Antônio Ferreira Netto


father: ?

mother: ?

b.: São Paulo [?], SP, Brasil, ±1700.

bap.: São Paulo [?], SP, Brasil, ±1700.

d.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1825.

bur.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1825.

m.: Chapel of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe, MG, Brazil, 29th/Dec/1724.

m.w.: Francisca Borges (de Miranda Guerra) (n. Arraial de Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe [?], MG, Brasil, ±1710; f. Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brasil, > 1825), filha de Domingos Affonso Costa e de Maria de Miranda Guerra.

education/formation: Probably, "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras].

profession/activities: Minner and small agriculturist.

religion/brotherhoods: Roman apostolic catholic.

residence: Village of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe [?], MG, Brazil

children: (1 or +): Izabel Thereza D´Assumpção.

Saint Anthony Chapel [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Fish River [Rio do Peixe], nowadays muncipality of Minas´ Down [Alvorada de Minas], MG, Brazil, where the "paulista" Antônio Ferreira Netto married with Francisca de Miranda Guerra, on the 29th/Dec/1724 - Photographer: Augusto Dutra - Archive: site "As Minas Gerais": - copyright: © 2005, Augusto Dutra - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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