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Zechs gettin drunk :P: P WUFEI MUST DIE!! lol Heero's Such A Softie inside... haha Quatre's so adorable with his Violin... haha :) OMG!! ITS DUO.. BOW DOWN ALL OF YOU!! haha (i adore him if you hadnt guessed) DUO!! DUO!! DUO!!! DUO!!! and of course the other un-important people HE SMILES!!! :O THAT'S AMAZING :O lol HEHEHE DUO HEHEHEHE and then of course Quatre *yawn* Heero *twidles thumbs* Trowa *ZzZzZ* and umm well Wufei *shudder* DUO'S HAT NOOOOO!!! OH THE HORROR!!!! lol oooo Woever made my poor duo angry is gonna die!!! lol haha NICE!!! *drool drool* haha ;P RUN AWAY!!! HIDE!! ITS EVERY MAN FOR THEM SELF!! Deathscythe is awesome... So is Duo for that matter.. its a perfect Match hahaha lol GO QUATRE...no wait... GO HEERO!!! ;P haha wow!! i have ALOT of Duo pics hahahaha.. i wonder y that is?? ;) lol HAHA!! yeah Duo!! hes awesome haha
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