Disc 1-2


Quick Reference
1) Balamb Garden 2) Fire Cavern 3) Balamb 4) Dollet
5) Balamb 6) Balamb Garden 7) The Train 8) Timber
9) Forest Dreams 10) Galbadia Garden 11) Deling City 12) T.O.T.U.King
13) Deling City

Step-By-Step Walkthrough
*As you begin the game, be sure to pay much attention to everything that is going on.

1) Balamb Garden
You will begin the game by meeting Quistis for the first time. Follow her to the classroom. While in the class obtain Shiva, a GF, from the Study Panel. Next, speak with Quistis and follow her directions.
You are now free to roam the school. Talk to everyone and visit every place. It will later become helpful in the game. When you are done exploring, meet Quistis at the front gate of the Garden.
She will lead you out of the Garden and you are free to roam the world.
The first thing you should do is head down to the beach. There you will find Fastitcalon-F's, with each holding 3 AP each. This is helpful because you will first want to learn Boost. This boosts the attack. Then, when you feel you are ready, go to the cave up north.
2) Fire Cavern
You will now enter the Fire Cavern. Choose a time that you feel you can complete the task in time. The shorter the time, the better the rank you can get. For first time users, I think you should use the longest time. While in the Cavern, you will encounter many enemies. You should have a lot of ice magic, this will be very helpful. Fire based monsters are weak against ice. At the end of the Cavern, you will encounter the GF, Ifrit. As you begin, use Shiva and boost as much as possible. Use the other player to heal, or cast ice magic. He should fall quickly. After you defeat him, he will join you. Now head back to Garden. You will there have a SeeD Field Exam.
First you should go to Squlls room and change uniforms. Head back to the first floor lobby and talk to the people in there. You will be spoken to.
3) Balamb
Drive to Balamb, the town closest to the Garden. Buy any supplies while in town, and try to upgrade your players weapons. There is a Save point in the nearby hotel. Next board the Assault boat and begin your mission.

4) Dollet
Upon entering Dollet, follow Seifer and listen to everything he commands. Next you shoud search the area. Next, make your way up the stairs and help the injured soldier. Defeat this monster. Now you will meet Selphie near the Communication Tower. Enter the Communication tower. Before you continue, you should level up and draw much magic from the draw points in the tower. There is also a save point inside the tower. You may proceed when the enemies you encounter become ver easy. Save your game and proceed up the elevator. The next boss fight is not very hard. Biggs and Wedge are not hard, to defeat them use your GF's. They shall fall quickley. But the next fight is much more difficult. Have one person in your team act as a medic. Use the other two to draw, use physical attacks and your GF's. Most importantly, draw Carbuncle as you begin the fight. Now you can leave. One more problem. X-ATM092, a robot enemy. He chases you out of town. It is weak against thunder. If you deside to fight, some mandatory, you can recieve a maximum of 400 AP. On your way out talk to the dog and it will move from its destruction. When your on the beach, it is over. The CG movie is cool, and the robot is desrtoyed by Quistis.

5) Balamb
You will now return to Balamb. Here, collect supplies and upgrade your weapons if available. Also be sure to visit Zell's home. When you are done here, return to Balamb Garden.
6) Balamb Garden
You will start out by meeting the ohers at the Information Booth. Cid, Quistis and Xu will be waiting. Listen to them. Now, head for the Library. When you get there, Seifer will be waiting. After speaking to him, you should hear an announcement to come and get your rankings. Head up to the second floor. Now you should talk to Cid. He will congradualate you and talk to you some more. When you leave go to the second floor and get your SeeD Rank Report. Next, go to your room and change your clothes for the upcoming party. Have fun at the party. Return to your room and change your clothes again. Head for the training center and enter the secret area. Quistis will speak to you there. Upon leaving, there is a student in trouble. So, you will have to fight Granaldo and Raldos. Defeat the three Raldos first, then attack the Granaldo. They shoud die fast. After the fight, go to your room again. Zell is waiting there. Go to your room and rest. In the morning pick up the Weapons Mon Apr on the desk. Now save and leave. On your way out you will recieve your first mission. You will also get the Magical Lamp wich holds
Diablos, a new GF. You have to fight and beat him before aquiring him. I do not recommend fighting him yet, just wait until you are a little but stronger. Although monsters level is always the same as yours. If you fight him, be sure to Draw Demi and use this against him. Use your strongest attacks, magic and GF's. Also have somebody in your team be a medic. Prefferably Selphie. If you beat him he will be your new GF.
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