TV Commercial Lesson Unit
Objectives, with 12th grade
English TEKS links
This lesson is intended to be used some time after we have gone over logical fallacies.  The students will be instructed to keep a log of TV commercials for one week.  They will be given guidelines on what kind of information to record (product/service being advertised, images used, spoken/written words used, etc.)  When the logs are complete, we will discuss the results in class.  We will review what we learned previously about logical fallacies and will extend that into a discussion of warrants (e.g., "drinking beer will make you cool").  As I ask the students to volunteer examples of warrants and logical fallacies in the ads they watched and recorded, I will take notes on the board to reinforce the points made and to help the visual learners.  This will also model note-taking for the students.  For homework, I will ask them to write 1 - 2 pages about one commercial they recorded.  They will be expected to describe the commercial in detail and discuss its warrants and logical fallacies.
The students will:

- Closely observe and record, in detail, commercial advertisements [TEKS (b)(4)(B)]

- Review logical fallacies [TEKS (b)(11)(D)]

- Learn what warrants are and how to recognize them [TEKS (b)(11)(D)]

- Recognize and discuss logical fallacies and warrants in the commericals they watched [TEKS (b)(11)(D), (b)(13)(A - F), (b)(20)(C), and (b)(21)(A)]

- Write a short essay analyzing logical fallacies and warrants in one commercial [TEKS (b)(1)(A) and (b)(1)(E)]
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