First Impression

****Sesshou's POV****

I smiled. The first true smile I've had.. in lets say... about ten years, give or take a few. She had exceeded all my expectations, besides her being a human she was almost cose to acheiving perfection. I could tell by just looking at her, that she was trained both in mind and in body. And to top that off, I could feel large waves of anooyance and defiance flowing off her rigid body and she definetly looked none-too-happy to be here. So she didn't want to come eh? I was sure she would be a preppy rich wench who had to have everything her way. I thought might as well check out what was keeping her such deep thought, so I tried to read her mind.

****Kagome's POV****

I felt a huge power source hit one of my mental barriers, and spun around when I heard the culprit mutter a few curse words and speed by me in an almost lightning-fast silver blur. I managed to see that he, seeing how the few words I had heard (damn, fuck it all to hell) was in a deep almost soothing voice had flown by behind the left tower in a frenzy. For some unknown reason, I just knew that it was my "fiancee" Sesshoumaru and I couldn't help but let lose a colorful set a words seeign as how I had just got here and was already being spied upon. At this rate, I won't even be able to put my plan into action.

"Prince Sesshoumaru, get your behind out here right now!"

****Sesshou's POV****

She was breathtaking. She had these deep and wise, sapphire eyes that were outlined by the lush never-ending lashes the fluttered against her cheek. Her hair.......her hair was these long, untamed though exotic, wavy tresses that shined a raven color that cascaded down her tiny waist to end where her legs began. The skin of this girl was like no other. It was pale, but witha soft creamyness that looked as if it was as smooth as silk, making me so badly wanting to prove my observation was correct. The garb she wore was supposed to be that of a miko uniform, loose-fitting and modest. It did all but loose-fit. All the blue and white outfit did, was accentuate her extremely womanly curves. After my quick check-over, I looked up to see the princess's stormy eyes twitching in what would be irritation and a light, pinkish blush staining her beautifully sculptured face giving her almost a look of innocence and vulnerability.

****Kagome's POV****

The nerve of that Creep! Staring at me like i'm a piece of meat that he just can't wait to eat! I am standing right in front of you, you know!!! Oh and he just has to act all mister high and mighty as if he has done nothin wrong! Argh! He just has to be that hot, doesn't he?!! Why me Kami? Why me? Well, I guess I shouldn't be talking much considering that I was rating his nicely-toned physique while he was urm.... measuring me "attributes."

I realize now that the silver flash I had seen before was his luxurious shiny hair that flowed in an unnatural way down his back that any girl would be jealous of. I had to do just about everything to stop myself from drowning in those golden pools that were his eyes. He had a very good posture and I could just tell by the way he stood that he was without a doubt a great warrior. Though the cloth he wore was somewhat plain as my own, his outlined his muscular arms and left almost nothing for the imagination. All-in-all he looked like something out of a greek painting and I had to keep myself from drooling. If only he wasn't glowing with that arrogance that was starting to tick me off.

****Normal POV****

"Why were you spying on me?!" demanded Kagome not bothering to keep the irritation out of her voice. "This Sesshoumaru sure as hell does not spy on worthless human wenches." "HAH! I saw you and sensed you with my own eyes you.... you... stalking egotistical bastard!!!"

****Sesshou's POV****

She got me there. I was speechless this little thing of a woman had the nerve to stand up to me and I knew she held no fear or anxiety towards me. I sniffed the air just to make sure. No fear. Hmmm... there was only anger and annoyance... and what was that? Embarassment? She is a modest creature as well? I couldn't help it... I was starting to have more than lust and respect for her. Wait, she is just a low human wench. I, Sesshoumaru would never like a human. Even so I still could hear a voice in the back of my head telling me different. I ignored it and decided to think about it later when I was in the safety of my bedchambers. I smirked. This Kagome was like a challenging puzzle missing many pieces, but after all I always did enjoy a challenge.

****Kagome's POV****

When I saw the corners of his mouth curling up into a smirk, that was it! I felt my anger bubble over but, I didn't care. I snapped and lost complete control of my mouth. He is such a jerk!! But what I did next made me regret ever getting mad.

"Look Pal! You may be my fiancee," saying the last word with a certain disgust,"You may also be absolutly gorgeous, but that does not mean, and i repeat, does not mean that you can be a stupid asshole and get away with it!!"

When I saw the amusement dancing lively in his eyes I realized to the full extent what I had just admitted.

****Sesshou's POV****


Although the sound was near to being unaudible, my demon hearing sense was able to pick it up just as well and I glanced at her face to see her glaring almost colder than even I, Sesshoumaru could of. Keyword being almost. I was even slightly hesitant to comeback with my own comment, that was until, I saw the faintest trace of rosiness, staining her silky cheeks a light crimson.

****Kagome's POV****

Damnit to Hell! I could totally tell from the surprised look he gave me that he saw me blush. Since when have I ever blushed??!! I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM!!!! It took ever little bit of politeness I had to keep from giving him a right hook. I turned so i could look at him and just as I began to open my mouth to speak, it was suddenly covered with something so surprising warm and moist that almost tasted like my favorite food. Chocolate. My eyes flew open in shock when it registered in my brain who this was and I tried to wiggle my way out of the offending "thing's" embrace.

If it was anyone but Seshoumaru, I knew I would of enjoyed it. That idea scaring me, I pushed it far in the back of my mind in a tight crevice and tried not to focus on the kiss. I failed. I could still feel his lusciously gentle lips on mine and the tingling sensation would not go away. With that thought my mind went blank. No way in hell would I be attracted to him! I came to realize that two lean but sleek and built arms were wrapped around my waist without even the littlest intention of letting me go. I also became too aware of the warm breath caressing my neck that was sending cold shivers down my spine.

****Sesshou's POV****

I knew that she knew she was trapped when I felt her stiffen. So far she was being far more cooperative than I thought she would and I was kinda glad. At least she knew who was stronger in the relationship. I spoke too soon. Just after that thought I felt a gigantic, shooting pain delivered to something very precious to me below the beltand suddenly I was on my back staring up at the most firey woman I had ever laid my eyes upon.

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