The opening FMV is very much like the one at TGS or the one of Famitsu Wave. You may see it at other websites, but this FMV is longer than that of Famitsu wave. Well, anyway it ends with the famous scene of Squall and Rinoa. Then an FMV of training duel between Squall and Seifer begins. The game starts at the infirmary. Dr. Kadowaki is the doctor in charge. A strange girl's reflex is seen on the glass by Squall's bed. She says, "Well met again, Squall." Then Quistis comes in. Quistis takes Squall to her classroom. He is told to sit down at his seat. She scolds Seifer for having a duel against Squall. When Squall sits down, you can control a panel on his desk. It contains tutorial, news from the Garden, etc. You can also have a test to get a higher level for SeeD. After Quistis talks for a bit, she says to Squall that he has to have a test to go to the Fire dungeon. She says she's going to be waiting for him at the main gate of the Garden. Then you can go anywhere in the Garden. When Squall goes to the elevator, Selphie talks to him. She says that she is a new student from Trabia Garden, and she asks Squall to show her around the Garden. At the main gate, Squall meets Quistis and they go to the Fire dungeon. The dungeon is not complicated at all and you can go easily to the end of it. There you meet Ifrit and have a battle against him. When you win, you can get GF Ifrit. When Squall returns to the Balamb Garden, he is ordered to go to the Republic of Dollet, which is a test to be in SeeD. Squall, Zell, and Seifer go to the city of Balamb and then start for Dollet by a frigate. You can walk about the city freely, to destinations such as; Zell's house(!), a hotel, or a shop. Then you'll see a wonderful FMV which is exactly the same as the one of the demo game. The three are at the B team and are ordered to kill enemies in the city of Dollet, but they find very few enemies there. Seifer wonders what the EM tower is, and he gets interested in it, and he orders Squall and Zell to go to the EM tower with him. When they reach the foot of the tower, Selphie, who was in group A, comes as a dispatch rider. Squall and Zell go up the tower with Selphie, following Seifer. At the top, Biggs was repairing some machines and the EM tower begin to work with the power now turned on. Selphie tells them to return back down to the beach. A battle against Biggs and Wedge, then against a boss Elviole. Don't forget to draw Siren from this boss!! After this battle, you have thirty minutes to get to the beach this time, unlike fifteen minutes at the demo game. A crab like monster X-ATM092 chases them. I heard that if you are by far strong you can kill this monster, but well, don't work too hard and let's run away. ;-) Squall, Zell and Selphie run down to the beach. When they get to the beach, Quistis destroys the monster by shooting a big gun. The frigate returns to the city of Balamb. At the Garden, some students are waiting to know whether they passed the test. Zell and Squall are called and told that they passed the test. Then there is a semi party in Cid's room. After the little ceremony, don't forget to talk to Cid. He will give you a "battle kei," an item to tell you the data of your battles. At night, a party is held. When Squall is standing alone, a mysterious girl (Rinoa) talks to him. She invites him to the dance. First he rejects because he doesn't know how to dance, but Rinoa tells him how to dance. Enjoy a wonderful and beautiful FMV. Rinoa here is so charming. After the dance, when Squall is cooling off at a balcony, Quistis comes to him and tells him to go to the secret place in the training room Well, go to the training room. Quistis is waiting at the entrance. Don't forget to set GF to her. After going through the training room, Quistis talks to Squall outside the room. After the talk, when Quistis and Squall go out of the training room, a shriek is heard. A strange girl (not Rinoa) and two soldiers are asking for help. The strange girl is the same girl of the reflection when Squall finds himself at the infirmary. A battle against a boss Granald. You can draw shell from this monster. The next day Squall, Zell and Selhie are ordered to go to Timber. Talk to Cid at the entrance of the Garden, and he will give you a magical lamp. It is an item you can get GF Diablos. As this GF is very strong, don't forget to save your data before you use this lamp. Go to the city of Balamb and take a train for Timber. In the train the three suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. Then the scene changes and Laguna, Kiros and Ward appear. For some time you will play with them. They have some battles in a forest of Timber, and then they go into Deling city. Go to the Deling city hotel, and you'll see an event that Laguna talks to his favorite singer, Julia. Laguna visits her room and have talk some here. After the event, the scene returns to Squall and his fellows. They are still on the train. The three talks about their strange dream, but then the train arrives at Timber. Squall meets a member of a resistance movement, "mori no fukurou," or Owls in forest. Choose the third password, the third one is, "mori no fukurou," not "mori no chocobo", nor "mori no mohguri." Thre three are lead to their safe house, and there they meet Rinoa, the leader of Owls in forest. Rinoa tells a plan to hijack the President's private train. To carry out this plan, you have to watch out the two enemy guards (blue and red) and input a passcode while they are away. Rinoa will tell you the passcodes. You have five minutes to finish this plan. When you fail, choose the upper choice, then you can try again, but your level as a SeeD will be down. (This mean you'll get less money). Enter the President's car, and you'll find it's not the real President. You'll have a battle against the boss Namtal Utok. As this boss is undead, you can kill him very easily by using potion or pheonix down to him. You can draw magics double and zombe from this boss. When you arrive at Timber, you'll know that the President Deling is leaving for a TV studio in Timber. Talk to people you meet, and you'll know you can go to the TV studio through Uradoori, or a back-street. Go to a pub, and you can go to uradoori. You can get a magic blizara, or blizard 2 at Timber Henshubu, or Timber publishing company. At the TV studio, the president begins broadcasting. Then Seifer appears and tries to kill the president. Quistis appears, too. In a small room next to the studio, Edea appears and she takes Seifer away. Some short events. In a house, Quistis suggests to seek help at Galbadia Garden. Helped by members of Owls in Forest, the members leave for the Galbadia Garden by train. Get off the train at Gakuen Higashi station. Go through a forest to the west of the station. While going through it, the members fall asleep again, and the characters change to Laguna and his fellows. This time Laguna, Kiros and Ward are spying on Sentra digging. There are some levers or dynamites. You can move or use them. They don't make so much difference. At the end, Laguna arrives at a steep cliff with the sea below. They dive into the sea. Squall arrives at the Galbadia Garden. They are told to kill Edea by the principle of Galbadia Garden, Dodonna. Irvine Kineas joins in. You can go about the Galbadia Garden freely. Then Squall leaves for Deling city. You can walk there or take a train. You can move about the city freely, but first you must see Colonel Karway. At the entrance of the Colonel's house, you are told to go to the "Na mo naki ou tachi no haka," or The tomb of nameless kings. You have to get a number of a student who went there. The guard sells you the map of the tomb. You can know where you are in the tomb with this map. Its shape is like a big cross. It is located to the northeast from Deling city. You'll find a hole at the end of a small peninsula. Near the entrance, you'll find a piece of paper on the floor. Push the circle button, and you'll know the number of the student. The number is set at random. You also can get GF brothers there. Go back to the Deling city and tell the guard the number. This time you can enter the house of Colonel Karway. He will explain how the plan will be carried out. Go about the city as much as you like, then talk to everybody. When you talk to a person at Gaisenmon, or a memorial arch, the next events will happen. Rinoa goes to the president's house alone. She can climb a balcony where President Deling were about to make a speech. The president was killed and Edea appears. Two lizard like sculptures carved on a wall come to life. They assault Rinoa and she falls down. The parade begins. Enjoy the colorific FMV. At the same time, Quistis, Selphie and Zell are locked in the Colonel's room. Check a picture and a statue. (You can move Quistis) Then take a glass and make the lady statue have it. A secret path will open. Go down the path and you have to wander a vennel under ground. This vennel is so complicated. Anyway you can climb some waterwheels. Push the circle button in front of it. If you can't climb one, it is a wrong way. Then Quistis, Selphie and Zell manage to reach the gaisenmon, or the memorial arch. They are just in time. Irvine tries to shoot Edea, but he is too afraid to do it. Somehow he manages to shoot, but a strange shield protects the witch. Then Squall and Irvine enter the president's room to save Rinoa. You'll have a battle against the boss Shmelke, two animated sculptures. You can draw GF Carbunkle from these monsters. Go to Edea, and then Squall has a one-to-one battle against Seifer. After that, Squall, Irvine, and Rinoa have a battle against Edea. You can't kill the witch this time. Indeed Edea falls down, but she throws a big blue icicle like spear to Squall. Squall falls down from the float.

Disc 2 begins with Laguna. Laguna lives in a village Winhill and his job is killing monsters around the village. He and a little girl named Elone are good friends. Laguna meets a lady named Lane and she tells him that Julia waited for Laguna, but as Laguna didn't return to her for a long time, she got married to Colonel Karway. Kiros visits Laguna and they have a battle in the village. The scene changes and Squall finds himself in a jail. Seifer comes and tells him that he is a knight of the witch and tortures Squall. You also know that Edea has a plan to fire missiles at Gardens. Quistis, Zell and Selphie are also captive in a desert jail. They don't have their weapons and are captured at 8th floor. Use Zell, who needs no weapon, to fight and get back their weapons. Check your junction. They manage to go out of the cell by deceiving guards. A battle against Biggs and Wedge at 7th floor. Somehow Rinoa and Irvine join them. Moomba is kicked around by guards. Help him, and choose the upper choice. Then go to help Squall. He is captured at 13th floor. You can enter some of the cells. If you play a cardgame with a man at 10th floor and win, he will improve your battle kei. (as I didn't do this, I don't know what becomes of battle kei.) The exit is the top of the jail. You make two groups to get out of the jail. One group goes up and the other goes down. You use the vehicle that goes up and down the jail. You get out of the jail and the characters have a talk. Make two groups. One group is going to go to the Galbadia missile base to prevent the base from shooting missiles. The other is going to the Balamb Garden for warning. Selphie and other two go to the missile base. They disguise themselves to be Galbadian soldiers and enter the base. Talk to everybody you meet. You can have a battle, or continue to disguise. Either way is OK. As they talk to soldiers, they can go to more places. When you come to the missile control panel, set the error ratio to maximum by pushing the direction button to right and then the circle button. At one room Selphie sets destructive system in motion. You can choose 10/20/30/40 minutes to go out. If you choose 10 minutes, your SeeD level will be higher, but be careful. You will have to fight against the boss. There are three draw points in the base. You can draw magic araise at one of them. When your HP is 0, this magic can cure you and give you back full HP again. Squall and other two come back to the Balamb Garden. There you'll find they have a quarrel between Master party and Cid party. Squall also gets involved. You should be in Cid party. Anyway you should look for Cid. Move around the Garden, and meet Shu. Cid says there's something to protect the Garden from missiles at the basement floor called MD. After Squall activates the protect system, they have a battle against the master of the Garden, the boss Nogue. There are three shelters and Nogue is in the center shelter. The shelters' color change, blue, yellow and red. If you attack the shelters, its color will change blue, and when it's blue, it doesn't use magics. When its color turns red, it uses strong magic. So attack the shelters and keep them blue. Use GF Carbunkle to make the magic bounce back. Attack the center shelter and beat Nogue. Don't forget to draw Leviathan before you kill him. After Squall beats Nogue, the Balamb garden itself flies up and avoid the missiles. Then Cid tells Squall about the surprising relationship between Cid and Edea. *Spoiler* It is, well, Edea is his wife! Cid began the Garden with her knowing she's a witch. Anyway the floating Garden begins to hover. At that time White SeeD appears at the Garden. They call themselves SeeD, too, and they want a girl called Elone. Squall has to find her in the Garden. To tell the truth, she is at the library. White SeeD takes her away, and says that she has an ability to take other people into the past. After they went away, the floating Garden gets to Fisherman's Horizon(F.H.) It is a city located at the mid point of the Horizon Bridge, which is a railroad that connects two continents. People living in this city are people who have escaped from the continents, and they don't want to fight. Their leader, the station master, doesn't want fighting, neither, and dislikes SeeD. There are 5 draw points in F.H., they are Regene(by the railroad), Shell(next to Junc shop), Altema(stationmaster's house 2F), Haste(within FH station), Araise(at the angler). Talk to the angler and his aprentice. After talking with the stationmaster, Galbadian soldiers invades FH. Squall fights to help the stationmaster. After the battle, they go back to the Garden. Selphie is going to hold a concert. You have to choose 4 instruments out of 8. They are from the top, guitar, sax, electric guitar, piano, fiddle, flute, electric base and tap dance. Selphie has two kinds of music and they were mixed up. Choose four music that represent one tune. Rinoa invites Squall to the concert. Fixing of the Balamb Garden has been done, and the Garden can move again. Squall is named to be the leader of the Balamb Garden. Now you can move the Garden freely. To go forward, push the square button. To get off, push the circle. Though you can go anywhere, first let's leave for the city of Balamb. When you get there, you find it was invaded by Galbadian force and is in disorder. First you must meet shikikan, or the commander. There seems to be some ways to meet him, but let me show you one. Go to Zell's house and meet his mother. Then go to the harbor and ask a soldier there, and he will tell you that the commander was fishing. Go to Zell's house again and his mother will tell you that the commander was cooking fish he caught, and that they smelled bad. Go to the harbor and talk to the dog, and it will lead you to the Balamb station. You can buy information by a car at the harbor, but if you do so, as it is not a fair way for a SeeD to do, your level as SeeD will be brought down. Go to the hotel, and you'll find Raijin there. A battle against Raijin and two soldiers. Then you enter the hotel and have a battle against Raijin and Fuujin. DON'T FORGET TO DRAW PANDEMONIUM FROM FUUJIN!! First beat Raijin. Unless you draw Pandemonium, Fuujin will use only magics. After drawing, she will attack and make your HP 1. Of course you shouldn't use thunder magic to Raijin. Selphie suggests that they should go to Trabia Garden. When they get there, they find it was desolated in ruins because of the missile attacks. Selphie and other two enter the Garden. There's no battle. Just move around and talk to everyone. An old diary says "five steps to the south from the gargoyle statue of Trabia Garden." What's that? Well, try by yourself. After talking to everybody, all the member gather at a basketball court. They begin to talk about their childhood, and then it is revealed that they were all orphans and were brought up at an orphanage named Ishi no ie, or a Stone House. Strangely they have been forgetting their childhood, and by telling each other, they gradually remember what happened. Quistis says that if a person uses GF, a GF will occupy a part of one's brain, so some memories will be lost. Anyway enjoy some nice memories of Irvine or Squall. Squall, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis and Zell were all brought up an orphanage Stone House. (Zell's parents are adoptive ones) Also Squall remembers there was Elone, too. (BTW, please pronounce her name as El-ou-ne. I don't know how to spell her name) They called their housemother mama-sensei, or mother-teacher, but they now remember her real name was Edea Cramer. (Do you get what this means?) The orphanage was made to bring up children to make them SeeD. After talking together, they decide to go to the orphanage. I think it is shown as Edea's house on the world map. It is located in an island in the lower (south) part of the world map. You may see a lighthouse at the end of a peninsular. But just before they get there, Galbadia Garden was waiting for them. It was changed as if it were Edea's fortress. As the member of the party changes so often, don't forget to change GF junction. After Balamb clashed Galbadia Garden, go to the classroom 2F. A mini-game of aerial dogfight. You have about 1 min. 20 sec. The buttons are: circle:punch, X:kick, square:guard, triangle:special attack. In Galbadia Garden, many doors are locked. You have to get three card keys to open them. Card key 1 is found at the dormitory 2F. card key 2 is found at a classroom 1F. card key 3 is found at another classroom 1F. At the center of a hall, there is Cerberus. Fight against it, and you will get GF Cerberus when you win. Be careful. If you don't beat it here, you can't get GF Cerberus forever. Cerberus uses magics siles, despell, thundaga, and it uses a magic triple, which enables it to use magics three times at one turn. Don't use reflect to Squall. Thunder magics are useless. After you get Cerberus, go up to the master's room at 3F. Edea and Seifer are waiting for you. First you have a battle against Seifer. Don't forget to set GF Cerberus. It's a very useful GF (triple). Go to the daikoudou, or assembly hall. Edea comes down from the ceiling. Seifer appears, too. You have a battle against Seifer and Edea. Seifer is weaker than before, but Edea is strong. As she uses siles and makes you unable to use any magics, don't forget to have a command of item for at least one member. DON'T FORGET TO DRAW ALEXANDER FROM EDEA! After you beat her, disc 2 ends.

Squall wakes up at his own room. He goes to the infirmary of the Balamb Garden. Rinoa is lying on the bed without unconscious. Then Quistis tells him to go to Edea's house. The orphanage is shown as Edea's house on the world map. It is located in an island in the lower (south) part of the world map. You may see a lighthouse at the end of a small peninsular. It's Edea's house. Edea and Cid are waiting for them at her house. There Edea says that Altemisia, a witch in future, wants a power called jikan-asshuku, or time compression. This power can compress time and make present, future and the past together. To get this power, Altemisia wants to change the past and she has been searching for Elone, who has a power to let people see the past. Forced by Altemisia, Edea could but abandon herself and follow her. Edea thought it was the safest way to save Elone from Altemisia. She asks Squall to go to a ship of White SeeD and save Elone. Don't forget to get "Edea's letter" from her. After meeting Edea, Squall returns to the infirmary where Rinoa lies. Then the scene changes and we play in Laguna's world again. This time Laguna is playing as an actor. It is a scene that a soldier (Laguna) helps a princess from a fierce dragon. Instead of fake dragon that Kiros and Ward were going to act, a real dragon appears. A mini game to fight against the dragon. Square button is to attack, and X button to defense. After the mini game, Laguna, Kiros and Ward run away, but anyway they have to fight against the Rubulmdragon again. Use GF Shiva and ice magics. When Squall wakes up from the dream of Laguna, he knows the next aim is to find Elone. White SeeD has taken her way. So search for the ship of White SeeD. It is located near Edea's house, in Sentra continent, where some islands are. It is in the bay of an island whose shape looks like U or V. It is a ship where many children are living together. Talk to everybody. If you don't have Edea's letter, they will tell you nothing. If you have a dirty book, Zone wants to have it. Give him the book, and he'll give you rename card, and the card of Shiva. I think you can get the dirty book at the publisher at Timber. The leader of White SeeD begins to talk. "Edea was on this ship. And we kept Elone. After Edea left, Galbadia force attacked the ship. We tried to fly away. At that time a ship of Esta came and Esta soldiers climbed into this ship. Galbadia ships and Esta ships began to fight. When the Esta ship began to leave, Elone run up to the end of the ship and jumped onto the ship. I think she is in Esta now." Anyway, let's leave for Esta. Esta is a continent seen on the right part of the world map, but as you see, you can't go straight to Esta. First go to FH. Squall carries Rinoa on his back. A nice short event in FH. Squall talks to unconscious Rinoa. Though Squall has described himself as "cool manhater," he realizes that he has been afraid of being hurt in fact. Squall really wishes Rinoa to come to life again. Other members including Edea gather together. Edea, too, wants to go to Esta with them. She wants Dr. Odain in Esta to protect her from the future villain witch Altemisia. They leave for Esta by walking through the railroad. They get to daienko, or Great Salt Lake. Here you can join Edea as one of the members. At the end of the route, they see a strange barrier twinkling, and then a door suddenly opens in the air. They enter it and find they are riding in a strange vehicle. A great city Esta appears in midair and the vehicle carries them to the city. Enjoy a wonderful FMV like a Sci-Fi movie. When they get off the vehicle, suddenly they fall down and the scene changes to Laguna's world. Laguna has been captured in Esta, and is forced to work for Esta. Dr.Odain, a mad scientist, was going to have a strange experiment, and an accident happens. Another captured man tells that a witch Adel has ruled this Esta, but many people, even some scientests, are against her. Laguna is asked to be their leader. Anyway Laguna (and Kiros and Ward of course) begins to fight and let the captured man and Moomba get free. They go to Lunatic Pandora Lab and find Elone has been captured there. Laguna suceeds to save her. There is a magazine gekkan buki soukangou, or Weapon magazine vol.1. This magazine tells you how to upgrade Squall's weapon to the strongest one, Lionheart. The scene returns to Squall and his fellows, and they are brought to daitouryou kantei or White House(?) They meet Dr. Odain there. Edea tells that they need Elone and have to protect her from Altemisia. Dr. Odain agrees but he insists to make a research on Rinoa instead. Anyway, after the conversation, they get free to go anywhere in Esta and other places. Don't forget to go to Tears point to the southeast of Esta. You can do nothing here now but get Soromon no yubiwa, or Solomon's ring. There are some shops in the shopping mall in Esta. Here is a bookstore, too and you can get all the back number of Gekkan buki (except the first volume), which enables you to upgrade characters' weapons and Kakutouou, which tells Zell a new skill of his limit break. Don't forget to buy one if you don't have one. After walking around Esta, go to the president's house. They are told the history of Esta. A witch Adel ruled this city. People in Esta didn't like this, so they once trapped Adel into Witch memorial by telling a lie that they caught Elone. Adel came, and she was trapped there. People sealed her(?) or freezed her and sent her into space. Squall decides to go up to space to recover Rinoa. You have to make two parties here. Squall goes to the Luna Gate and is sent to space. At that time a big and mysterious building structure Lunatic Pandora appears above Esta. It is a building that covers daisekichu, a big stone pillar, so that it can fly. Lunatic Pandora was said to be made to seal moon stone, and avoid tsuki no namida, or moon's tear. Lots of monsters live on the moon, and when the number of monsters increased to the level that the moon can't hold them, moon's tear happens. When this happens, lots of monsters fall into the earth like a teardrop from the moon. At the magic lab, Dr. Odain tells Squall how to enter Lunatic Pandora. It is flying over Esta and you have three chances. Time limit is shown at the top of the screen. You should move around Esta and know where you get into Lunatic Pandora. If you suceed at the first chance, you can draw a magic meteo inside Lunatic Pandora. There's a battle and then the scene changed to Squall in space. Squall reaches the sattelite and is defrosted. Move around the sattelite. Rinoa goes out of the sattelite. (sorry, I don't remember this part very well.) Squall goes out to save her. A mini game to save Rinoa. Push the direction button and keep her at the center of the screen. Squall suceeds but they float in the midspace. They approach a Rocket Ragnarok. They enter it. There are eight monsters inside Ragnarok. They are two yellow ones, two green and two purple and so on. If you kill yellow and then green, the first yellow will revive. To avoid this, if you kill yellow, search for another yellow and kill it. Then two yellow monsters don't revive. In this way, kill the eight monsters, and you can go to the cockpit and drive Ragnarok. Enjoy some nice conversation between Squall and Rinoa. At that time Luna gate in Esta begins radio contact. It tells that Rinoa is now a witch and a witch must be sealed and have a long sleep. Rinoa is afraid, but they can do nothing. When Squall and Rinoa land on the ground, scientists come and take her away. Squall is quite at a loss. There, Selphie and other members appear and now you can drive Ragnarok as you like. But first go to majo kinenkan, a witch memorial hall. After a short event you'll get Rinoa again. Go to the President's house at Esta. You'll meet the president and he is Laguna! Laguna tells a plan to beat Altemisia. Stories that Laguna tells Squall: Little Eluone was kidnapped to Esta, and Laguna went there to save her. He saved her, as you know in the scenes in the past, and he saw her off to her hometown Winhill. He couldn't go with her, because he was busy with lots of problems people in Esta asked him to do. It was a fatal mistake. When Eluone got Winhill, her mother Lain had been dead. She was sent to an orphanage of Edea and Cid. Later she got on board the ship of White SeeD and took care of other orphans. Dr. Odain is a mad scientist. It was he that enabled people to use magics like a witch. When he found little Eluone, he was very much interested in her and began his study on her. Then he invented a machine that make it possible. Go to Edea's house again. Don't forget to bring Rinoa to the flowerbed on the left. You can see a nice event. Then get on Ragnarok and fly into Lunatic Pandora! (Before you enter Lunatic Pandora, you can go back and enter every city. After the save point of Lunatic Pandora, you can't return. Be careful.) You meet Fujin and Raijin and you have a battle against a machine they bring. Then you fight against Seifer. (You can draw magic "aura" from him. Aura is a very useful magic which causes Tokushu-waza, or so called limit very easily.) Then Seifer takes Rinoa to the witch Adel. You fight against Adel holding Rinoa in her hands. Be careful not to give much damage to Rinoa. If Rinoa's HP becomes 0, the game will be over. Don't use GF, and use usual magic only to Adel. Sometimes you need to recover Rinoa's HP. Enjoy the wonderful CG of time compression. End of Disc 3.

Now we are at disc 4! I suppose you've seen the compression of time and all we have to is to go to Altemisia's castle. First when you go out of the Altemisia's castle, maybe you can't have Ragnarok and be quite at a loss. Don't worry, and go out through other gate and go to Chocobo's forest. This time you can get chocobo very easily. If you get one, ride on it and go where your Ragnarok is. Have you got all the GF? Try to get all the GF before you enter the castle. If you don't know how to get one, look for a guide. Adding to this let's get as many magics as you can. �V���Ɉ�ԋ߂���, and �n���Ɉ�ԋ߂��� have lots of draw points of strong magics, such as ultima, flare, meteo and so on. Let's go there and walk around pushing the circle button. (Don't forget to set enkaunto nashi, if you don't want to fight. At the castle first you have to break seals. Unless you break seals, you can't use magic nor GF. Now let me show you all the seals one by one.(you don't have to break seals according to this order.) The first seal: Let's have a fight against the monster at the stairway. You can use only tataku, or fight, but it is not so strong. After you beat it, you can choose a command you can use. The second seal: From the place of the first seal go to the left through a corridor. First you have to get on a chandelier and let it fall down and break the door to the basement. The third seal: There's a switch near the chandelier where it fell down. Let other party come to the switch by using the green area where you can change the member, and have them put on the switch. So the chandelier will be kept up and you can go overe it. The fourth seal:Go to the left wing of the hall and then go down from 2F to 1F. The monster is in the houmotsuko, a treasure room. You need the key to the treasure room. Be sure to open all the lids of the treasure boxes. (You can get the key just behind the center floor, where the second seal is. It's near the fountain. The key is in the water unless you use suimon no kagi, the key of watergate.) (suimon no kagi is in the room of left wing. You can go there by controling the balance. Women are light.) The fifth seal: The room at the rightwing. Go down from 2F to 1F. You will come to a room with many pictures. You can see a0picture by approaching it and pushng the circle button. You can also see a big clock painted on the floor. The three hands shows VIII, VI and IIII. Mind this. Well, if you go to the biggest picture on the left, you will be requested to input the title of the picture. How can we solve this riddle? First let me show you all the title of the pictures, and then pick up letters that show figures, i.e. I,V and X. IGNUS............................I INANDANTIA...............II IUDICIUM...................III INTERVIGILIUM......IIII VENUS........................V VIATOR......................VI VIGIL..........................VII VIVIDARIUM.........VIII (well, there's no case VIVII, so let's omit the secnd V) INAUDAX...................IX XYSTUS.....................X XEPAMPELINAE...XI XIPHAS.....................XII Do you get it? As the clock hands show 8,4,and 6. Let's input the title which shows the figures.:-) The sixth seal: Go farther through the room where there was the fifth seal. Go down to the basement. It is the room on the left. You can get �S���̌�,rougoku no kagi, or the key of the cell, here. The seventh seal:In the room bukiko, or weapon room on the right side of the room with a watergate. (You can get bukiko no kagi, or the key of the weapon room, on the middle of a suspension bridge. Don't run on the bridge, or you'll drop the key! But if you did, don't worry. You can pick the key again if you go down to the place you dropped it. ) The eighth seal:Go from the room where there is a pipe organ, and go through on the suspensin bridge. Go up the spiral staircase. There's a big pendulum in the center of the spiral staircase. You can jump on the pendulum by pushing the circle button and go over the terrace. *How to operate the organ: By pushing all the key, do, re, mi, fa, so, ra, shi, and do, you can go to the corridor on the right. *A bell: There's a bell on the right wing on the 1st floor. If you ring the bell, you can hear a monster howling. Then you have time limit of 60 sec. To clear this trick, first bring other three members to the green zone near the bell. Then take the three members to the green zone near the fountain. Let the three near the bell ring it. Then change the party to the three near the fountain. Thus you can go to the purple mist within the time limit. There you'll have a battle. First you can use only "fight." When you break the seal one by one you can be able to use one ability, such as "magic","GF","special attack" and so on. After you break all the seals now let's go to the witch Altemisia! I recommend you to set all GF to the strongest three. First Altemisia choose the member to fight at random, but be patient until the weak three disappears. ;-) Of course there's no rule how to fight against Altemisia, but let me show you some easy way to fight. First let's pick up as many magics as possible in Tengoku/Jigoku ni chikai shima. Set strong magics such as Arutema(Ultima) or triple to Squall. Are their HP all 9999? I cleared about at level 30 or so, but I could make their HP 9999. Set ultima x100 to HPJ. My battle was as follows: First I used Celberos and enabled them to use triple magics. You can use ultima x3 to Altemisia, or aura x3, protes x3, or shell x3 to all the members. Squall fought and other two recovered HP. I used very few GF. Rinoa's special attack "invisible moon"is very useful. This special attack makes all damages nothing. (Be careful that while "invisible moon" is working you can't use the magic aura.) Eiyuu no kusuri also makes you invincible. I used Squall's and Irvine's special attack or ultima x3. The second or third form of Altemisia will kill GF when they are used. So I had to use the magic triple to enable them to use three magics at a time. Well I hope this will help you to beat the last enemy Altemisia, and if so, let's enjoy the ending FMV!! The end of disc 4!!
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