Anna Maria de Jesus


father: ?

mother: Rozina Maria

b.: parish of Our Lady of the Pilar of Saint John of the King ["Freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Pillar de Sam Joam de ElRey"], MG, Brazil, ±1740.

bap.: parish of Our Lady of the Pilar of Saint John of the King ["Freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Pillar de Sam Joam de ElRey"], MG, Brazil, ±1740.

d.: Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1777.

bur.: Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1777.

m.: Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1754.

m.w.: Antônio José dos Reis (n. parish of Saint Stephen [freguesia de Santo Estêvão], County of [Comarca de] Chaves, province of [província de] Trás-os-Montes, Archbishopric of [Arcebispado de] Braga, Portugal, ±1720-30; bat. parish of Saint Stephen [freguesia de Santo Estêvão], County of [Comarca de] Chaves, province of [província de] Trás-os-Montes, Archbishopric of [Arcebispado de] Braga, Portugal, ±1720-30; f. Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1777), legitime son of Domingos Esteves, and of Madalena Rodrigues, Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1754.

education/formation: Maybe she had the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She was a Housewife ("home gifts").

religion/brotherhoods: certainly, she was roman apostolic catholic.

slaves: In 1777, from the heritage of her husband, she received three (3) slaves: Jacinta Mina (30), Gonçalo Crioulo (30) e Joaquim Benguela (20).

diverse: In 1777, she was testament administrator and inventory executor of her jusband, and heir of her half and legatary of two parts of the "Third" [Terça] of the Testator, besides being reimbursed of the expenses of the funeral and of the inventory.

residence: She resided in the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazareth [Capela de N. Sra. de Nazareth], parish of Our Lady of the Pilar [freguesia de N. Sra. do Pilar], Saint John of the King [São João D'El-Rey], Bishopric of [Bispado de] Mariana, MG, Brazil, and in the Town of Saint John of the King [Vila de São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil.

children: (3 or +): José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, Francisca Maria dos Passos, and Luciana Maria da Conceição.

Mother Church of Our Lady of the Pilar (Cathedral) [Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar (Catedral)], of Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, where circa of 1740, was baptized Anna Maria de Jesus, and where she married wiith the portuguese Antônio José dos Reis, in the year of 1754 - Protographer: Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho, 8th/Jun/2005 - Original of the Private Archive of Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - © copyright 2005, Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   Autograph of ANNA MARIA DE JESUS, widow, heiress, testament executor and inventory administrator, in a Certificate passed together with the Tutor of the minor children, Antônio Fernandes da Costa, in the Town of Saint John of the King [Vila de São João de El-Rey], MG, Brazil, on 20th of August of 1777, in the inventory of ANTÔNIO JOSÉ DOS REIS. Original Document: MRSJDR/IPHAN, Inventories, Antônio José dos Reis, 1777, Box C-25 - Photographer: Sandimfoto, Leal Bahia Street [Rua Leal Bahia], # 29, Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, file Dsc06959.jpg, by Moisés, on 9th/Jun/2005 - Digital Photo of the Private Archive of Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - © copyright 2005, MRSJDR/IPHAN, Regional Museum of Saint John of the King [Museu Regional de São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil - e-mail: [email protected] - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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