Francisca Borges (de Miranda Guerra)


father: Domingos Affonso Costa, portuguese

mother: Maria de Miranda Guerra, "paulista" indigenous

b.: Village of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe [?], MG, Brazil, ±1710.

bap.: Chapel of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe [?], MG, Brazil, ±1710.

d.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1825.

bur.: Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1825.

m.: Chapel of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe, MG, Brazil, 29th/Dec/1724.

m.w.: Antônio Ferreira Netto (b. São Paulo [?], SP, Brazil, ±1700.; d. Vila do Príncipe [?], MG, Brazil, > 1825), son of ? and of ?.

education/formation: Probably, "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras].

profession/activities: Housewife ("Home Gifts").

religion/brotherhoods: Roman apostolic catholic.

diverse: She was a mameluke, and had a sister called Maria de Miranda Guerra (daughter), that married with Antônio de Souza Araújo, born in the Prince Twon [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil. This couple had a daughter called Anna de Souza Miranda, which married with the portuguese Manoel Caetano Maia, originating the Araújo Maia family, with 13 children. One daughter of this couple, called Rosália de Souza Maia, married with Jorge Benedicto Ottoni and was the mother of 12 children of which the eldest was Theóilo Benedicto Ottoni.

residence: Village of Santo Antônio do Rio do Peixe, MG, Brazil

children: (1 or +): Izabel Thereza D´Assumpção.

Saint Anthony Chapel [Capela de Santo Antônio], of the Fish River [Rio do Peixe], nowadays muncipality of Minas´ Down [Alvorada de Minas], MG, Brazil, where maybe would have been baptized Francisca de Miranda Guerra and where she married with the "paulista" Antônio Ferreira Netto, on the 29th/Dec/1724 - Photographer: Augusto Dutra - Archive: site "As Minas Gerais": - copyright: © 2005, Augusto Dutra - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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