Antônio José dos Reis


father: Domingos Esteves

mother: Madalena Rodrigues

b.: parish of Saint Stephen [freguesia de Santo Estêvão], County of Chaves [Comarca de Chaves], province of [província de] Trás-os-Montes, Archbishopric of [Arcebispado de] Braga, Portugal, ±1720-30.

bap.: parish of Saint Stephen [freguesia de Santo Estêvão], County of Chaves [Comarca de Chaves], province of [província de] Trás-os-Montes, Archbishopric of [Arcebispado de] Braga, Portugal, ±1720-30.

d.: Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1777.

bur.: he was commended, in mass of present body, accompanied by the vicar and 12 priests, and by the Brtherhood of the Souls [Irmandade das Almas], he was buried in a tomb of this same brotherhood, in Saint John o the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1777.

m.: Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, 1754.

m.w.: Anna Maria de Jesus (n. Saint John of the King [São João D'El Re], MG, Brazil, ±1740; bat. Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey], MG, Brazil, ±1740; f. Saint John of the King [São João D'El Rey] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1777), daughter of ? and of Rozina Maria.

education/formation: Probably, he had the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: He would had been a miner, and businessman.

religion/brotherhoods: He was roman apostolic catholic. He belonged to the Brotherhood of The Most Holy Sacrament of the Mother Church of Our Lady of the Pilar [Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento da Igreja Matriz de N. Sra. do Pilar], of Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, and, certainly, also to the Brotherhood of the Souls [Irmandade das Almas], of the same locality, because he was by this one accompanied to the sepulture.

slaves: When he died, in 1777, he left to the heirs six (6) slaves: Jacinta Mina (30), Gonçalo Crioulo (30), Joaquim Benguela (20), Manoel Benguela (30), Antônio Congo (20), and Manoel Benguela (25).

diverse: His inventory was opened in Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, in 1777, being inventory executor his widow, heir, testament administrator, and head of couplel. The Gross Mount was of 1:460$662 r.s, ann the Net Partible, of 1:449$177 r.s, once deduted the expenses of 11$485 r.s, with funeral and inventory, of which the widow was reembursed. The widow received his half and two parts of the "Third" [Terça] of the Testator, plus the reimbursement of expenses. The minor children, represented by their Tutor, Antônio Fernandes da Costa, received, together, 483$059 r.s ½, and, each one, one third part of this value, of 161$019 r.s ½. Among the assets, besides six (6) slaves, that were the most valuable, also were three (3) urban dwelling houses, one at the Cachaça Street [Rua da Cachaça], other at the Prainha Street [Rua da Prainha], and the last one at the Behind Saint Francis Street [Rua de Trás de São Francisco], in the Town of Saint John of the King [Vila de São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, and also furniture, utensils, funds, personal objects, equipments, tools, and provisions.

residence: He resided in the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazareht [Capela de N. Sra. de Nazareth], parish of Our Lady of the Pilar [freguesia de N. Sra. do Pilar], Saint John of the King [São João D'El-Rey], Bishopric of [Bispado de] Mariana, MG, Brazil, and in the Town of Saint John of the King [Vila de São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil.

children: (3 or +): José Antônio (dos Reis) Nazareth, Francisca Maria dos Passos, and Luciana Maria da Conceição.

Mother Church of Our Lady of the Pilar (Cathedral) [Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar (Catedral)], of Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, where the portuguese Antônio José dos Reis married with the brazilian Anna Maria de Jesus, in the year of 1754, and where, probably, after commended by the vicar and 12 priests, in solemn mass, was accompanied by the Brotherhood of the Souls [Irmandade das Almas], and there would have being sepulchred, in tomb of the same brotherhood - Photographer: Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho, 8th/Jun/2005 - Original of the Private Archive of Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - © copyright 2005, Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.   Expenses of the funeral of Antônio José dos Reis, in a relation signed by the widow, heiress, testament executor and inventory administrator ANNA MARIA DE JESUS, together with the Tutor of the minor children, Antônio Fernandes da Costa in the "Post-Mortem" Inventory of Assets of ANTÔNIO JOSÉ DOS REIS, Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, 1777. Original Document: MRSJDR/IPHAN, Inventories, Antônio José dos Reis, 1777, Box C-25 - Photographer: Sandimfoto, Leal Bahia Street [Rua Leal Bahia], # 29, Saint John of the King [São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil, file Dsc06960.jpg, by Moisés, on 9th/Jun/2005 - Digital Photo of the Private Archive of Jorge da Cunha Pereira Filho - © copyright 2005, MRSJDR/IPHAN, Regional Museum of Saint John of the King [Museu Regional de São João D´El-Rey], MG, Brazil - e-mail: [email protected] - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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