By Jesus aka Christy

***Disclaimer***: I don't own any of the inuyasha characters...... Rumiko Takahashi does.. yadda yadda blah blah I do also wish this information was untrue though lol


******Kagome's Pov******

Well isn't this just peachy. Here I am with my butt so friggin numb that i think it might fall off, stuck with my never-stop-babbling sister Kikyo in a carriage heading straight towards my worst nightmare. I guess I should explain how i came to be in this "predicament"

I am Kagome Higurashi, daughter and heir to the higurashi kingdom. I am nineteen years old and the eldest child of our whole family. My sister Kikyo is seventeen, and she happens to be the most head-stuck-up-your-ass person anyone could ever meet. I'm beginning to wonder if she will ever stop complaing and shut up!!?? Oh well, I guess that is just to much to ask for isn't it? Continuing on, I am a miko ( a very nearly non-existant race of priestesses that has only two left that are alive.) Three guesses to who the other miko is? Thats right it is my god-awful sis Kikyo heaven help us! She can't even aim an arrow let alone try spells and fighting she's so bad! To be known as a full fledged miko you have to train many years of magic and battles under the study of an elder and fortunately and unfortunately i finished my traing under the elder kaede before she past away not but a year ago.

So back to the present, here I am. Being basically dragged along on the "joy ride" against my own will to the Youkai Kingdom to meet some cranky, egotistical demon with a cold,emotionless reputation who doesn't respect anyone but himself and has no attraction in girls. Well I guess the last part is good for my part at least. There won't be any misunderstandings this way. The reason I am actually going to marry this guy is cause if I don't, the youkai kingdom will raid, attack and destroy our kingdom. Why did our kingdom have to be made up mostly of humans? Why? Funny how I was quite content with it before this. Haha I must really be losing my mind.

Before I go into a more in-depth explaination, let me brush you up on the advantages of being a miko. We live the average life span of a demon and if mated will live as long as our mate does, we have healing powers ( thought they do drain our power if we over-use them) at our fingertips, and if we train hard enough, we have unstoppable attacking spells and the grace of even the best youkai warriors. It just so happens that I, Kagome, fall into the above catagory. I hope that helps you understand why the demons want us so badly, but i am sure that even they don't know how high my power level truely is. I'm just praying that this, this uh man uh demon isn't as bad as the rumours made him out to be. Hopefully if I leave him to his own devices, he'll leave me to mine.

"Lady Kagome, we're here" The coachman's voice startled me and borught me out of my musings quite fast. I hopped out of the carriage, ignoring the hand that was reached out toward me in a helpful gesture and took a glimpse at the overpowering castle before me. The scenery was so grand I just couldn't help but gasp! It was breathtaking! Sturdy, Strong, Mysterious, Alluring, Peaceful, Quiet, there wasn't any one word that could describe all the emotions this castle made me feel. It just made me overly anxious to get a good look inside. Althought the structure was a distracting one, nothing could of kept me from making a note of a highly detailed dojo on the left, for I knew that, that was the place I would be spending most of my time if my plan of avoiding my "future-husband," Prince Sesshoumaru, at all costs, worked.


On to The Next Chapter - First Impression


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