Geometric Design 1/25th scale
Creature from the Black Lagoon

Excellent (9)

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    No doubt, this film has one of the most loyal followings in fandom and for good reason.  It is the quintessential creepy 1950s sci-fi film with a unique monster, a half-mad boat captain and an exotic setting that harkens back to King Kong itself.  Despite the fact that the film is in black and white, it still has remarkable texture and even some good acting.  Thus, it should be no surprise that figure modelers typically have at least one creature in their collection.
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Geometric Designs released this as one of their excellent "MicroMania" series.  It has been a while since I did this, but I think it had three main parts (hands separate) as well as a circular base and a wire rod to support the swimming creature.  The likeness is just incredible and there is a great deal of detail to work with.  I picked this one up for around $14, though they are now a bit hard to find and the price is typically much higher.  It was finished with acrylics, largely hand brushed.
The shot above and below were taken against a fishtank background--one with and one without a flash.  Obviously light really affects the colors.  I created the base with ming fern and other dried plants on a scalloped oval woodcut base.
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