Armasem"], in the value of 12$800 réis, indicating to be himself. Surprisingly, this storehouse ony stayed open this year, and one can´nt find more records of it of the year of 1818 and on, indicating that it operated only one year. It should be dificult well administer two warehouses opened, in ldifferent locations, n the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brasil, e no Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brasil, simutaneously. He was Notary of the Senate of the Council [Escrivão do Senado da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, nominated for the period 1798-1800, by provision passed by the Captaincy Governor [Governador da Capitania], Bernardo José de Lorena, in name of the Queen D. Maria I of Portugal, given in Rich Town of Black Gold [Vila Rica de Ouro Preto], MG, Brazil, on the 23rd of December of 1797. He held the office only until the 1st of January of 1800, having being substituted on the 2nd of January of 1800 by Manoel Vieira do Prado Ottoni. He was a businessman. He owned a "Store" ["Venda"], whoose ativicties were initiated on the 1st/Oct/1815, paying in this year only 3$200 r.s, of the "Dobla" Tax, to constitute the capital of Brazil Bank [Banco do Brazil], instituted by D. João VI, whose integral value in the year of 12$800 r.s. Only in the year of 1817, the classification of the establishment was as "Tavern" ["Taberna"], going back to the one of "Store" ["Venda"] soon in the following year, staying so until the year of 1820. In the year of 1821, the establishment passed to be classifyed as "Wet Goods Storehouse" ["Armazém de Molhados"], and so continued until the year of 1823, when it semms to have endend its activities, because no more records of it are found after this last year.

military service: On the 2nd/Dec/1799, received from Bernardo José de Lorena, Captaincy Governor [Governador da Capitania], the patent letter of Liutenant of the Second Company of the Second Regiment of Cavalry of Militias of the County of Cold Hill [Comarca do Serro Frio]. On 11th/May1804, he received from Pedro Maria Xavier de Ataíde e Mello, Governor, the patent letter of Liutenant o the Fifth Company of the First Regiment of Cavalry of Militias of the County of the Cold Hill [Comarca do Serro Frio]. On 20th/Feb/1824, he received from the Provisory Government of the Province [Governo Provisório da Província] the patent letter of Captan o the Fifth Company of the First Regiment of Cavalry of Militias of the County of the Cold Hill [Comarca do Serro Frio]. On 11th/May/1826, he received from the Emperor Dom Pedro I, the patent letter of confirmation in the rank with Captain of the Fifth Company of the First Regiment of Cavalry of the Second Line of the County of the Cold Hill [Comarca do Serro Frio]. In 1828, he requested the rank with Liutenant-Colonel of the then Regiment # 12 of the Light Cavalry of the Second Line of the Army, having being denied the request, because " the mentioned Corps there is no room for Liutenant Colonel, and the supplicant in seniority is the seventh Captain, ..." [... no referido Corpo não há vaga de Tenente Coronel, e o Sup.e em antiguidade do Posto hé o septimo Capitão, ..."]. Among the allegations for the request was, among the services that he rendered, the ones that in 1808 he had commanded "the Scort that brought the first Recruitment to this Court, where faithfully delivered them, and now the ones of commanding three Companies of his Regiment, existing in the Prince Town [Vila do Principe]:..." ["a Escolta que trouxe o primeiro Recrutamento a esta Corte, aonde fielmente o entregou, e agora os de commandar tres Companhias do seu Regimento, existentes na Vila do Principe: ..."]. Evidently, he suffered injustice, otherwise the cited more "seniors" than him would have to be occupying their offices in the Regiment of the Cold Hill [Serro Frio], what was neither happening, nor happened. The excuse was a violence against the right, badly disguised.

politics/public offices: In 1822, he was signatory, together with other "notables", of many manifests of the Senate of the Council [Senado da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, to the Regent Prince, D. Pedro I, asking him to proclaim the Independence of Brazil. In 1836 he was elected Alderman of the Municipal Council [Vereador da Câmara Municipal] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, for the exercise of the quadriennium 1837-1840, whose Oath and Hold Term [Termo de Juramento e Posse] he signed in the Book "Terms of hold Of Aldermans" ["Termos de posse De Vereadores"], on the 7th/Jan/1837, together with José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), and other five (5) elected.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. He has been a brother of compromise, matriculed on the 22nd/Dec/1792, when he was between 17 and 20 years old, of the Brotherhood of the Good Lord Jesus of Matozinhos [Irmandade do Senhor Bom Jesus de Matozinhos], of the Village of Our Lady of the Conception of the Hill [Arraial de Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Serro], MG, nowadays city of Conception of Wood Inwards [Conceição do Mato Dentro], MG, Brazil. Also he was a brother of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do S.S. Sacramento] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, whose compromise hesigned on the 9th/Aug/1825.

slaves: He have had a good number of slaves, having being found the names of 20 of them, between the years of 1807 and 1839, being five (5) of them of baptized, and 13 of dead. In the Census of the Hill [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838, he and the wife had together, at home, eight (8) slaves: Maria Cabra (50), Silvana Parda (30), Anna Parda (30), Martinianno Cabra (13), Elias Cabra (12), Mathias Cabra (12), Tibúrcio Cabra (30), and Paulo Cabra (38).

residence: In his infancy, till between 3 and 5 years old, he may have resided in the Village of Paracatu of the Prince [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, because his father only started to serve in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, coming from Paracatu, MG, Brazil, on the 6th of June of 1778. In the restant part of his infancy, and in his adolescence, he resided in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil. Circa the year of 1795, acompanying his parents, he went to reside in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. At least since the year of 1810, he resided in the house # 45, of the right side of the Opossum Street [Rua do Gambá], in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, year in which the two-stage building in which he lived was valued in 4$860 r.s, having paid the urban tithe of $486 r.s. In 1811, the two-stage building passed to have the # 49 and the revenue was rated in 28$800 r.s, by wich paid 2$590 r.s of urban tithe. In the year of 1816, the house revenue was steemed in 14$400 r.s, by wich paid the urban tithe of 1$296 r.s, and so has continued until the year of 1819. In the years of 1820 and 1821, the house was reevaluated to 15$300 r.s, and has paid the tax of 1$377 r.s. It came back, in 1822, to the value and former tithe, of 14$400 r.s and tithe of 1$296 r.s, and so has continued until the year of 1825. In the year of 1826, the appraisal was of 10$800 r.s, and the tithe was of $972 r.s. and so has continued until the year of 1830. There are no more records from this year on, one supposing that there has been a fiscal reform and that this tax has been substituted or modified.

children: Following the legend, he would have had about 16 childreen, number this one that would certainly include the stillborn and the ones dead soon after the birth, or in the most tender infancy. Childreen of the 1st marriage, with ? [de Assis ?] (1 or +): Francisco de Assis (da Cunha) Pereira (Inhô). Childreen of the 2nd marriage, with Ignez Lidora Rosa de Queirós (7 ou +): Maria [da Cunha Pereira ?], one Anonimous-1 son, Carlos da Cunha Pereira, Dr. (Medical) Simão da Cunha Pereira (filho), Marianna Luiza da Cunha Pereira, one Anonimous-2 son, and Bento da Cunha Pereira.

Models of Uniforms of the Regiments of Cavalry of Militias of the Captaincy [Capitania] of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1814 - Originals existing in the APM - Public Archive of Minas Gerais [Arquivo Público Mineiro] - Colonial Section [Seção Colonial] - Book [Códice] SC-358 - fls. 338 a 342 - copyright: © 2004, APM - Arquivo Público Mineiro, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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