You might be wondering what this site is about before you click on the link and came here. This site is specially dedicated to two of my favourite cartoon characters, Tare Panda and Piyo Piyo. This site also contains some midis, links, my collection and story...

Tare Panda
The panda that lies around, rolls from its source to its destination and seems to be always hanged up somewhere. And, well, its name is Tare Panda, meaning..

Piyo Piyo
The little yellow duck/chick (??). I never figure out what it actually is.. however..

Midis of anime that I have collected so far (from varies sources and websites).

Story Telling
Under construction. Will contain postings of story in future.

My Collection
Stuffs that I collect, create or made. Rather hard to describe..

Links to my sister's websites. Also describe and link to my other websites.

Tare Panda
Piyo Piyo
Story Telling
My Collection

Lastest Updates:
- Change the whole design of this website..
- Added a new section; Story Telling.

Last updated on: 13/02/2004

Any comments, please e-mail me.

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