Tips and Helpul Hints Page

This page is meant for those of you that may not have seen some of the simple tips that can make your day fishing so much more pleasurable, and without some of the hassles of the niggly "little" things that may annoy you.
Some are just basic tips for helping in other ways.
There are several other tips included in the newsletters, and they have not been included here.

They are divided into four basic categories : -
SafetyGeneral | Boat and Fishing Equipment | Fishing Tips

Keep a small box of "non-perishable" food stuffs (biscuits tinned food and tin opener), matches etc in your boat, just in case. (It may be a long night.)

When going in to remote areas or thick trees, try to pick out some form of landmarks, that you can tell your rescuers about (if you can get hold of them), so they can find you quicker or alternatively try to get out into the open, where rescuers can see you.
Remember they do not see the area the way that you do, so keep it simple. (No they cannot see that tree with four branches coming out at the water)

If you keep a Torch in the boat all the time, do not leave the batteries in it - Rather keep them in packet that is with the torch. Corroded batteries destroy your torch and are hard to get out.
In rough weather do not tie up too close to the tree, rather have the boat move around on a long rope. Saves your boat from damage.

Stay off the front of the boat when the waves are large, to stop them from coming over the front when the bow goes down.

Try to recognise other boats around you, so you will know who was the closest, and may have seen you go in to where you are, or can help with your general location. (Stuff your secret spot, its cold and miserable out there)

Tell someone on land where you think you will be going, and around what times you will move. (Don't get ants in your pants and start going all over the world, where they won't be looking) If you do go somewhere else, try to get  closer to where you are supposed to be, or in the open.
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General Stuff that may be helpful.
Buy a pair of decent Polaroid sunglasses - They will save your eyes and also help you to see what is in the water.

If you can find a decent map of the dam/lake you are fishing, get hold of it and mark you spots on them. If it has contours, all the better for you to find structure.

Keep some form of Sun Lotion on the boat, just in case.

Keep a couple of loose cloths in the boat to wipe your hands with, after doing the worms - Better than feeding the crocodiles with your hand.

Keep spare hats in your boat - What was that you said ? - Never lost or forgotten one before !! (Bull****).

If you have a cooler box with a detachable lid, use one of those bungi cords or some rubber to go round the box to keep the lid on.
Another tip is to write your name and address on the inside of the lid - Some "kind" angler may find your lost lid and return it to you, you never know do you ?

Ice expensive - too much at one time - Melts quickly once broken ? - Make your own ice in 2 litre Ice cream containers, it is quicker, cheaper and easier to pack in that box. (Good excuse for Mum and the kids to eat lots of ice cream, so you can have the containers)

Do NOT put Kapenta in the Food/Drinks Box - (Unless you like the smell for ever and after)

Keep a piece of Perfection Soap on your boat or in your Tackle box - You never know when you might need it, and perfection seems to wash off almost everything.
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For your Boat/Fishing Equipment
Keep a big floppy hat in your boat to dampen and put over your depthfinder or other electronic equipment,  when you are not using it - They do not like the African Sun, and the screens may fade and the cases sometimes warp.

If you have what you think is a "Larney" boat and do not like worm dirt on your carpets - Make a removable mat to fit over the carpeted areas. Just quickly remove and clean as necessary.
Wind blowing them off - Just attach a bit of Velcro in strategic places and it will stick to the carpet and not blow off when you are running.

What was that ? - You do not have a Rod rack or stowage area ? - Use a cut up (Laddered) pair of stockings (Ask Mom nicely) to tie your rods together, to save them from bouncing around the boat and breaking. Also good for when transporting to and from venues in the car/truck.

Haven't got a Live Bait Bucket ? - Use an ordinary small plastic bucket, use the top of the stockings (you already got from mom) and tie a knot at the legs, and use this for a cover/lid.
If you want to keep it in the water then glue some sinkers on one side at the bottom and cut some slots in the side (about 3mm wide) about 4 inches (10 cms) up from the bottom, to allow the water in and out.

Always seem to park the boat where there are rocks ? - Take an old tyre with you to put the nose of the boat on when you park it - Redoing the Gel coat is expensive !!

Do not put Pastic Worms on other plastics, as they generally seem to "eat" into them.
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Fishing Tips
If you have been using plastic worms on spinner baits etc, take them so they do not gum up or "eat" the skirts.
Also make sure the skirts are dry before putting them back in your box. Give them a good couple of shakes to get all the water off.

Do not leave Plastic worms and grubs lying around in your tackle box. (See tips above)

Do not put earth worms ANYWHERE near Petrol. (They run on earth and glucose,  not petrol) Keep your worms cool and in the shade where possible (Close the blo*** lid on the worm box).

If you are on Kariba and you see some "Kariba weed" (Not hyacinth), pick some up and put it into your worm box. The worms will appreciate it, and it may help you keep your hands clean as the worms seem to migrate to the roots of the plants.

Watch the areas around you for any activity, (including the birds) and try to see what is happening. It may lead you to success through some unique method. (also you know where the crocs are)

Are your rigged up rods continously getting tangled up when you are running around ? - Take the line and wrap it around the rod a couple of times and leave it round an eye, so that all loose line is contained around the rod and holds the line gaps against the rod. Then there is nothing left to tangle. (Easy and quick to undo for tournament anglers that like to be set up before they get there.)

If you are fishing a tournament and it is vital for you to ensure that your fish do not lose any weight, then put them on ice immediately, you will be amazed at what you can save.

Having to catch squeakers and silver barbel in a tournament, and worried about the weight you might lose, from having to cut off the "spikes" ? - Cut them off and stick them down the throat of the fish. (It is only a couple of grams but you never know)
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If you would like to add some tips here please
Email them to the Webmaster  or  to the Chairman
or post them to :-
Kariba Angling Society, P O Box WGT 503, Westgate, Harare.

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