Episode Guide
This is the section of my Alex shrine where I point out all the sightings of my gaijin during the course of the entire series.
Now, I was worried when I first watched Ayashi no Ceres because Alex was not only a minor character, but a minor villan as well.  Only two things could result.  1. He would show his true colors as a villian or an underdog, or 2. he'd get killed of because he's unimportant. 
But was plesantly surprised and very proud to call Alex my own by the last episode.
I should warn you that this will contain major spoilers for the show.  For those true fangirls and guys reading this, please hit the back button because I'm sure Yuu Watase wanted the cliffhangers and plot twists to remain unrevealed.  But if you're that devoted to the cheerful otaku who works for Mikage International, then proceed.
Episode 1:
first appearance of Alex, flanked on either side by Gladys and Wei while watching the Mikage ceremony with a smile.
Episode 6:
The first time we hear Alex's voice, on the phone with Kagami, discussing Aki's importance to the project.
Later, we see him
lamenting the fact that Mrs. Q is able to bypass his security system becasue she bears a striking resemblance to the Obake character.  Kagami berates him for imputing that anime character.  This is the only time we hear of his otaku tendencies.  In the manga, he actually runs after Mrs Q to get her autograph.
Finally, he joins
Kagami in anticipation of getting C Project started.
Episode 7:
Seen in the prologue,
leaning forward in excitement about the project.
Now comes one of the cutest scenes in the series.  Kagami is assigning Tooya to follow Aya when Alex comes
bouncing (literally) into the room bearing a case full of disks for Tooya's memory implants. (Imagine Tomokazu's Seki's Chichiri voice- "Tooya-san, Tooya-san!")  This is the second and last comedic moment with Alex in the series, although he has plenty more in the manga.
Episode 9:
Seen with Kagami, lamenting about their failure with Suzumi Aogiri and their attempt to bring her under their control.
Then Aki enters the scene and he reminds the gaurds that he was not to be out without permission.  But Aki insists on seeing the detained Tooya.  Alex is present when Aki has his first transformation. (however slight and brief it is)  He wonders if the machine he created is to blame.  Don't you hate it when you invent something but you aren't quite sure what it is capable of?
Episode 10:
Brief cameo.  Typing away on a console and asking Aki if he would like to try the aforementioned machine again before Kagami enters.
Episode 11:
Brief cameo at the end. 
Typing at yet another console while Kagami looks on.  They are observing their first capture, Kumi Akiyama, and Alex points out sadly that she was the only survivor of their 'vaccine'.
Episode 12:
supervising Tooya's memory resotration process, since it is his machine.  Tooya then makes his rather dramatic escape with the use of his mystical dagger, distroying Alex's machine in the process.  He is as shocked as Kagami and swears that Tooya was searched and didn't have a single weapon on him.
Episode 15:
Cameo.  Standing in on the meeting between Tooya and Kagami.
Continue on, deshi-->
If you have any pics or screenshots, please send them to me for this guide.  I'd really appreciate it, no da..
~Sakata Ri Houjun.
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