Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira


father: Captain of Dragoons Simão da Cunha Pereira

mother: Ignácia Mendes Ramos

b.: Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, ??/Apr/1752 [?].

bap.: Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, 8th/May/1752, being godparents the Captain (Ordenança) Manoel da Cunha Pereira, and Anna Maria do Sacramento, wife of the 2nd Liutenant [Alferes] Vitorianno da Rocha Oliveira, by procuration that this presented.

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, 7th/Nov/1839, with the sacraments of the Penance [Penitência], and of the Extreme Unction [Extrema Unção], of an ignored cause.

bur.: She was solemnly commended and buried on the 7th/Nov/l839, in the historical Chapel of Our Lady of the Purification [Capela de Nossa Senhora da Purificação], of Serro, MG, Brazil.

m.: Paracatu of the Prince Village [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1770.

m.w.: Aide of Militia Francisco Antônio da Silveira (b. ?, Portugal [?], ±1735-1745 (one estimate taht he would be about 10 years older than his wife, born in 1752); bap. ?, Portugal [?], ±1735-1745; d. Vila do Príncipe, MG, Brazil, 7th/Fev/l803), son of ? and of ?.

education/formation: Probably, she had the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She was a Housewife ("home gifts").

religion/brotherhoods: She was roman apostolic catholic. After the death of her husband, happened in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, on 7th/Fev/1803, and mayabe under impacto of his death, on 25th/Mar/1803, Marianna Luciana professed in the Archiconfraternity of Saint Francis [Arquiconfraria de São Francisco], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. There are references that she would have been also a sister of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel [Ordem 3ª de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, and that her annuities would have been paid by the son. By the fact of being buried in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Purification [Capela de N. Sra. da Purificação], of Serro, MG, Brazil, one suppose that she also would be a sister of this Brotherhood.

slaves: An important source of income for the dwellers of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, was the renting of slaves to the Royal Extraction of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, and, in the period 1780-1796, she has been a frequent furnisher of labour of rent-slaves, receiving "by journal" ["a jornal"], i. e., by slave/day. That is why, one suppose that she had an average number of slaves.

residence: In her infancy, she resided in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil. She would have resided in the Paracatu of the Prince Village [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, because her husband only has started the service in the 1st Company, of the Regiment of Paid Light Cavalry, of the Detachment o the Diamonds, in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, where he arrived coming from Paracatu, MG, Brazil, on the 6th/Jun/1778, when she would have coming back to reside in this locality, having moved herself to the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, about of 1795, accompanying her husband, that went to serve in the House of Foundry [Casa de Fundição] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. In the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] MG, Brazil, she lived in a small farm. But she may have passed to reside in her son´s house, of # 45 of the Opossum Street [Rua do Gambá], after the death of the husband, in 1803 or soon after.

children: (1): Simão da Cunha Pereira da Silveira, Captain of Militia. She grew up "exposed" ["expostos"] (abandoned [enjeitados]), or "adopted sons" ["filhos adotivos"] (2): Justiniano da Cunha Pereira, and Pacífico [da Cunha Pereira?].

Cathedral of Saint Anthony [Catedral de Santo Antônio], of the nowadays city of Diamantina, MG, Brazil, that was built in the place of the ancient Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, where, on the 8th/May/1752, was baptized Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira, being sponsors the Captain (Ordenança) Manoel da Cunha Pereira, and Anna Maria do Sacramento, wife of the Second Liutenant [Alferes] Vitorianno da Rocha Oliveira, by procuration that this one presented - Photographer: ? - Archive: APM, Public Archive of Minas Gerais [Arquivo Público Mineiro], Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, photo # MM-139 - copyright © 2005, APM, Arquivo Público Mineiro, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   Commemorative Seal of 250 Years of Birth of Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira, creation of the great-great-great-grandson Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - copyright: © 2002, 2005, Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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