Newsletter - 44 WEEKS TO GO

Hi Angler's
Sorry no e-mail last week , I got a bit behind.

Bank Angling
We still desperately need assistance. Even if you can only assist with $ 500,00 it all helps. If you can help and because of the time , just deposit the money direct into Stanbic Account Number 0140090613101 in the name of J Ireland. Then e-mail me and let me know so I can advise the team.

The National Bank Angling team is about to go to Namibia for a Zone Six International. They have to raise an UN-believable amount of money to go, and the only way we can send the Best team is by raising money . I have appealed to our International teams to help out with the Junior, but we still need quite a lot more. Anyone how is prepared to help either personally or through their company , please e-mail me with your pledge.

1 December - In Kariba
Don't forget the 1 December Tournament at Carribea Bay, its a great way to end off the fishing year. For those Moms and Dads who have Juniors who are keen on fishing this is a great opportunity as Boats are supplied.

Anti Poaching
I am pleased to advise that the Anti Poaching effort got off the ground this last week. Both Ground and Water patrols were done. We will be receiving a report within the next few days, but briefly 146 snares were found and removed, 5 kilometres of nets removed and destroyed. Please those of you who can give up 4 days to do a patrol please send me your names and I will get the organizers to contact you. There needs to be a pool of 20 or so people so that patrols can be done every 10 days, two or three people cannot do this on there own. They also need assistance from Houseboat owners , so they can do trips to the Gorge and Ume River as well. All names of people involved are kept confidential.
Visit their web Site by clicking the link here. ZCTF Site

For this weeks tips and quotes.

Fishing Tip of the Day
Top Water Tricks
Most top water lures are fished out in the open, instead of on the bank. To catch fish that rarely see these types of lures, fish top water lures under boat docks, over deep water, and in the weeds. As I've said before, you'll catch larger fish by placing your lures where other fisher people generally don't.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Finding Structure
To locate fish on unfamiliar waters, I suggest that you first find structure. Personally, I always first look for rock, and if I cannot find rock, I search for wood. Spinner baits and crank baits work best for covering lots of water.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Fishing In Standing Timber
Trees in deep water can hold fish all year round. One way to catch these suspended fish is to flip a jig to them. I suggest using a 1/4 oz. jig in black and blue. Flip your jig right to the tree and allow it to fall. Watch your line carefully -- if your line stops or jumps, set the hook.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Albert Einstein

Fishing Tip of the Day
The Improved Clinch Knot
Lures are expensive. So in order for you to keep your lures from being broken off, you should take the time to learn to tie strong knots. I recommend using an improved clinch knot. Take the line through the lure twice, then twist the lure seven times. Next, take the line through the small hole then the big one, lick the line and pull.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Good looks open doors, but they don't keep you in the room.
- Todd Coomber

Fishing Tip of the Day
Holding That Bass
Believe it or not, bass are delicate creatures. Conscientious fisherpeople learn how to properly hold these delicate beauties. Here's a refresher:
Do not hold a bass anywhere but by the lip. Why? Because bass have a protective slime coat that can be removed if the fish are handled too much. If your bass is particularly heavy, hold the lip AND TAIL to support the extra weight, so that you don't inadvertently break the fish's jaw.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe, why it as it is and why it exists as all.
- Stephen Hawking

Fishing Tip of the Day
By The Light Of A Full Moon
Fish, like some people, tend to be influenced by the full moon. My advice: Go out during an evening when there's a full moon and fish with top water lures.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

In times like these, it is helpful to remember that there have always been times like these.
- Paul Harvey

Fishing Tip of the Day
Fishing The Ledges
A lake with lots of ledges can be a tough challenge. To crack the puzzle on how to catch those fish who suspend on the ledges, I suggest using spinnerbaits. Cast to the ledge and allow the lure to fall on slack line. If you notice your line swimming off or it feels heavy, set the hook.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

What is a committee? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary.
- Richard Harkness

Fishing Tip of the Day
Crawling Your Worm
In order to achieve a natural motion when fishing plastic worms, I suggest slowly wrapping the line around your fingers and pulling the line very slowly. This technique can be very effective in highly pressured and clear lakes. Use a four-inch worm in your favorite color with a 3/0 Mustad hook.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- Arthur Godfrey

Fishing Tip of the Day
Shaken Not Wound
Most fisherpeople cast out a crankbait and wind it in either fast or slow to obtain strikes. I've found that if I cast out my crankbait and then just shake my rod tip, the fish seem to react out of instinct and strike. Just allow the crankbait to sit still in the same spot and don't wind, just shake.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
- Indira Gandhi

Fishing Tip of the Day
Winterize Your Boat
To prepare your boat for winter, make sure that you remove all of the water from the hull and motor. If you don't take the time to do this, your lower unit may crack in really cold temperatures and cause several thousands of dollars worth of damage. To remove the water, first tilt your boat upright (if your motor almost touches the ground, then you are doing this correctly).
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
- James Dean

Fishing Tip of the Day
Reaction Strikes
Most fisherpeople assume that fish hit their lures because they are hungry, but this isn't always true. When fish are inactive, most lures can be run right past them and the fish won't even move. You'll often find this fish behavior on highly pressured lakes. Fortunately, a reaction strike can be the key to landing a fish in these situations. My favorite reaction lures to use on lethargic fish are crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and rattle traps.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
- Michael Caine

Cheers for now , hope to see you in Kariba this weekend.

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