Kay's Way Biographical Books  [email protected]  

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Julie Andrews Reading about other people's lives can be fascinating and Kay prefers to upload her life's work to the web so that the widest possible audience may see what she had accomplished.

When she returns from the library she invariably has bought one of their books that was for sale expressing how such value is being lost to all for the want of a permanent loving home. For example the Royal Air Force Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Volume 1 by Norman L R Franks contains all the details of the pilots as well as numerous photographs, a family historian absolute treasure! The book needs someone to undertake the indexing of all these names and photos, another task that Kay's has put on her to do list...

Biography links with Family History very well and the books Kay has acquired over the years contains many photographs of not only the person's whose biography it is but those who met and came into contact with them and hopes where possible to quote these other names in the hope that this visual record will pass to those who wish to have a permanent record of the association of their family.

Quote: -

"One of my mentors once told me I should find out about those I greatly admire in order to emulate their achievements. My coach suggested I look at the autobiography of Lee Iacocca. I promptly went out and bought my first autobiography, and haven't stopped since. Looking at the book now, it is a photographic treasure in its own right, with black and white photographs of Robert McNamara and Henry Ford II, Charlie Beacham, Coleman Young and Bill Cosby, Sophie Loren, Jerry Greenwald and Hal Sperlich, Ronald Reagan, Bill Fugazy and Vic Damone as well as Lee Iacocca and his family members. I didn't agree with his choice at the time and went in search of my own female... Margaret Thatcher... I haven't turned out that book yet... now where did I put it?"

Kay herself

Bronwen Astor
Tim Bell
Rocco Buscaglia
Churchill A Biography
Winston Churchill
Joan Collins
Bill Cosby
Martin Gilbert
Sir James Goldsmith
Christopher Reeve Still Me
Brooks Roberts
Philip Schofield
Peter Sellers
Arnold Swarzenegger
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