This page contains stuffs that I collect, create or made. Currently, I only put a winamp skin that I have made and a fanart I drew here.

Winamp Skin

Here's a winamp skin with Daisuke (from D.N.Angel). Hope I gave a cheerful feel to it by using the light/bright colours. Click on the image to download the skin.


This is Tanpopo from Imadoki. I drew it and add some colours and effects with photoshop. So, how does it looks? Click on the image on the left to see a larger image.

Tare Panda
Piyo Piyo
Story Telling
My Collection

Lastest Updates:
- Change the whole design of this websitee.
- Added a new section; Story Telling.


Last updated on: 13/02/2004

Any comments, please e-mail me.

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