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Flesh Suit


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I hear ya out there.
"RYAN!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE MY FLESHSUIT UPDATES!?!?!WHAT HAVE MY BOYS BEEN DOIN!?!?! WHAT IS GOIN' ON WITH MY FAVORITE MUTHAFUCKAS!?!?!?!?!" Fret not,friends......your FLESHSUIT guys are hard at work doing pre-production for the next cd,busting our asses to make sure that when you get this cd in your hand,the anticipation was well worth it.You guys who been with us for awhile are gonna hear a twisted version of an old classic of ours or two....and before I can talk about the new shit,I gotta talk about us finally gettin' our boy Scott in full-time.It's been a bit of a process,due to time constraints,an extended absence or two,a house fire,a dead bass drum,lots of drinks,lots of jammin' and a WHOLE lot of stories.... but Scott is finally dealin' out the jammin' with us ....as anybody who saw is first show with us can attest to.....and you KNOW us..the live show is where it's AT!!!!! So...the new tunes.....hopefully by now you have all seen the video for the first new track "PERFECT"..(which,by the way, I will be posting a long overdue blog about the video shoot soon),but if you haven't seen it yet,go the page and take a peek...pretty simple..your FLESHSUIT guys and the tune...why muddy it up?But that is just one of the new ones.....not gonna spill it all out here,but just to tease you,here are a couple of titles....WISH-E43,TRUST,COUNTING DOWN.........and some of you will REALLY be happy to hear.....CRUSH.. Way more to talk about guys,new website comin'talk about another video,shows....all soon,I promise ya....so keep an eye and an ear out...will be out there and we will let ya know when and where...as always,you guys are the SHIT,and thank you for takin' the time to come an' hang out with us....
We goddamned ADORE you...

Monday, December 11, 2006

So.....headlong into the rush,shall we? Your FLESHSUIT guys were discussing things in the Lab,as we tend to do,and we decided that we wanted to thank you for caring about us and our music,so we decided.......Drum roll,please.................FREE MUSIC!!!!!So that was the beginning of the idea.Long time Family members know a little bit about the demise of the original incarnation of this band,and the story is old,and know I mean this,OVER.For many reasons,some good,some ridiculous,FLESHSUIT's original line-up disbanded....Dan and I decided to continue on with where we wanted to take the vision we had for this music.....and that is ALL the discussion that will go on about that topic.It didn't work,everyone moved on..... Now....The line-up you know and love....Kickin' like White Castles the next morning.....so rather than ignore the material we had....a bad idea..or charge you for songs you might have already paid for....a CATASTROPHICALLY bad idea......we decided to give you this....... The INTERLUDE cd. It is some of th O-riginal songs,that we still play...we ain't THAT shady!!!!....re-vamped to the new feel of this band...and if you have heard them before now.....you will agree.Why Interlude?Because it is a bridge between what was and what will be.....with respect to both directions....In other words....it isn't what we sounded like then,or what we're GONNA sound like....it is a musical photograph of the journey your guys have taken this far.And since you guys are giving us so much love and support......WE'RE GONNA GIVE IT TO YA FOR FREE!!!! The actual first time out in public you will be able to get it is at BIRDYS on Dec 19th.....not a big release party,just a show to have fun at.....but we'll have them.If you CANNOT WAIT to get it.....hit me up,and we'll get you a copy....if you're on the other side of the country...we just ask ya to pay the shipping.....which means it might be $1.50 instead of free....but c'mon....give us a little middle ground,huh?Besides....knowin' us,we might just pay the shipping for ya!!!! If your're in town,hit me up and we'll figure it out.....or Hell,man...if nothin' else,come to my house and hang out and i'll get ya one!!!! And to be even COOLER.....we're gonna put the songs on the page,so NOBODY IS LEFT OUT!!!!!!! So.....next blog.....an update on where we are finishing 2006,and where we're starting 2007....any questions,comments or positivity.talk to me......any negatives,stupidity, or complaints I turn over to Queen Leena.....and trust me......she WILL terminate with EXTREME prejudice!!!! There ya have it guys....thanks for caring,come out and hang out with us at Birdys on the 19th,getcha cds.....and stay tuned... All Love,Family....

I remember your face.The smile that could heal any wound,the easy grace you carried yourself with,the simple, quiet confidence that was as much a part of you as your skin...and oh,how the future glistened in your eyes!!!! No worries about tomorrow....it'll get here when it gets here...no pain,no grief,and nary a line on your face...
But all that seems changed.I stare into your eyes now,and I see the loss...of hope,of faith,of love..and I see how much of you has already given up hope that it'll be ok.Days and days pass,and the world sees you as they want, filling in the blanks as they see fit to put you into whatever category they can before the moment passes....and you just paste the plastic smile on again,and dance the dance...because that's what is easiest....they don't know that the words are real.They don't believe it really hurt THAT bad.....and surely nbody can actually MEAN what they say!!!! ...but I know you,and in the memory,I see you,golden and shining like all the worlds future all wrapped up in a big energy ball...and the memory both heals my heart and destroys it all at once......
Where did you go?
And Ryan....are you ever comin' back?

Pic of band

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