Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior)


father: Manuel Álvares Pereira de Vasconcellos

mother: Catarina Moreira de Sá

b.: parish of Saint Mary [freguesia de Santa Maria] of Good Town of the Bishop [Vila Boa do Bispo], coucil [concelho] of Bem-Viver, County [Comarca] of Sobre-Tâmega, Bishopric [Bispado] of Oporto (later, of Pena-Fiel), ±1720.

bap.: parish of Saint Mary [freguesia de Santa Maria] of Good Town of the Bishop [Vila Boa do Bispo], coucil [concelho] of Bem-Viver, County [Comarca] of Sobre-Tâmega, Bishopric [Bispado] of Oporto (later, of Pena-Fiel), Portugal, ±1720.

d.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1764-1774.

bur.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1764-1774.

m.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 3rd/Feb1744, having as sponsors the Captain Manoel de Almeida Cabral, Philipe Nery Lobo, the Dr. Luiz Mendes Teixeira de Miranda, and the Priest João Caldeira de Mendonça.

m.w.: Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães (b. Chapel of the Holy Body [Capela do Corpo Santo], parish of Saint Anthony [freguesia de Santo Antônio], Recife, PE, Brazil, ±1730; bap. Chapel of the Holy Body [Capela do Corpo Santo], parish of Saint Anthony [freguesia de Santo Antônio], Recife, PE, Brazil, ±1730; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, > 1796), legitime daughter of Manoel Ribeiro Costa, and of Anna Maria de Jesus.

education/formation: He would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"], and would know "Reckoning" ["Contar"].

profession/activities: He has been minner, farmer and businessman. Already in the year of 1735, we find Carlos Pereira de Sá, in the Tapera Village [Arraial da Tapera], Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, paying the tax over one (1) slave, possibly minning, and also over local "Stores" ["Loges" (lojas)], evaluated as "Median" ["Medianna"], in an scale of big, median and small. A little later, in 1737, we find him in the Village of the Fish River [Arraial do Rio do Peixe], Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, still paying the tax over one (1) slave and one of the "Small Stores" ["[Lojes] Pequenas"]. In the year of 1741 he still was found in the Village of the Fish River [Arraial do Rio do Peixe] Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, but he had already changed of position and quited the commerce to invest interely in minning and - who knows? - in agriculture also, paying the tax over eight (8) slaves and no store. Any that has been the formula he used to enrich, it worked, because just a few years later, in 1751, he had already passed to be a dweller of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, and he had a "Big Store" ["Loja grande"]. Any that had been the origin of his revenues, in the years of 1753-1759, we find him taking a lot of powdered gold to the Intendency of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, to pay the tax of the "fifth" (20%), that is, to be "fifhthed" ["quintado"], mainly for himself, but also for others, who were in the Villages [Arraiais] arount the Town [Vila]. In the year of 1757, he paid his "royal subsidy" ["subsídio real"], related to his store. It was found a single record of payment of the rural tithe, what makes us suppose that he had an agricultural property, but it has not a date. As it be, the supposition is valid, because, ater his death, the wife became one of the greatest Sugar-Mill Landladies [Senhoras de Engenho] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, of the end of the 18th century, probably ann inheritance received by death of her husband. In the year of 1774, Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães already did her "manifest of brandies" ["manifesto das aguardentes"], and declared not having her Sugar-Mill [Engenho] produced in the first semester of the year, what makes us believe that her husband has died in one of the preceding years.

military service: In 1764 he was treated by the rank of Second Liutenant [Alferes] (Ordenanças ou Auxiliares?).

politics/public offices: He has been Procurator of the Senate of the Council [Procurador do Senado da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the year of 1745 till 25th/Mar/1745, but has beenn substituted by the Dr. Valério de Britto e Souza, elected on 20th/Mar/1745. In the Coucil [Câmara] of 1746, because he was Procurator in the precedent year, he served in the sessions of the 2th and 2th7/Jan/1746 and 30th/Oct/1746 in substitution of the alderman Domingos José Coutinho, and in the sessions of 26th and 27th/Jan/1746 he served in place of the aldernan Second Liutenant [Alferes] André Francisco de Carvalho. He was an alderman of the Senate of the Council [Senado da Câmara] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the years of 1750, 1756 and 1764. In 1764 he was treated by the rank of Second Liutenant [Alferes] (Ordenança or Auxiliares?). He was one of the two Price-Fixers [Almotacés] choosen in 1757, taking office on the 2nd/Mar/1757, together with Antônio Rodrigues de Barros.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. We suppose he was a comopromised brother of the Brtherhoood of the Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, that was the "nobility" ["nobreza"] preferred confraternity, although we had not found his records in this Brotherhood.

slaves: In the years of 1735 to 1737, he had one (1) slave. In 1741 he had eight (8) slaves. We ignore how many he posessed in the following years. However, between the years of 1744 and 1788, we found the names of 13 of his slaves, in six (6) death records and four (4) birth and baptism records.

residence: He resided in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil.

children: (9 or +): Ignez Lidora Rosa de Santa Anna, Catharina Pereira de Vasconcellos, Captain (Milícia) José Ricardo Pereira de Queirós, Priest Teodoro Pereira de Queirós, Priest Francisco de Sales Pereira, Teresa de Jesus Pereira, Maria Senhorinha Frémyot de Chantal, Rosália Margarida Pereira de Magalhães, and Captain (Ordenança) Carlos Pereira de Sá (son).

Mother Church of Our Lady of The Conception [Igreja Matriz de N. Sra. da Conceição], of Serro, MG, Brazil, where Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior) married, on 3rd/Feb/1744, with Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães, legitime daughter of Manoel Ribeiro Costa, and of Anna Maria de Jesus, having as sponsors the Captain Manoel de Almeida Cabral, Philipe Nery Lobo, the Dr. Luiz Mendes Teixeira de Miranda, and the Priest João Caldeira de Mendonça - Photographer: Virgílio Pereira de Almeida, year 1996 - By courtesy of Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - copyright © 1996, 2005, Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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