Junior/Beginners BookletOnline
Chapter Six - Vundu
(Latin name - Heterobranchus longifilis - Vundu)

These are just like "GIANT" barbel. They are easily recognized by the split fin on the back and are generally a plain brown colour (and obviously bigger in general). Their "feelers" are much longer than barbel in comparison to their body size.

These are normally only found in the Zambezi River and Kariba, and not too many anglers actually try and catch them on purpose.
It can be quite expensive on tackle, never mind the bruises (and the urgent need for an ICE COLD BEER) when you have finished.

The baits are generally the same as for Barbel but maybe a bit bigger on the fillets etc. They say Blue Soap works, but personally I have not seen one caught on this, or even had a bite on it. (Maybe they don't make the blue soap the same these days, or I am using the wrong type or brand.)

In the Chirundu area they are becoming quite rare and so a catch, photo and release method is suggested. They seem to have made a come back in Kariba, and there is definitely no shortage in the Kanyemba area, but if you are not going to eat it, put it back to fight another day. They really are quite graceful to watch when they are swimming around.

They inhabit various areas in the lake, and the very loud splash (not like a barbel plop) provides the main evidence of their presence, and often the fleeting glimpse of their "paddle" of a tail as it goes down.
In the Zambezi you can normally see them lying on the bottom on sandbars as you drift past. Putting a bait into these areas, often results in some hectic action for a while.

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