SORA THE BEST GUY IN THE .HACK//Sign Series Aura and Tsukasa Krim, Bear,Tsukasa And Subaru.....What Kind of name is Subaru?!?! haha Now The Group consists of Krim, Bear, Tsukasa and Mimiru.... and again with the weird name....haha I THINK its Bt... and shes dead or its Aura i dint think so though im leanin toward Bt......:S very puzzling Oh look! its Bt and Krim.... Surprising... haha Bt And Krim Again! i think they have somethin goin on!.... j/k AHHH I am Blinded... hahaha... do not ask! Never ask me why i do things... i will not know the answer :P lol I Hate This guy.. He's SO annoying!!! grrrrr Who's that? If any one knows i would like to know!! Please!! hahaha ITS THE CAT!! AHHH (sorry i do not like the cat... its EVIL) HAHA Its Mimiru! haha what a slut! but she has a cool sword though :) :) Mimiru Again *yawn*.... haha lol FINALLY ITS SORA!! HAHA HE'S AWESOME... HAHA i would be like him if i played this game... but in chick form :P hehe KILL HER!! KILL HER!! DIE Bt DIE!!! i mean.... no....haha :)
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