



Editorials are listed in order by date, with the most recent listed first.

Planet of the Mexicans

Well, the Mexicans of LA are angry again, and for the usual reason: Immigration. Last week half a million people marched through downtown Los Angeles to protest the suggestion that maybe there are enough uneducated busboys, dishwashers, domestic housekeepers and fender and body men to last for a while.

California Recall
Well, I just finished watching the California recall candidates' debate, and nothing that I witnessed changes my "No" vote on the recall portion of the ballot. Indeed, if there was a winner tonight it was Gray Davis, and he wasn't even there!

American Empire
I don't mean to sound alarmist, but as I watch and read about political events unfolding I'm reminded of Frederico Fellini's 1970's-era film "Satyricon", which depicts a brutish, violent, surreal world of debauchery and despair set within the decay of the declining Roman Empire.

Heroes And Mythology
If you happen to be the perfect home maker living in New York City who loves baseball, then it hasn't been a very good couple of weeks for you: Martha Stewart was indicted for obstructing justice, the New York Times printed fabricated stories, and Sammy Sosa got caught cheating at the plate. These are giants of their industries, icons to countless millions, wealthy beyond reason...and they let their followers down.

Post War
Last fall, one of my columns began this way: "Of all the things that one can call Saddam Hussein, `Islamic Fundamentalist` is not one of them. For now, let's just keep things as simple as possible in the region and leave him right where he is".

As of this writing, the war in Iraq is scheduled to premier tomorrow night at 8:00 P.M. E.S.T. (three hours earlier for viewers on the West Coast). My wife is positively plugged-in to CNN for the trailers, not because she's fascinated by international geopolitics, but because this will be the Mother of All Reality Shows, and it's about to start!

Voice Of God
Contemporary Islam is fast becoming the 21st Century version of 1930's-era Fascism, complete with a fanatical, expansionist-minded leadership and an acquiescent Islamic world populous only too willing to accept hateful propaganda as a basis for political doctrine. Muslims truly want to believe, hence they become Believers in malicious rhetoric designed to fan the flames of fanaticism in a Medieval display of  human brutishness.

Lott O' Blues (Race In America)
As I'm writing this, Trent Lott has just resigned his position as Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate. Seems the gentleman from Mississippi had a few drinks at a party, then gushed about retiring segregationist Strom Thurmond's political career. I didn't hear what everyone else did, because I didn't hear a racial slur, any more than I hear one when LAPD chief William Bratton declares "war" on street gangs. But the good ol' boy committed a fatal error by saying what he did in front of C-Span cameras! Real smart, Trent. Anyway, Adios Juro. You still get to be a senator.     

No More Guns
Some years ago, West Hollywood became the first city in the country to outlaw the sale of small, cheap handguns otherwise known as "Saturday Night Specials". Though more a symbolic gesture reflecting the city's pro gun-control stance, the measure was vehemently opposed by the NRA on principle alone. I remember the local lobbying campaign, as well as the immense satisfaction I felt upon its passage and implementation. Here, finally, would be change for the better. One small step for a city... One giant leap for civilized man...

"I've been in that building." My wife's words were the first, and only, ones that I remember from that morning a year ago Sept. 11, as we gaped, wide-eyed, at the surreal spectacle on the screen. And they still echo in my mind when I recall that day.

The Melting Pot
Secession. It's a searing, tearing word. A ripping of social fabric that proclaims civic, cultural and political failure. Separatism by another name. And it's what our neighbors in the Valley and Hollywood are intent upon accomplishing come the November election. How did it come to this? The municipal rending of the country's second largest city didn't happen in a vacuum. So who fell asleep at the wheel?

Why does Gen. X rise up in outrage to fight the breathtaking, pitched "Battle of Seattle" against international corporate elites, but won't make a move to march on, and lay seige to, Washington D.C. to protest capitalist brutality of the home-grown variety?

George of the Jungle
Come on! An 84% approval rating?! Who are they talking about here, George Bush or God? Is the bar really that low as to warrant those numbers, or is there just a dearth of real leadership in this country? One must admit that George is a very lucky guy, and maybe luck is better then talent in the long run. But maybe it isn't.

Idolatry Of The Elites
Wake up, my friends! We're being lulled softly to sleep by that old lullaby, "What's Good For Business Is Good For The Country". And things are certainly good for business, if not the country. Big Tobacco reaps a fortune at the cost of our health. Big Energy reaps a fortune at the cost of our bank accounts. Big Oil reaps a fortune at the cost of our freedom and national security. What is it about getting screwed up the rear that we don't understand?

Sic Semper Avaritia
Finally! A Capitalist with honor and dignity. Greed displays a conscience, after all. Who woulda thunk it? Last week, J. Clifford Baxter, a former top executive for collapsed energy giant Enron Corp., recaptured his lost humanity and took his own life over misdeeds perpetrated by, for, and of his company.

It's funny. Karl Marx had the right idea. He just chose the wrong people. The Russians have as much business attempting to institute socialist "Utopia" as they do trying to fit into a good suit. It's like putting a saddle on a cow. Good luck!

I've had it with that "Let them eat cake" routine from King George II. He could at least pretend to care about us, and we'll pretend to believe him.

...And Justice For All
Justice can be a complicated and messy business, as we may soon discover...

Your Move...
In the chess match of international geo-politics, a move by Pakistan and India toward conflict in Kashmir would likely put the United States in "check", facilitating a countering move that would do little other than keeping the game in progress. At this point, it's a no-win situation, as a move in our interest would end up being a move against our interest, which indicates our opponents are very able players.

This is a good time to reexamine the values Americans wish to present to the rest of the world, a good time for the type of serious introspection necessary to compel the transcendence of culture that our society desperately needs, and a good time to look deeply into our hearts, to determine, honestly,whether or not we, as the world's preeminent civilization, are on the right path.

How Long Before.....
Just how long will it be, pray tell, before Islamic mosques in the United States begin to sound the clarion call to "Jihad", right here at home, over some perceived slight of Muslim sensibilities by American culture? And just how long will it be before Americans are faced with the same sort of foreign injected, homeland based Islamic terrorist organizations that have plagued European democracies for decades? How long before our security as a nation and our peace of mind as a people begin to slip away?

Keith's Beef
Why are we so skittish about possibly exacerbating Muslim sensibilities over the bombing of Afghanistan? In the current new world order, it can't be avoided.



A Gold Muddle

Valentine's Day
As I look into my wife's beautiful brown eyes and ponder our successful marriage, only one word can truly describe not only my feelings, but also the very essence of our union...incongruity. It's a good word. It means "unsuitable, inharmonious, not in agreement, incompatible". It describes my marriage to a "T", and is probably the reason it has lasted. A more incongruous pairing of two people would be difficult to find.

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Do mail Keith and tell him what you think of his writings.

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