Michael Lee Porter

Freelance Actor/Musical Director

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It is with pleasure that I present this website in recognition of, and with deep pride and respect for Michael's achievements.

Michael Lee Porter is a 'freelance' Actor and Musical Director living and working in the Arts Centre of New Zealnd, also known as the Garden City of Christchurch.

Michael is now 33, a Taurean and one of the most committed and focused people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He is in a long term relationship with Jon.

He graduated with a Diploma in Performing Arts from the National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Arts (Nasda) in 1996 and has since obtained his Bachelor Degree in Performing Arts.

Michael is contracted by Nasda as a Musical Director and Vocal Coach and has also been employed by various theatre companies in New Zealand. When spoken to about his career, Michael said that The Court Theatre in Christchurch and the Fortune Theatre in Dunedin had supplied him with some of his best career opportunities so far. Creating music theatre backing tracts is another aspect that he shows considerable talent in.

Michael has been successful in securing a role in "The Phantom of the Opera" and will move to Melbourne in June where he will tour with the show for two years

Please amble through and take a peep at Michael's life as it has been up until now

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