Anna Cândida da Conceição, ou Anna Mendes


father: ?

mother: Ignácia Mendes Ramos

b.: Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1783 (no Censo do Serro, MG, Brazil, 1838, tinha 50 anos de idade, mais um adicional de 5 anos, por analogia com a irmã Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques de Ayala).

bap.: Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1783.

d.: Serro, MG, Brazil, > 1838.

bur.: Serro, MG, Brazil, > 1838.

m.1w.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1790-1800.

m.2w.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, > ±1800-1820.

m.1w.w.: Antônio Pereira Guedes (son) (b. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1750; bap. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1750; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 15th/Jun/1831, with testament), son of the Captain (Ordenança?) Antônio Pereira Guedes (senior), and of Izabel Thereza da Assumpção.

m.2w.w.: Captain (Ordenança) José Durães Pereira de Castro.

education/formation: She would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She was a Housewife ("home gifts"). Nevertheless, she lived by rendering services and e by renting her slaves, as shown by her qualification in the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838: "Anna Candida, Sabe [ler, e escrever], [idade=] 50 [anos], [qualidade=] [=branca], [estado=] Soltr.a [=solteira], [emprego=] [=agência]". In her company, besides two (2) slaves, Manoel Africano (25) and Maria Africana (24), both married, lived four (4) single servants: Maria Fernandes (68, white), Adriana Parda (30), Florentino Pardo (14), and Ambrozio Cabra (5).

religion/brotherhoods: Probably, she was roman apostolic catholic, although there were not found her records in any Laic Religious Brotherhood [Irmandade Religiosa Leiga].

slaves: Between the years of 1794 and 1812, we find frequent payments to "Anna Candida", mad by the Royal Extration of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, for the "diary" ["a jornal"] renting of slaves, but we cannot affirm that was she herself, although this activity were common to other members of the family, as of Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira, of Marianna Luciana da Cunha Pereira, of Francisco Antônio da Silveira, and even of Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães. In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838, she had two (2) slaves: Manoel Africano (25) and Maria Africana (24), both married.

diverse: She was a so obscure personality, that almost one couldn´t believe that she could have existed. Nevertheless, the Second Liutenant [Alferes] Luiz Antônio Pinto left to us a brief description of her: "era uma mulata velha e gorda, morava na ponte do Lucas", matching with the very few availuable data.

residence: In her infancy, she would have lived in the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil. In the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838, we found her living in the "fire" ["fogo"] # 272, next door to her daughter Claudina Cândida da Conceição, or Claudina Cândida do Espírito Santo, who lived in the "fire" ["fogo"] # 273, in the house that belonged to her daughter Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), the # 3, of the Luke Bridge Street [Rua da Ponte do Lucas], same house where resided Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco and her husband Quarter-Master José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, e onde mais tarde, em 1842, foi morar o Capitão Demétrio Fidelis Pereira de Queirós, quando se casou com sua mulher, Claudina Cândida do Espírito Santo.

children: From the 1st marriage (1 or +): Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes). From the 2nd marriage (1 or +): Claudina Cândida do Espírito Santo. Both were registered as legitime daughters of the Quarter-Master José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, and of Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco (Anninha Nazareth).



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