Antônio Pereira Guedes (filho)


father: Captain (Ordenança?) Antônio Pereira Guedes (senior)

mother: Izabel Thereza da Assumpção

b.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1750.

bap.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1750.

d.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 15th/Jun/1831, ±80 years old, with solemn testament, dated of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, on the 7th/Jun/1831.

bur.: He received all the necessary sacraments, was shrouded in a sheet and, in the night of the same day, carried by six slaves, and as his father, was sepulchred in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel [Capela de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, on the 16th/Jun/1831.

m.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, ±1790-1800.

m.w.: Anna Cândida da Conceição (b. Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1783; bap. Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1783; d. Serro, MG, Brazil, > 1838), daughter of ? and of Ignácia Mendes Ramos.

education/formation: He had the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"] and, probably, knew "Reckoning" ["Contar"], and "Latim", being endownd of an excelent calligraphy, as certify the documents that he wrote as Clerk.

profession/activities: He has benn a professional scribener, as he himself afirms in his testament, served the office during 12 ½ years, assertment that is confirmed by the manu taxes he paid, as for instance, on the 1st/Apr/1809, the "donations" [donativos] and "third parts" [terças partes] for serving the office of Clerk of the Council [Escrivão da Câmara], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, from the 1st/Jan/1804 till the 31th/Dec/1806.

military service: He was Second Liutenant [Alferes], and has been promoted with the rank of Captain of the 2nd Company of the. "Ordenança" by Foot [de Pé], of the District of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], County [Comarca] of Serro Frio, MG, Brazil, on the 8th/Aug/1780.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. As his father, he was a matriculed brother of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Sacrament [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, where he was admited on the 4th/Aug/1809, and to which he was owing the entrance and annuals, as is said in his testament. He was also a brother of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel [Ordem 3ª de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, to which he owed annuals, offices and funeral expenses, as declared in his testament.

slaves: Between the years of 1772 and, even after his death in 1831, til 1851, we find 26 names os slaves in ecclesiastic records, being 19 of death, three (3) of birth and baptism, and one (1) of marriage, as a signal, of an ex-slave, that he freed by testament, Bonifácio Pereira Guedes, "Cabra forro", who married with Domitildes Maria do Espírito Santo, "parda", in Serro, MG, Brazil, on 18th/Nov/1851. Another ex-slave, also freed by testament, Benedicto Pereira Guedes, "Cabra forro", was shoemaker in Serro, MG, Brazil, as is included in the Census of Serro [Censo do Serro], MG, Brazil, of 1838. Some of these slaves, however, might have belonged to his father, of same name, because it is not always possible distinguishing between them, mainly those death records, between 1772 and 1780, that were in majority of innocents ["inocentes"]. Nevertheless, the most notable of all the records is that in which he donated the slave Benedito, natural son of Maria Cabra, who was baptized in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, on 27th/Dec/1811, to his biological daughter Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes).

diverse: He was a bachelor, as he declares himself in his testament, and, although he denied that he had children, he did his universal heiress the two (2) granddaughters, daughters of the first marriage of Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), with the Secnd Quarter-Master [Furriel] José Gonçalves Nunes Júnior, that was nominated his first testament executor, and the son-in-law, the Captain José Ferreira Carneiro (Juca), the second testament executor. In the year of 1810, he paid the tax of urban tithe, for two houses, both in the Saint Joseph Street [Rua de São José], one in the left side, with # 21, and other in the right side, with # 26, a two-stage building, where he lived, with the annual revenue of 12$960 r.s and paying the tax of 1$260 r.s. In 1811, the house at the Saint Joseph Street [Rua de São José], in the left side, with # 21, was being rebuilt and did not pay tax. In the year of 1816, also the house in the right side, with # 20, was in his name, but did not pay tax because it was found "destroyed" ["desbaratada". This situation lingered until 1819, but in the year of 1820 there has benn changes, because the houses in the left side, with # 20 and # 21, were no more in his name, making us suppose they were alienated, and the tax of the house of the right side, with # 26, was raised to 1$377 r.s, because its annual revenue was estimated in 15$300 r.s. This same house continues with this value, during the years of 1821-1830, serving as dwelling for the proprietor. In 1831, year of the death of the proprietor, the house was already been alienated. The houses that became property of his daughter Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), she has inherited them from the first husband and not from her father. In his testament, he determined that "My corpse will be shrouded in a sheet, carried, at night, to the Church of Our Lady of the Mout Carmel, by six (6) slaves, of which four of my own and other two (2) rented, and must be sepulchred in the following day, in the same Church" ["O meu corpo será amortalhado em um lençol, carregado, de noite, à Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo, por seis (6) escravos, dos quais quatro (4) próprios e dois (2) outros alugados, devendo ser sepultado no dia seguinte, na mesma Igreja"].

residence: He resided in a two-stage building, the house # 26, in the Right Side, of the Saint Joseph Street [Rua de São José], in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil.

children: With Anna Cândida da Conceição (1 or +): Joaquina Cândida da Conceição (Pereira Guedes), registered as legitime daughter of the Quarter-Master José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, and of Anna Fortunata da Cunha Pereira Franco (Anninha Nazareth).

Chapel of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel [Capela da Ordem Terceira de N. Sra. do Monte do Carmo], Serro, MG, Brazil, where, on the 16th/Jun/1831, in the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], County [Comarca] of Serro do Frio, MG, Brazil, was sepulchred Antônio Pereira Guedes (son), shrouded with a sheet and carried by six (6) slaves - Fotógrafo: Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira, year 2000 - By courtesy of Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - copyright: © 2000, 2005, Edmo Luiz da Cunha Pereira - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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