I dedicated this section to my links for The Sims download sites I visit/have visited. I download strictly skins and objects (i. e., no houses), but several of the sites I list happen to provide custom houses as well.

Clicking "home" on this page adduces one to my home site. Clicking the "home" button on subsequent pages within this section returns one to this page.

I wrote a general blurb on "about".

Any updates to this section get noted in the "journal".

The real meat of this section is located under "links". I linked to every site I have ever downloaded anything from (that I know of), because that represents just how anal retentive a person I am.

The "email" button ought to be self-explanatory. If a link is broken or requires correction, I would appreciate notification.

If I include reviews, the site will be better. My voluminous list will take an eternity to go through, though; therefore, a completed review section will probably be long in coming. It all depends on my course load at school this semester (that, and my gumption, which I often find to be lacking considerably).

The Checkered Camel Company

go to the "journal" section for any and all updates


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