Prior Tennants Evicted!
Saturday Feb 9, 2002

We're delighted to inform the public that we have solved, at least for the time being, our rodent problem.  We were too tired the first night we moved in to notice them-but we did hear lots of strange noises, and in retrospect, some of them must have been the rodents.  We could not help but notice a hole the size of a D cell battery in the bottom of our screen door.  So we dutifully taped it up and didn't think much more of it.  The next morning, we heard lots of noises, found a hole in our bread, and lots of droppings under our bed!  Not to mention a new hole on the other side of our screen door!

The locals here use glue traps-so that's what we dutifully bought.  The directions say to spread it out on cardboard, and place it in areas where the mouse travels.  What they didn't say was how to secure the cardboard!  We woke up later that evening to the sound of the large mouse/small rat dragging our cardboard around the house!  He got free, and traipsed about leaving glue paw prints all over the floor.  He even ate the bread that was surrounded by glue!  More droppings under the bed-as if coming to spite us!

The next night we shut the back door to prevent him chewing another hole in the screen door.  All  well and good, except we woke up to seem him chewing a hole through the screen in our bedroom window!  When fixed in our flashlight beam, he jumped down-we couldn't decide whether into our room or outside the house.  So we decided to close our bedroom window-only to then realize that he was indeed inside, and now locked in our house- in fact under our bed!  We chased him around with a broom for a while, and eventually persuaded him to spend the night in the kitchen instead.  Tricky, as the doors all fit so poorly that there is about a 4 inch gap under every door-which we filled up with cushions from our easy chairs. 

The next day VSO sent an exterminator around-he left several poisoned treats under our furniture.  It took another day (and a sleepless night listening to the rats and chasing them about with the broom) but we were rewarded Thursday night when we came home from work with 2 dead rodents in our kitchen!  And our maid found another one the next morning.  We think a fourth may have met his demise in the drain pipe out back. 

But no more holes in our screens, and we've been getting loads more sleep these days!  We don't leave any food lying about, but for now we're keeping our fingers crossed!

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