Francisco Antônio da Silveira, Paid Aide of Militia


father: ?

mother: ?

b.: ?, Portugal [?], ±1735-1745 (one estimate that he would be about 10 years older than his wofe, born in 1752)

bap.: ?, Portugal [?], ±1735-1745 (it was not found baptism record)

d.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 7th/Feb/l803, ±65 years old, suddenly, of hemoptisis [hemoptise] ("suddenly drowned in Blood" ["derepente afogado em Sangue"]), derivig from a hemorragic crisis of sharp pulmonary tuberculosis, and because of that there was not time he could have received the Church sacraments.

bur.: He has been solemnly accompanied by the Parish Priest and other clergymen that were found in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, and buried in the Mother Church of Our Lady of The Conception [Igreja Matriz de N. Sra. da Conceição].

m.: Paracatu of the Prince Village [Arraial de Paracatu do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1770 (estimative: the only son, Simão da Cunha Pereira da Silveira, was born aboout ±1772-1775).

m.w.: Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira (b. Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, ±Apr/1752; bap. Chapel of Saint Anthony [Capela de Santo Antônio], Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, 8th/Mayi/1752; d. Serro, MG, Brazil, 7th/Nov/1839), daughter of the Captain of Dragoons Simão da Cunha Pereira, and of Ignácia Mendes Ramos.

education/formation: Had the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: He has been enrolled as Soldier of the Company of Dragoons of the Captain Ignácio da Luz, on the 8th/Aug/1760, probably in Vila Rica do Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, most probable seat of that company, or in the Quarter oof the Dragoons, in Cachoeira do Campo, MG, Brazil, that, much more later, became known as School of Salesian Priests [Colégio dos Padres Salesianos]. He was sent in a mission, in the decade of 1760, to Paracatu, MG, Brazil, but he fall badly ill, in 1768, and he had to take license, for treatment, having done a petition asking for reimbursement of the expenses with the treatment, in the value of 69$132 r.s. He received in money the payment of the uniforms of the years of 1762 till 1768, in the value of 85$310 r.s, by petition of "Vila Rica 21 de 8br.º de 1768", with the Information: "O Sup.e teve praça na Comp.ª de Luz a 8 de Ag.º // de 1760 e se lhe deve o fardam.tº a 35 rz por dia // te o presente em q´ se deve abater 22$000 r.s de q´ recebeo. V.ª R.ª de M.çº 30 de 1769. //" - Cálculos: "Em 146 dias de 8 de Ag.º the os dias [?] de Dez.º de 1760 = 5$120 // 61 // 62 // 63 // 64 // 65 // 66 // 67 // 68 - Em 8 anos he o de 17 [?] a 12$775 = 102$200 // Soma = 107$320 // - 22$ // 85$310". Coming back, he was interned in the Military Hospital [Hospital dos Militares] of Vila Rica do Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, one ignoring for how long. Later, years of 1773 and 1774, he still started to serve in the 1st Company of the Regiment of Paid Light Cavalry, of the Detachment of the Serro do Frio, in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, where he arrived comming from Paracatu, MG, Brazil.Already in the year of 1779, we may find the Soldier Francisco Antônio da Silveira integrating the 4th Company, one among the eight (8) Companies of the Regiment of Paid Light Cavalry. In the 2nd trimester of the year of 1780, Francisco Antônio da Silveira had been promoted to the rank with First Class Private [Anspeçada], that is one step abobe of that one of Soldier [Soldado], and inferior to that of Cadet [Cadete]. In the 4th trimester of the year of 1781, Francisco Antônio da Silveira continued in the rank of First Class Private [Anspeçada], included as the # 91, in another List of due Rations [Menestras]. In 25th/Oct/1784, the First Class Private [Anspeçada] Francisco Antônio da Silveira was again included in a list of arms repairing. One know, that, after the retirement, the Cadet [Cadete] Francisco Antônio da Silveira passed to Paid Aide of Militia [Ajudante Pago de Milícia], rank reserved, in the Militias, for retired military and with enough experience to exercise it. It is certain that, in 1796, the Cadet [Cadete] Francisco Antônio da Silveira were already found in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, because there were already reimbursement of expenses in his name for carrying unds of the Gold Intendency [Intendência do Ouro], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, to Vila Rica do Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, and vice-versa. In 1797, his son Simão da Cunha Pereira da Silveira entered alrealdy in a licitation to ocupy the office of Notary of the Council [Escrivão da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the triennium from 1st/Jan/l798 till 31st/Dec/1800, coinciding also with the first baptism records of slaves ot that, found in these localities.

military service: He was a professional military.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic.

slaves: An important source of income for the dwellers of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, was the renting of slaves to the Royal Extraction of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, and, in the period 1778-1785, he has been a frequent furnisher of labour of rent-slaves, receiving "by journal" ["a jornal"], i. e., by slave/day. He had average assets, in the decade of 1790, one considering the number of slaves that he possessed, about half a dozen.

diverse: The Senate of the Council [Senado da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, reused to accept the new Notary, alleging the most diverse motives, incuding "... injurias publicas e escandalosas que tem sido feitas com palavras injuriosas indignas de se relatarem a V. Ex.a [pelo] Pai do Rematante o cadete Francisco Antonio da Silveira destacado nesta Vila a muitos dos moradores da mesma e ainda aos oficiais deste Senado, ...". The insubordinate cpouncilmmen were admonished by the General Magistrate [Ouvidor Geral], and the young Simão da Cunha Pereira da Silveira could exercise the office of Notary of the Council [Escrivão da Câmara] without being molested, staying in the office from the 1th/Jan/1798 till 31st/Dec/1799. In a petition of the Captain of Militia Simão da Cunha Pereira (senior), he alleges that "he filho legítimo e unico de Francisco Antonio da Silveira que relevantes serviços prestou também ao Estado na Intendencia do Ouro da Vila do Principe, o que tudo mostra pelos Documentos juntos". Among the anexed documents to anterior petition, one found one where "Bernardino José de Queiroga Cavalleiro da Ordem de Christo Coronel Comandante do Regimento N.12° de Cavallaria Ligeira de 2ª Linha do Exercito &" says: "Attesto que Simão da Cunha Pereira, Capitam da 2ª Cõpanhia do mesmo Regimento hé f. legitimo e unico de Francisco Antonio da Silveira, Ajud.e pago que foi do 1° Extinto Regimento de Cavallaria desta Comarca: ...". In an attestation headed by "O D.ºr Juis de Fora Prizidente, Vereadores e o Procurador da Camara da Villa do Principe, e Seu Termo" one find that "... Cadete Francisco Antonio da Silveira, que muitos annos esteve destacado na Intendencia desta Villa, sendo muito diligente em promover os interesses della, no Exercicio de buscar, e conduzir o Ouro para a dita Intendencia: e passando depois ao Posto de Ajudante de Milicias, exercitou este Posto com muito Louvor, e honrado Comportamento ...", dated of "Villa do Principe em Camara de 17 de Novembro d' 1827.".

residence: He resided in the Rich Town of the Black Gold [Vila Rica do Ouro Preto], MG, Brazil, in the decade of 1760, or even before, where, on 8th/Ago/1760, he enrolled as Dragoon Soldier, and probably in Paracatu, MG, Brazil, where he went in a mission, having presented himself in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, on the 6th of June of 1778, proceeding from Paracatu, MG, Brazil, to serve in the Detachment of Dragoons [Destacamento de Dragões] of the Serro do Frio, of the Diamantine Demarcation [Demarcação Diamantina], from where he passed, about 1795, to reside in the Prince Village [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, where he rendered services to the Intendency and House of Foundry [Intendência e Casa de Fundição], and there resided until his death.

children: only (1): Simão da Cunha Pereira (da Silveira), Captain of Militia. He grew up an "exposed" ["exposto"] (abandoned [enjeitado]), or "adopted son" ["filho adotivo"] (1): Justiniano da Cunha Pereira.

Mother Church of Our Lady of The Conception [Igreja Matriz de N. Sra. da Conceição], of Serro, MG, Brazil, inside of which was buried the Aide of Militia [Ajudante de Milícia] Francisco Antônio da Silveira, on the day 7th/Feb/l803, acompanied by the vicar and other priests that were present in the then Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], Cold Hill County [Comarca do Serro do Frio], MG, Brazil - Photographer: Virgílio Pereira de Almeida, year 1996 - By courtesy of Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - copyright © 1996, 2005, Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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