Professional Book Project
Wilhelm, Jeffrey D.  (2001).  Improving Comprehension with Think-Aloud Strategies: Modeling What Good Readers Do.  New York: Scholastic Professional Books.

Reviews on
Includes one five-star customer review and the cover description.  Amazon includes publication information, sales stats, and a list of other books purchased by people who bought
Improving Comprehension.

Reviews on Barnes &
Includes the cover description.  Like Amazon, Barnes & Noble includes publication information, sales stats, and a list of other books bought.

Review on Education Review:
Excellent, very lengthy review of
Improving Comprehension by the Education Review.  The reviewer, Wendy M. Strachan, Ph.D., Director
of the Centre for Writing-Intensive Learning at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, writes: "This collection of ideas, the first in a series to be entitled Action Strategies for Readers, is presented so that teachers will be able both to implement the think-aloud strategies effectively and feel confident that research confirms the underlying reasoning and method."  She provides a detailed summary of the issues addressed in the book, more or less chapter-by-chapter.  Although she does enumerate some problems with the book (largely in editing), she gives it a very positive review overall and recommends it for teachers.

Best Practices: Teaching Comprehension with Jeff Wilhelm:
Website maintained by the book's publisher.  Includes guidelines and student handouts for implementing read-aloud strategies in the classroom.

Think-Aloud Strategy: Scaffolding Students' Interactions with Texts:

Greece Central School District ELA website.  Includes strategies for teachers to use in the classroom and ideas teachers can use to begin building lesson plans.  Cites Wilhelm's book as a reference.

Just Read Now! - Think Aloud:
Another think-aloud website that cites Wilhelm's book.

Using the Think-Aloud in Reading Instruction:
An article regarding think-alouds which cites Wilhelm's book.

Think-Alouds Boost Reading Comprehension: Help Kids Develop Inferencing Skills:

An article by Wilhelm in
Instructor regarding think-alouds.

The Components of Effective Read-Alouds:
HTML version of a PowerPoint presentation on think-alouds (there is a link to the PowerPoint version on this page.)
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