Newsletter - 43 WEEKS TO GO

Hi Anglers

Sad News - Barry Crous passed away on Sunday. Barry as I am sure a lot of you know put so much into Sport in Zimbabwe, through Rugby, Golf and of course fishing.
Mrs Crous, Russell , Dale and families our thoughts and smyphamy are with you.
He was one of the Best.

Thanks to the kind donations of KITFT and KAS angler's we managed to raise R 1 550 and $ 44 000,00 to send the Juniors to the International in Nambia. Tight lines to them this week.

$ 1 000 000,00 Raffle in aid of Raising funds for Charara
This raffle was cancelled in July 01, when permission was granted by the Ministry. An advert was then placed in the Newspaper asking any ticket holder to collect their ticket refunds on the 31 August 2001. Cheque's went out last week to all ticket holders who's money was banked in the Fundraising account.
Please, if you have not recieved your refund within 10 days, please advise me by e-mail or 011 400 754.
Please note that this draw was not run under NAUZ or any of it's sub committee's, but by me as a private promoter with a few helpers. If any one has any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. My apologies for the delays in getting your ticket money back to you.

KITFT 2002
KITFT had a cocktail party with it's sponsors last week. It's amazing how many of the sponsors were off fishing when they were invited. Kariba must have been full . There are great prospects for 2002 and some exciting new ideas. So watch out in 2002.

Now for this weeks tips

Fishing Tip of the Day
Finding Access Sites To Launch Your Boat
If you'd like to try a different part of a lake or river, but don't know how to get to the ramp, I suggest that you call your local fisheries department. Oftentimes, they will tell you the easiest way to get there and advise you about the water levels in that part of the lake.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Where To Begin
If you are someone who is interested in fishing, but haven't yet taken the bait, now is the best time to try.
Obtain a rod that feels comfortable to you and get a reel of the same caliber. A plastic worm is the best bait
for a beginner. Practice your casts with a worm and you'll soon master the feel when your first fish strikes.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Be Prepared
You need to be properly prepared when the opportunity comes to catch a fish. Sharpen your hooks BEFORE each tournament and change your line often to avoid losing your catch.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Night Fishing
For those of you who like to fish at night, here's a tip that will help you see your lures better. Just take a regular white terry-cloth towel and place the lures you plan to use that evening on it. The white background of the towel makes for easier spotting of the lures without the need to flick on a flashlight.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Cheers and tight lines

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