Research Alert:
Invention in Writing
Projected Teaching Position
I am not currently teaching but am enrolled in the graduate-level teacher certification program at the University of Texas at Arlington.  I want to teach high school English, particularly AP English.  I'm also interested in coaching Academic Decathlon.
I am working on initial teacher certification for 8th - 12th grade English Language Arts.  I have passed the TExES 8 - 12 ELAR exam and will take the TExES PPR exam prior to completing certification.  In the future I may also pursue Gifted & Talented and/or Master Reading Teacher certification.
The topic of this research project is "Invention in Writing."  I chose this topic because it is fundamental to most students' difficulties in writing - after all, what do grammar, mechanics, style, or anything else matter if the student has nothing to write about?  In my experience as a writer and as a tutor at the UTA Writing Center, invention is the root of the writing process.  I seek with this project to set out some of the theories pertaining to invention as well as to provide information on invention techniques.  I hope to discover new techniques to use in my own classroom, as well as to find advice on teaching these techniques to my students.  This research will be very important to my future teaching assignment because writing will be a major component of my classroom.
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