





  Why does Gen. X rise up in outrage to fight the breathtaking, pitched "Battle of Seattle" against international corporate elites, but won't make a move to march on, and lay seige to, Washington D.C. to protest capitalist brutality of the home-grown variety? Priorities seem to be switched here, as the former is only theory, albiet bad theory, while the latter is reality. And if you don't perceive this reality to be sinister, then you're dozing off, becoming enablers by default.

     Like the Bastille, this is a battle that must be fought, and for the same reason; the arrogance of power, class, and culture. To aquiese is to fail the tenets guaranteed by a free and equitable civilization, because, make no mistake, the elites will not throttle back their greed unless compelled to do so. This is a fight tailor-made for "Boomers", of which some of us are just itching to enjoin. But, truth be told, we're past our warrior prime, having fought those battles years ago, subsequently hanging up our swords on the wall for posterity, along with our "cahones". So it's up to X.

     Corporate terrorism is not benign, my friends, and like the opportunistic virulent virus that it is, spreads rapidly when its symptoms are ignored and go unchecked. With the promise of "plenty for everyone", greed delivers nothing but deceit, benefiting the select few, while leaving most, in the end, bereft of all but bitterness and a sense of betrayal by capitalism's scummy creed of "get it all while you can!" And if that is your idea of a just society, then you're part of the problem.

     Nothing stirs passions like the clash of ideologies, and this is certainly that. We've seen, with the anti-Globalist movement, what heartfelt passion of purpose can accomplish. Gen. X would do American culture a great service, while establishing an admirable and courageous legacy, by forcefully taming this evil of wanton gluttony that threatens us more each day, emboldened by its own perceived omnipotence. We need it done. X can do it. Too Arms...!!

Do mail Keith and tell him what you think of his writings.

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