Research Alert:
Invention in Writing
- Writing is widely recognized as a fundamental aspect of education, as evidenced by the popularity of Writing Across the Curriculum programs.  I plan to make writing one of the primary focuses in my classroom.  As such, invention will be on the top of my list as a method of exploring ideas and building writing and reading fluency.

- I hadn't given much thought to assessing the invention process.  However, I now know how important it is not to grade invention, except perhaps for participation or amount of invention completed.

- In my research, I ran across invention strategies I had forgotten or had never heard of.  I also read about unorthodox aids to invention other teachers have used, such as playing classical music during freewrites and taking students on field trips to experience nature.  I am very interested in finding more of these creative invention strategies and in developing some of my own.  I think this will help keep the students interested and will help them tap into many different parts of their minds.

- I will be sure only to introduce one invention strategy at a time and to allow students ample time to practice and master each technique before we move on to something new.

- I will be sure to set aside time every day, even if it is just a few minutes, for students to engage in some kind of invention, particularly freewriting.  Frequent writing is key to developing fluency.
Links to State and National Standards
8th - 12th Grade TEKS Standards: Section 110.45(b)

(2)  Writing/writing processes. The student uses recursive writing processes when appropriate.  The student is expected to:
      (A) use prewriting strategies to generate ideas, develop voice, and plan

(4)  Writing/inquiry/research.  The student uses writing as a tool for learning.  The student is expected to
      (A) use writing to formulate questions, refine topics, and clarify ideas;
      (B) use writing to discover, organize, and support what is known and what needs to be learned about a topic

TExES Standards:

V:  English language arts teachers in grades 8 - 12 understand that writing is a recursive, developmental, integrative, and ongoing process and provide students with opportunities to develop competence as writers.

VI:  English language arts teachers in grades 8 - 12 understand how to write effectively for various audiences and purposes and provide students with opportunities to write in a variety of forms and contexts.

NCTE/NCATE Standards:

3.2.3:  Candidates demonstrate a variety of ways to teach students composing processes that result in their creating various forms of oral, visual, and written literacy.

3.7.1:  Candidates reflect on their own teaching performances in light of research on, and theories of, how students compose and respond to text and make adjustments in their teaching as appropriate.
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