Newsletter - 49 WEEKS TO GO

Hi Anglers

Well what a Tournament. I we definitely celebrated our 40th Birthday is style.

Thanks , Thanks and more Thanks

Thanks first and foremost to you the angler's who made the Tournament so great. Without your participation where would we be.

To our Sponsors Thanks for your support . In these troubled times your out did yourselves in sponsorship. We will be writing personally to each and everyone of you , Thank you so very much for your continued support.

To my committee Thanks for all the support and hard work through the think and thin of the past year. The dedication these few men have to your Tournament is unbelievable. Thank you

To the Crew, Ladies in the office, Weigh Bay Crew, Marshals, Lake Safety, Lake Captain a Big Thank you. Steve Hanly and Rod Bennett for the unbelievable commentary of the Tournament , you really did us all proud. To Dave and Bridgette and Ian for keeping us entertained, and last but definitely not least, Debbie for keeping all sound , video crew intact.

To Graham and the Charara Committee, Shaun and Belinda and all the Charara Staff, the site was fantastic and it was great for all the angler's .The Bar crew what a fantastic job you did Thank you all.

Now for M-Webs great prizes - M Web as part of their sponsorship gave three full Internet subscriptions away these were for the Biggest fish each day caught on a spinner.

M - Web winners were :-


Nice to see all anglers from out of Harare.

Thank You M-web.

For news on anglers -
Baby News - Trevor and Jenna Gilbert had a Baby Girl last Thursday . Congratulations to you both. Don't forget the girls have taken the records lately on Tiger Fish, so Jenna watch out she will be out fishing with Dad as soon as she can hold a rod.

Sick Quarters
Barry Crous one of the most dedicated NAUZ anglers and Trustee of the Union, took ill while we where in Kariba , he has been in St Annes for a week and is being moved to St Giles for Rehab .Please keep Barry in your prays.

I will get down to the results next week when I get my head above the water. But don't forget you can visit the http://www.kitft.com site for all the results, and for pictures go to the Mweb site http://www.mweb.co.zw/tiger

Now for the overseas tips

Fishing Tip of the Day
Fishing With Live Bait
Fishing with live bait can bring you some hefty catches. In fact, you will almost always catch more fish by using live bait. My favourite live bait is the minnow. To use minnows, hook them behind the dorsal fin, so that they can swim naturally.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows, they learned to swim.
- U2, Until The End Of The World

Fishing Tip of the Day
Proper Hook Size
Choosing the proper hook size can help you to catch more fish. A good rule of thumb to use is to make sure that the hook covers the majority of the bait. If you are using a 4-inch tube, I recommend using a 3/0 hook. If you use a 10-inch worm, try a 5/0 hook.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
Because I could not stop for Death; He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves; And immortality.
- Emily Dickinson

Fishing Tip of the Day
Achieving The Proper Reel Ratios
Whenever you buy a reel, you'll notice that there are ratios for the reel. In order for you to get this ratio, you'll need to properly spool your reel, which means filling it to within a quarter inch of the top of the spool. I recommend using a high-speed reel so that you can fight a fish and get him in quickly.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
- John Lennon, Imagine

Fishing Tip of the Day
The Sun's Effect On Fish
Why do people get to the lake at the first possible light? Primarily because bass do not like sunlight very much. Since they are predators, they prefer to hide in the shade and ambush their prey. I recommend casting your favorite lure to shady spots after the sun comes up.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
- Robert Frost

Fishing Tip of the Day
The End Of High Traffic
For those of you who don't like pleasure boats and jet skis on the water while you're trying to fish, fall is a perfect time for you. You'll enjoy your solo status so much, I suggest taking extra clothes and some food in case the time gets away from you. As the weather cools, you'll have more and more time without pleasure boaters scaring the fish.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask someone else first.
- Nirvana, Milk It

Fishing Tip of the Day
River Fishing In The Fall
Bass fishing a river in the fall requires one to pay attention to the movement of the bait fish. The bass will stay out on the main river until the first cold front of fall comes in. Be sure to watch the weather and keep up with the nightly lows.
- Brian Coleman, Professional Angler

Quote of the Day
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
- Buddha

Fishing Tip of the Day
Cover Me!
Bass love to lurk in cover. Why? For one, bass use cover so they can easily pick up a bite of, say, an unsuspecting passing crawfish or shad.
Also, bass hang out in cover to protect their eyes -- they tend to be a bit sensitive to sunlight. And why should you know this? So you can have better fishing success. Know where the fish are; haul in more fish.
- C. Herold

Quote of the Day
I pushed the button and erased your master tape.
- REM, I Took Your Name

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