Our Crew:

Our Crew is called the Knights of Dionysus Rover Crew.  We are also known as the Pineridge 166 Rover Crew.  Our first name is based on our theme/patron (for more info on crew structure click here).

As I'm sure you can tell our crew is based on a knighthood.  New initiates are known as Pages.  Pages can sit in on meetings and be involved in planning, but cannot vote or hold an executive position..  Once a Page has completed a three month probationary period they become a Squire (through a process called investiture).  Squire's can hold any positions on the executive counsel, vote in all decisions and be involved in all planning and activities.  After completing several steps Squires can become Knights.  Although Knights have no special powers in the crew most members decide to take this step.

Our name comes from our patron.  Dinoysus was the son of Zeus (king of the gods) and Semele (a mortal woman).  Unlike most Greek gods Dinoysus was kind to his followers.  He introduced the growing of grapes and the production of wine to mankind.  He was also a god of theater, community, death, change, madness, and was associated with water.  We chose him because of his association with the community (represents our crews devotion to service) and his association with water (we are certified SCUBA divers).  Of course some people would say that the madness bit suits us well, and truth be told some of us happen to enjoy fermented beverages as well.  For his complete story visit Dionysus.org

Our second name is much easier to understand.  Simply put the name of our community is Pineridge, and all groups under our group committee have the number 166.  We are a Rover crew, so put it all together you get the Pineridge 166 Rover Crew!

Our Community's Crest:

 Our Letterhead (click for full size):

Our Uniform Crest:

  Crew Structure:

Our Crew has grown dramatically in the last few years.  We now have ten  members: three advisors and seven youth.  Our executive has a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  At this time we have 11 youth nembers, and two advisor.  Of these members five are knights, three are squires, and three are pages. We do a large variety of activities, but we specialize in SCUBA diving.  We are certified through NAUI (the National Association of Underwater Instructors), and PADI, and some members have reached the advanced level.  We also are involved a great deal in the outdoors.  Over the years we have gained experience in all sorts of outdoor activities.  We are experienced hikers, backpackers, canoeists, snowshoers and camp counselors.  We have also tried climbing, caving, cross country skiing and scrambling.

This Page Copyright (2004), Knights of Dionysus

Authored by: Bryan Heit

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws