




Idolatry Of The Elites

  Wake up, my friends! We're being lulled softly to sleep by that old lullaby, "What's Good For Business Is Good For The Country". And things are certainly good for business, if not the country. Big Tobacco reaps a fortune at the cost of our health. Big Energy reaps a fortune at the cost of our bank accounts. Big Oil reaps a fortune at the cost of our freedom and national security. What is it about getting screwed up the rear that we don't understand? Enron is merely the tip of the iceberg. It's what we don't see that's dangerous. But we're being hypnotized by the swinging pocket watch of deception, all the while being assured in soothing tones that "High tides raise all boats". This is, of course, a false dictum, seeing as only a small, select few actually own the boats. In reality, the American Dream is fast becoming an infomercial of anecdotal economics ("I got mine. And you can too. Here's How!"), and the proper metaphor is the "Pied Piper of Hamlin". The system is looped, which reinforces the tenor of the game as rigged by Elites, who shriek in glee as the masses willingly hurl themselves over the precipice in pursuit of false ideals. The ruse works only because we are tricked into complacency by the bones tossed our way, while the "One Percenters" get the meat. And, like an obedient dog, we're content to gnaw on old bones. This low threshold of contentment diminishes equity by blurring the big picture, keeping the economic forest hidden by the trees, which is exactly what the Elites count on; ignorant bliss. They know that if we realize the nature of this stacked deck, outrage and revolt ensue. It is therefore incumbent upon the controlling class to maintain this sense of bliss amongst the masses as a way to thwart that outrage and protect vested interests. But the American Dream shouldn't be shaped by the avarice of narrow self-interests. History is replete with examples of this injustice being tolerated for only so long, its weak foundation eventually cracking under the shear weight of mortal pretensions, greed, and hubris. Human worth should be determined by one's humanity, not one's financial portfolio, and yet our culture discourages the former while encouraging the latter, setting the tone for economic hero-worship as the system remains rigged and unchanged. Life should be a celebration, not a track meet.

     There is no American royalty, my friends, and we need to stop behaving (psychologically speaking) as if there is. The Elites have no real power so long as we refuse to bequeath it to them, and that entails a refusal to worship their golden idols. Consequently, their houses built of arrogance and deceit crumble for lack of moral fiber and intrinsic worth, exposing the rotted core within. But if we don't look, we won't see. And if we're all asleep, we'll never get a look at how this is playing out against us. And that's just what the Elites want.

Do mail Keith and tell him what you think of his writings.

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