Newsletter - 46 WEEKS TO GO

Hi Angler's

Bank Angling
First and foremost our National Bank Angling team is about to go to Namibia for a Zone Six International. They have to raise an un-believable amount of money to go, and the only way we can send the Best team is by raising money . I have appealled to our International teams to help out with the Junior, but we still need quite a lot more. Anyone how is prepared to help either personally or through their company , please e-mail me with your pledge. Any amount will be accepted. I will then forward you the Bank account number that you can Bank the money into.

Other clubs Kariba Angling have put in $ 10 000,00 towards the Juniors, we challenge other Club to match or better this. Our Juniors are our future, and Bank angling is in the reach of all angler's. The team go the first week of December, so this is quite urgent.

1 December - In Kariba
Don't forget the 1 December Tournament at Carribea Bay, its a great way to end off the fishing year. For thoses Moms and Dads who have Juniors who are keen on fishing this is a great opportunity as Boats are supplied.

Anti Poaching
Anti Poaching needs voulenteers to train with the current guys doing patrols ,so that they can have a pool of angler's to draw from as from now until March two partols a month ar a must. They are also looking for guys who will do ground patrols, this means walkng through the bush collecting snares etc.
Please contact Alan Holt on 011 412 732 urgently if you would like to get involved.
KITFT raised a large amount of money to fund the Patrols, so contact Alan today !!!!!

KITFT Meeting
The KITFT committee hold their first meeting of 2002 at Hot Rock Cafe on Tuesday 20th November 2001. Any angler's who would like to come along after the meeting and chat to anyone on the committee , with suggestions , ideas etc please feel to do so at the Hot Rock (Auckland Park) at 1630. We welcome your input.

For this weeks tips

Fishing Tip of the Day
Being A Floater
There are laws in every state that require you to have a personal flotation device (PFD) for every person in your boat. If you are pulled over by law enforcement and are found to be out of compliance, you could be fined. PFDs are cheap and should be worn at all times by everyone in your boat any time the motor is running. These little devices could save your life -- or the life of someone you love. (You can purchase PFDs for dogs, too, so don't forget Rover!)
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Stuck In The Rain
If you are fishing and a storm suddenly appears, you can make a pretty credible rain suit out of a large garbage bag. Just cut or tear holes on each side for your arms and one in the bottom for your head. This will keep you somewhat dry and at the same time, keep you warmer in the event of a cold rain.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Prove Your Tall Fish Tale
Most people like to have proof of the fish that they say they've caught. A good way to make sure you can always prove the size of your catch is to buy a disposable camera. These cameras are lightweight and can be carried in your pocket or tackle box. You can buy these cameras just about everywhere, even at the grocery store. Just make sure that the one you buy is waterproof.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Protect Your Fishing License
My fishing license is my key to fish legally in certain waters. To protect it, I keep mine in a heavy-duty plastic bag that zips tightly. Keep your license in a safe and dry place and make sure that it's with you at all times when you're fishing. Keep in mind that in every state you visit you'll need a license, unless you're in a bordering state that shares waters.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Inspect Your Fishing Areas
Before you decide to fish a certain area of river, make sure that the area is fit for fishing. For example, if the water smells bad or if you don't see any wildlife drinking the water, then it's a good idea for you to select another spot. Also, water that is consistently brown or has a milky hue is polluted. Don't fish there!
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Fishing Tip of the Day
Stay Tuned In
Going without a bite for hours can mentally fatigue even the most patient of fisherpeople. In order to avoid this on your next fishing trip, try focusing on your line and lure after every cast. We pros always try to know what our lure is doing. If you stay focused and tuned in, you'll catch more fish and be happier overall with this wonderful hobby.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Baby News
Lisa and Howard Dunstan had a baby boy on the 15 October 2001 Congratulation to both of you. A lot of you will remember Lisa (nee Schoultz) from when she worked at Charara in 2000.
Grandpa Peter and Great Uncle Arthur will definitely have a fishing rod in the youngsters hand as soon as possible.
That now makes it two ULTC, one Kariba Angling, Angler's on the way up since the Tournament. Come on Kas we need more Juniors.

Cheers for now

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