The Venusian:
Tony McVey's Take on
Harryhausen's Ymir
Rating:  Exceptional (10)
There's a lot I could say about this kit, but maybe the bottom line is that this may be my all-time favorite kit (with the possible exception of Creataceous Creations Pentaceratops and Alonso Studio's first T-rex (in the works).  The sculpting is just incredible and it went together like a dream.  The break lines are all in intelligent places and and because it is a fantasy peice based on a black and white film, the sky's the limit on painting.  This particular rendering was done with automobile spray paints treated with dullcoat with gives everything an eerie sheen and depth.  Acrylics were used for the reds and details including a dry brushing of pearlized blue and neon green.
The photo above (left) was taken from my back porch, but I have to say, this is a tough kit to get a good shot on.  The colors are basically dark which invites a flash; however, flash photos reflect the light off the surface because of the auto paints and pearlized highlights.  The same basic problem happens outside where there is a lot of reflection of natural light.  The second photo is actually from a scanner.  Below is a shot against a white wall that shows the rudimentary base.  The trees give a sense of scale and I have thought about taking some HO scale figures and setting up a picnic gone awry.  "First ants, now this!"
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