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Well We fianlly got some fanfics haha. They are both by yours truly (Jesus) and i hope you guys like them and that they will inspire you to write some for me.

Hey All Its Kay, i really recommened you read these they are awesome ;) good job Christy :P well yeah we still need some more so yeah write some :) :)

1.All In A Day by Christy (Jesus)
Being forced into an arranged marriage/mating with a certain irresistible inuyoukai is just the beginning of Kagome's problems! It doesn't help that he finds her utterly fascinating and actually literally does want to MATE with her??!!! PG - Romance/Humor - 2 Chapters (so far) - Published: 3-2-04

2.When Its Over (songfic)By Christy Kagome Learns a new lesson and knows she must move one with her life because of a promise she once made (Songfic). PG13 - Angst/Drama - 1 Chapter - Published: 3-2-04
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