News from Kate and Ben in the Gambia
Latest news

Notes from the front lines of development - our work with VSO's Small Project Fund, in which we fund an income generating project for the Boy Scouts (June 2)

Hearsay and gossip about politics here in the Gambia (June 2)
Archive of past news updates

- Ben gets a haircut and learns about bicycle repair and the generostiy of strangers here in the Gambia (April 20)

Our trip to Abuko nature reserve with four visitors from the US (Kate's parents and their friends the Browns) (Early April)

Kate proudly shows off her work at SDF over the past few weeks - a brand new "Success Brochure."  This will tell you what micro credit really is and what she does here in the Gambia (March 30)

Kate's business "trek" upcountry, and what we see in the villages there (March 14)

- Double Income No Kids in the Gambia--or How to Live on $6 a Day. (March 6)

How we spent the Tobaski weekend (Feb 23-24) - a big festival equivalent to Christmas, plus a few other observations on life over here from Ben

A day in the life of a VSO volunteer in the Gambia (Feb 25). In which Kate tells it like it is!

On Monday, Feb 18 we attended the Gambia's Independence day celebrations at the National Stadium. View our report and pictures.

Prior (furry) tennants evicted! (Saturday Feb 9)

We moved into our house on Feb 1st, but didn't catch our breaths enough to write about it til Feb 7...

Main page-Kate and Ben in the Gambia
News-Our latest, plus an archive of past postings
Photos-See what life is like in the Gambia
Additions and updates-See what's been added to this site since your last visit
Our house-See where and how we live
More about
Kate's job at SDF
More about
Ben's job at GTTI
Links-About the Gambia and VSO
Contact us-Submit your comments and questions by email, send us a real letter, or even give us a call!
Our big news

As some of you may have heard, Kate and I are now engaged!  Read all about it! (March 29)!
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